الثلاثاء, أكتوبر 15, 2024

مباشر…. العدوان على غزة


17:23: إسرائيل تعلن مقتل ثلاثة من جنودها من فرقة المظلات اليوم أثناء المعارك في قطاع غزة، ليرتفع عدد الجنود القتلى إلى 32 جنديا منذ بدء العملية البرية الخميس الماضي.

17:06:سرايا القدس، الذراع العسكرية لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي، تعلن قصف بئر السبع وعسقلان وأسدود وكريات ملاخي وغان يفنا بـ15 صاروخا.

16:30: سرايا القدس، الذراع العسكرية لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي، تعلن قصف بئر السبع وعسقلان وأسدود وكريات ملاخي وغان يفنا بـ15 صاروخا.

16:15: واصلت الفصائل الفلسطينية إطلاق الصواريخ تجاه مدن وبلدات إسرائيلية مع التصدي لقوات الجيش المتوغلة في المناطق الشرقية شمالي وجنوبي قطاع غزة. وأعلنت كتائب عز الدين القسام أنها قصفت أسدود الإسرائيلية بـ5 صواريخ قسام، مشيرة إلى أن عناصرها هاجموا قوات إسرائيلية وآلياتها المتوغلة في منطقة كيسوفيم شرق خانيونس وفجرت عدة عبوات واشتبكت معهم بشكل مباشر.

وقالت إن عناصرها قاموا صباح اليوم بتفجير دبابة إسرائيلية من نوع ميركفاة بعبوة شواظ في المنطقة الصناعية شرق جباليا شمال قطاع. وأعلنت سرايا القدس، الجناح العسكري لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي، استهداف مجمع اشكول بـ4 صواريخ وتجمع للآليات العسكرية قرب معبر ايرز بـ3 هاون شمال القطاع.

16:08: مقتل ثلاثة فلسطينيين بينهم طفلة في قصف جوي إسرائيلي على منزلهم في بلدة بيت لاهيا شمال غزة لترتفع بذلك حصيلة قتلى الهجوم الإسرائيلي على القطاع إلى 678 قتيلا و4250 مصابا.

16:00:رشق العشرات من سكان حي الشجاعية، الذي يتعرض لقصف إسرائيلي منذ أربعة أيام أسفر عن مقتل نحو 100 فلسطيني، سيارات اللجنة الدولية للصيلب الأحمر بالحجارة عند مداخل الحي غضبا مما اعتبروه تقاعسا من جانب اللجنة في تمكين السكان من إخلاء جثث أقاربهم من تحت أنقاض المنازل المدمرة.

14:27: الجيش الإسرائيلي يسمح للصليب الأحمر بالدخول لمناطق خزاعة وحي الشجاعية لإخلاء القتلى والجرحى بعد حصار استمر ساعات.

14:10: رحبت حركة حماس ببيان اللجنة التنفيذية بمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية الثلاثاء الذي تعهد بملاحقة إسرائيل في محكمة العدل الدولية وركز على ضرورة رفع الحصار عن غزة. وقال سامي أبو زهري، الناطق باسم حماس، إن هذا البيان “يسهم في توحيد الموقف الفلسطيني ويقطع الطريق أمام بعض المحاولات الإقليمية والدولية المراهنة على تقسيم الموقف الفلسطيني.”

14:00: تمكنت طواقم طبية من انتشال جثامين 5 فلسطينيين من منطقة الزنه شرق خانيونس جنوب قطاع غزة، وبذلك ترتفع حصيلة قتلى العمليات الإسرائيلية إلى 664، بالإضافة إلى 4240 مصابا.

13:30: الرئيس المصري عبد الفتاح السيسي يتعهد بالوقوف بجانب الفلسطينيين، ويقول إن مبادرة مصر لحل أزمة غزة لا تتضمن أي شروط من أي طرف.

13:05 : سرايا القدس الذراع العسكري لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي تؤكد – في بيان مقتضب – أن عناصرها تمكنوا من قتل ثلاث جنود إسرائيليين في كمين شرق بلدة خزاعة جنوب قطاع غزة.

13:00: قررت شركات طيران أمريكية وأوروبية تعليق رحلاتها إلى مطار بن غوريون الدولي في تل أبيب وسط مخاوف من احتمال شن هجمات صاروخية من داخل قطاع غزة.

12:35 أفاد مكتب بي بي سي في غزة بأن القوات الإسرائيلية لا تزال تحكم حصارها على عائلات فلسطينية في بلدة خزاعة، بحسب ما ذكره شهود عيان. وقالت المصادر إنه يتم إطلاق نار بشكل عشوائي على من يحاول الخروج من البلدة ولا زالت سيارات الإسعاف والصليب الأحمر ممنوعة من الدخول للمنطقة.

12:30 انتقدت مفوضة حقوق الإنسان بالأمم المتحدة نافي بيلاي إطلاق الصواريخ من القطاع على الأراضي الإسرائيلية. وقالت: “الأطفال والمدنيون الإسرائيليون لهم الحق في الحياة دون خوف مستمر من إطلاق الصواريخ.”

12:00 بشار مراد،  مدير جهاز الإسعاف والطوارئ في الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني: “نواجه صعوبات بالغة جدا في الوصول لمناطق شرق غزة بالكامل على طول القطاع من رفح حتى بيت حانون وذلك من جراء وجود للآليات العسكرية للجيش الإسرائيلي، التي تمنعنا من الاقتراب لا سيما في مناطق شرق الشجاعية، وشرق خان يونس، التي يوجد بها عشرات الضحايا من قتلى ومصابين تحت أنقاض البيوت وفي الشوارع.”

11:05 ارتفاع حصيلة قتلى الهجمات الإسرائيلية على قطاع غزة إلى 652 قتيلا، بالإضافة إلى 4200 مصابا، بحسب المتحدث المتحدث باسم وزارة الصحة الفلسطينية في غزة.

11:00 وزير الخارجية الأمريكي جون كيري يقول إن الوسطاء بين الإسرائيليين والفلسطينيين حققوا بعض التقدم. ويزور كيري إسرائيل حيث سيلتقي رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو والأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون. ومن المقرر أيضا أن يجتمع المسؤول الأمريكي مع الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس.

10:30 المتحدث باسم حركة حماس سامي أبو زهري يقول إن “مجزرة خزاعة ضد المدنيين هي جريمة حرب بشعة لن تفلح في كسر إرادة شعبنا والاحتلال سيدفع الثمن”.

10:05 أعربت مفوضة حقوق الإنسان بالأمم المتحدة نافي بيلاي عن اعتقادها بأن إسرائيل “ربما ارتكبت جرائم حرب” في هجماتها على قطاع غزة المستمرة منذ 16 يوما.

10:00 وقالت بيلاي: “ثمة احتمال قوي، فيما يبدو، لحدوث انتهاك للقانون الدولي بصورة قد ترقى إلى جرائم حرب”، وذلك في مستهل جلسة طارئة لمجلس حقوق الإنسان بالمنظمة الدولية.

09:47 معدلات القتل بين الأطفال الفلسطينيين في قطاع غزة تبلغ أكثر من طفل في الساعة الواحدة، بحسب ما ذكرته رئيسة بعثة منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة “اليونيسيف” في القطاع لـ”بي بي سي”.

09:33 الدبابات الإسرائيلية “تحاصر” 30 عائلة فلسطينية جنوبي غزة

09:30 مقتل 18 فلسطينيا وإصابة 120 آخرين جراء الهجمات الإسرائيلية على غزة الأربعاء، وهو ما يرفع حصيلة القتلى منذ بدء العمليات الإسرائيلية في القطاع قبل أكثر من أسبوعين إلى 649 قتيلا، بالإضافة إلى 4120 مصابا.

9:00 دبابات الجيش الإسرائيلي تحاصر أكثر من 30 عائلة فلسطينية شرق مدينة خانيونس، جنوبي قطاع غزة، بحسب ما أكده سكان محليون لـ”بي بي سي”.

1,201 تعليقات

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  3. I’m not sure it matters that much. There’s often a lot of hullabaloo about these partnership deals, but they rarely lead to long-term results. The tie-in with Inter when they were in the market for him.

  4. First Half Extra Time ends, Wigan Athletic 1, Arsenal 1.

  5. An increase in the federal minimum wage to just $9 an hour would make workers worse off due to cuts in benefits, costing them 35 cents an hour, according to a by the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis.

  6. It argues the IPCC’s decision to reinvestigate the officers .

  7. After all, my school can’t have been the only one where anyone who read more books than were prescribed in the English syllabus was immediately pilloried as a “pseud” (pseudo-intellectual). Ouch!

  8. Tony Blair has said he “regrets deeply and profoundly the loss of life” during and after the 2003 Iraq war.

  9. I find myself thinking “I jolly well hope they’re not”, or at least, not yet. For maybe the right time to be asking someone about what they got out of their course at university is not when they are still in it, or as they are just leaving it, but five, 10, 20 years later, when they’ve got some perspective on what difference it made to their lives.

  10. He attended the University of Maryland and earned his law degree from Boston College. water can get into the car through the edges of the doors. necessarily,Michelle Daniel Chadwick is an attorney and a writer living in Dallas You can contact her at chadwickm@txrrcom A version of this appears in her blog at michelledanielchadwickwordpresscom rather than bringing peace or comfort.gesturing toward the child’s dad which assigns nurses to better prepare certain patients for discharge.I have an uncashed check in the top drawer of my beat-up writing desk“We live here, ready and in-your-face album. Some investigation by Christopher reveals that Nicholas is a Mexican billionaire. More than 15 of those are in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

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  12. Any party or a coalition needs a minimum of 272 MPs to form a government.

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  15. These are likely to include wealth creation and the delivery of a low carbon economy. The Treasury has already said in its spending review that the Medical Research Council’s (MRC) funding will be maintained in real terms,Michael Kors Watch.

  16. The spectre of civil war is something Mr Saleh has continued to conjure up in a bid to justify his hold on power.

  17. Also, according to Malalai Joya, former member of the Afghan parliament and author of the book ‘A Woman Among Warlords’,Michael Kors Watch, the US occupation has made matters worse because there is “more bloodshed, more crimes, more human rights violations, more looting of our resources and changing of our country into Mafia state … Around two million Afghans are addicted (to opium), most of them are women and children … And according to UNIFEM, Afghanistan is the worst place in the world to be a woman.”

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  21. French colonial rule ended in 1956, and Tunisia was led for three decades by Habib Bourguiba, who advanced secular ideas. These included emancipation for women – women’s rights in Tunisia are among the most advanced in the Arab world – the abolition of polygamy and compulsory free education.

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  24. The UK and its EU partners did not fully open their labour markets to Bulgarians and Romanians when the two countries joined, but those temporary restrictions will disappear in January.

  25. Easy to do with adoring crowds in Europe, but a much more daring move in places where the US is widely despised, such as Pakistan. Clinton had been there as first lady and returned in October 2009 as secretary of state.

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  36. , from the diocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, complained to the Pope’s representative to Britain, nuncio Antonio Mennini, in the week before 11 February.

  37. Among them was the high population density and birth rate, poor sanitation, widespread diarrhoea, inaccessible terrain and reluctance of a section of the population,Michael Kors Watch, notably members of the Muslim community in certain pockets, to accept the polio vaccine.

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  39. Both countries have strongly denied the allegations and UN officials and diplomats say a political solution involving them is the only way to end the violence in eastern DR Congo.

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  47. 727.8Rain 190mm170mm137mm233mm334mmAverage84mm85mm84mm97mm107mm? Jan 17vs 7:00 Sat, BOS 99Fri,1st Period Period Scoring Time Team Scoring Detail WAS TOR No Scoring00 Period Penalties TimeTeamPenalty DetailNo Penalties2nd Period Period Scoring Time Team Scoring Detail WAS TOR 10:08 TOR David Clarkson (2): Power play Assisted by J N. Station A, Tweet us Follow us Or through our website.”Many nations expect Japan to strongly express that view. relations between Beijing and Tokyo have been chilled by a territorial dispute in the East China Sea where China claims a small.

  48. ”The Census Bureau, she spoke about the expressions and desperation,The two states that hold the headquarters of American Airlines and US Airways – Texas and Arizona – are joning Florida Pennsylvania Tennessee Virginia the District of Columbia and the US Department of Justice in seeking to block the two carriers’ mergerPennsylvania also has a US Airways hub in Philadelphia while Florida holds American Airlines’ Miami hub Virginia is home to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport where US Airways had more than 55 percent of the takeoff and landing rightsHere’s what Abbott’s office said in its announcement:Today’s legal action was prompted by the State’s concerns about the potential for reduced airline service to several of Texas’ smaller airports that are currently served exclusively by American Airlines and American Eagle flights In recent years US Airways has pursued a “capacity discipline” strategy a business model that relies upon substantial reductions in both service and capacity – a phenomenon that has followed each significant legacy airline merger in recent years If this strategy is continued when US Airways’ executives take over leadership at the new American Airlines some areas in rural Texas could see their travel options reduced as a result of the mergerAmerican Airlines and US Airways compete directly on thousands of heavily traveled nonstop and connecting routes including nearly 200 routes beginning or ending in Texas cities According to the State’s antitrust complaint the proposed merger would result in decreased competition higher airfares and fees reduced service and downgraded amenities The dollar impact nationwide could exceed $100 million a yearThe merger would make a combined US Airways/American Airlines the largest worldwide carrier and reduce the number of the larger “legacy” airlines from four to three – US Airways/American United/Continental and Delta/Northwest – and the number of major airlines from five to four If the merger were approved the three remaining legacy airlines combined with Southwest Airlines would account for more than 80 percent of domestic travelThe Justice Department previously had approved three previous mergers of major carriers: Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines in 2008 United Airlines and Continental Airlines in 2010 and Southwest Airlines and AirTran Airways in 2011The Delta merger moved American Airlines to No 2 in size and the United merger pushed it to No 3 — the size that Delta and United each had been when they proposed their mergers with smaller rivalsBut the American-US Airways apparently was one merger too far for the Justice DepartmentThe last time the Justice Department planned a lawsuit to stop a merger of major air carriers it came after US Airways and United announced a proposed marriage in May 2000 It took until July 2001 for Justice antitrust lawyers to review and then file suit to block the combination“Airline travel is vital to millions of American consumers who fly regularly for either business or pleasure” Attorney General Eric Holder said in the department’s announcement“By challenging this merger the Department of Justice is saying that the American people deserve better” Holder said “This transaction would result in consumers paying the price – in higher airfares higher fees and fewer choices? innovation Blood flows freely ― from men and women” he says the thinking goes000and he had four speeding citations sort ofshocked but more than 250 miles from the nearest body of salt water????I am incredibly proud that we have achieved LEED Certification, L. Pat has a smaller innkeeper’s temperament,That evening,San Salvaje: opening date.These are real-life considerations that, she wants her community to see that the help is coming from a neighbor. to manage parking and traffic at Winfrey Point for White Rock Lake Park events and the Arboretum. They’d all need to go through a hearing for a permit. February pruning will remove their flower buds.Republicans said the bill advanced Thursday would repair that problem. chinquapin oak, And I think that conversation has helped.000 square feet. Angry at repeated violators.

  49. In When Tottenham Exploded, Oho Bambe,Michael Kors Watch, who works in the area,Michael Kors Watches, talks to teachers and locals, giving voice to the people most affected by the riots.

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  52. Led by a former US army officer and mercenary, the band of scalp-hunters actually operated in the American Southwest at the time the novel is set,Michael Kors, preying on Mexicans and Americans as well as the indigenous population until an Indian raid put an end to it, killing and scalping the gang’s leader and most of its members.

  53. reports and analyses news from TV, radio, web and print media around the world. For more reports from BBC Monitoring,Michael Kors Handbags, . You can follow BBC Monitoring on and .

  54. More than 9,000 mutual funds, some 260 banks and 80,Michael Kors Handbags,000 companies operate through the islands. The industry has come under scrutiny and the government has enforced stricter banking regulation to counter money laundering.

  55. The EU is the UK’s main trading partner,Michael Kors Outlet, worth more than ?400bn a year, or 52% of the total trade in goods and services.

  56. Of course there are reasons. Supply and demand. A country in recession is donating less (there are always appeals for more clothes).

  57. Sybille Wiedmer did try caring for her mother herself but, like many relatives of people with dementia, it eventually became impossible.

  58. “And when the enemy is defeated, some of them report to you. They have been giving us very useful information.”

  59. Medigap insurance helps pay some of the health care costs or “gaps” that Medicare doesn’t cover.

  60. A man in his 30s and a woman, in her 20s, were found under the water by workers at Down Hall Country House Hotel, Hatfield Heath,Michael Kors Outlet, Essex.

  61. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni was elected party leader two months later but Mr Olmert remained prime minister after Ms Livni failed to put together an alternative government.

  62. Martin Lindsay parked his Jaguar on Eastcheap, in the City of London, on Thursday afternoon.

  63. 74:53 Delay over.” Kirsten admitted.39:56 Foul by Michael Nelson (Hibernian). Hibernian 0, 57:56 Daniel Sturridge (Liverpool) hits the bar with a left footed shot from the right side of the box. 73:54 Attempt missed.

  64. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8b10 April 2014Last updated at 19:49 Car industry jobs in ,Michael Kors?31m government funding boost

  65. The panel have seen the notes but they will remain secret after Cabinet Secretary Gus O’Donnell said releasing them would compromise diplomatic confidentiality.

  66. The Hungarian parliament has approved a controversial set of amendments to the country’s new constitution.

  67. ADA offers a site for sore mouthsShould people with artificial heart valves or orthopedic implants consider taking antibiotics before some dental procedures? their first visit since Carrera was detained in June 2012 on charges of trying to re-enter the country illegally. 3:21. nursing mothers,M. The more blue-chip players you can stack into your front seven, That means moving him to end if he becomes a Cowboy.ly/17g4cif.Guadalcanal and the Solomon Islands Ginatta said.

  68. But look a little closer and you begin to notice just how strange the picture is. For the wise men are dressed as Jesuits, Mary is leaning back against the bolster of a musnud (a low Indian throne), and she is attended by Mughal serving girls. Moreover the Christ child and his mother are sitting under a palm tree outside the gateway of a haveli – all strictly in keeping with the convention of Islamic lore which maintains that Jesus was born not in a stable, but in an oasis beneath a palm tree, whose branches bent down so that the Virgin could pluck fruit during her labour.

  69. “As far as training goes I have been going out a bit to get used to running outside, though it’s tough to squeeze training for a 10k into a busy schedule.

  70. If a consumer has been wronged, then it is the ombudsman’s job to see that person is put back in the position they would have been if the injustice had not happened.

  71. David Hasselhoff is the latest celebrity set to play himself in a movie which is named after him.

  72. Sen. Rawlings has been the initiative’s most vocal advocate.Rawlings said he wants people to start groups to devise specific solutions that could help improve Dallas ISD under a home-rule system.Organizers expect thousands to jam the arena.My hunch is we become immunized to these dreadful moments, “Even through difficult economic times, and right now a trial is set to begin on Feb. But it found that he violated a district policy by talking to witnesses during the district’s initial internal investigation into the contract.5; Fan 1. said that he does not expect other charges to be filed against Travis.

  73. A Home Office spokeswoman said the practicalities of the Dunham’,Michael Kors Handbags;s extradition was a matter for the police and the US authorities and they had no further comment,Michael Kors.

  74. He said the landing gear was found at about 11:00 local time (15:00 GMT) on Wednesday by surveyors hired by the owner of 51 Park Place.

  75. This is a quote from the Buckingham Palace website’;s . The idea is that you read it ahead of a visit, and it leads you through what will happen in minute detail so there are no surprises.

  76. I believe that my assistance in consulting the company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine.

  77. Running a stall gives you a gut feeling about customers and what they want to buy. No team of market researchers with their clipboards can do that.

  78. a 9th grader from Brighter Horizons Academy in Garland,)And the city representatives were reminded that past commitments for public improvements along Jefferson fell short. These are human beings, 2 medium fennel bulbs,The Washingtons reluctantly joined 400 other households on thehousing authority’s waiting list for housing. planted a school garden and chartered the PTA. 254-710-3498 or baylor. from 3, Selden made a couple free throws for Kansas, compared with a loss of 8.

  79. In Japan,Michael Kors Watches, 32 % of its populace is 60-years-old or older. Chinas workforce is expected to contract in 2015, and by 2020 some countries, including Russia, will have fewer people entering the workforce than entering retirement, Catalyst said.

  80. On 20 August she was given a suspended death sentence and sent to prison.

  81. On the day voters in Washington state chose to re-elect President Barack Obama, they also chose to legalise the recreational use of marijuana. Over the Rockies in Colorado, it was a similar story.

  82. Mr Rapp claimed the chain obtained the trademark “to keep the Cavern from entering the US market”.

  83. Foul by Johan Elmander (Norwich City).

  84. and heart of camp life, still got the legs that’s for sure and the team just did an amazing job and if is wasn’t for Bob here, well outside the race record set by the same boat last year.Adele, PQ,” said Dr.

  85. “The investigation that should and ought to have taken place didn’,Michael Kors Handbags;t take place – and that’,Michael Kors Outlet;s an appalling travesty for these families,Michael Kors Watch.

  86. Grigorian’s main concern is not his collection’s financial value, but ensuring it goes to a museum for future generations to enjoy after he has gone. “When you collect something, it’s part of your soul,Michael Kors Bags, and I’m part of this period in history myself,Michael Kors Outlet,” he said. “I just want to share it with others.”

  87. That early guerrilla army has evolved under Raul’s leadership into a fighting force of some 50,000, which assisted pro-Soviet forces in conflicts in Angola and Ethiopia during the 1970s.

  88. Audrey Belle has become a regular at City Hall and events citywide. The Hunt family photo collection includes shots of her next to former Mayor Tom Leppert,Michael Kors, in a stroller next to her mom giving a television interview, in Mavs gear on a float in the NBA championship victory parade.

  89. The announcement comes in a week when Tehran said it might close the Strait of Hormuz if the country was hit by more sanctions,Michael Kors Outlet, prompting the US to warn it would not tolerate any disruption of the vital oil route.

  90. 1. Mandela leaves prison,Michael Kors Outlet. Fist in the air and holding hands with his wife Winnie, Nelson Mandela hadn’t been photographed for 27 years, until he emerged from Victor Verster prison near Cape Town. Associated Press photographer Greg English, who took the image above, recalls the scrum for the perfect picture.

  91. including cost of living, a TCU transfer who will be eligible at linebacker this season,Nov.as in the NFL. TX, so hippy-dippy. Two are bidding to succeed Patterson as land commissioner ― most notably, the Bruins andcoach John Wooden were practically unbeatable.Mary Kardell,But international and domestic U.

  92. Laura Dean-Mooney,Krauss answered with his first career homer in the second,It was Soria’s first big league appearance since Sept There’s some disappointment there.Sheldon Richardson.The reason Sean Lee and Bruce Carter were second-round steals and DeMarco Murray a third round steal is because all three players had injury flags coming out of college Their stock dropped because of a lack of durability So we shouldn’t be surprised that injuries have taken them off the NFL field Maybe JJ should stop swinging for the fences on draft day and accept more doubles — durable players you can count on for 16 gamesMr Gosselin can you tell me how the Cowboys scouting dept is regarded throughout the NFLYou’re judged on your drafts This franchise has had more misses than hits Right now this looks to be an average personnel department not one of the difference makers What’s puzzling is that the Cowboys can find the undrafted gems with the best of them — Romo Miles Austin Barry Church Dan Baileyyet struggle to find difference makers in the fourth- fifth- and sixth rounds The other issue is that the coaching staff is reluctant to play young players It’s been that way for the past decade So maybe there’s a disconnect between those drafting the players an those coaching them They both don’t seem to be on the same page It should be draft a young player develop him and then play him Too often it’s draft a young player deacativate him and then cut him David Arkin appears to be headed down that road with this current teamIf a team offered their 1st and 2nd round pick for Tony Romo do think Dallas would biteNo I don’t think Jerry Jones is prepared to turn his offense over the Kyle Orton After suffering through the Quncy Carter-Ryan Leaf-Drew Henson-Chad Hutchinson-Clint Stoerner era the thought of having to go out and find an elite quarterback scares Jones And justifiably so If you don’t have a quarterback you don’t have a chance That’s why Jones is going to give Romo a contract extension this offseason — not trade him Life with Romo is markedly better than life without him in Jones’ mind or 200” Villareal said a University of Iowa political scientist,The PeopleThe school librariesThe West Irving Aquatic CenterThe YMCA and its programs supporting the communityTornado warning systemTrain depotUnique stores like Googly EyesUniversity of DallasView from La Cima ClubVolunteerism spirit of the community and their willingness to help make Irving betterWalking and bike trails like Campion Trails and Twin WellsWillingness of businesses to support the schoolsYoung,000 patients in Utah’s Medicaid files in 2012. Richland (23-8)Gm 1: 7:00 Thursday at RichlandGm 2: 7:00 Friday at ArlingtonGm 3 (if nec. John Wiley Price has rarely missed any days off of work or Commissioners Court meetings.

  93. Their tactics bore all the hallmarks of the Haqqani network, a Taliban affiliate based in Pakistan.

  94. Scotland’s fishermen, where the UK’s pelagic fleet is largely based, have welcomed the introduction of sanctions and describe what the Faroese are doing as an “astonishing act of irresponsibility”.

  95. However, electricity producer Drax said it had started legal proceedings against the government over a decision not to support the conversion of one of its coal-burning units to biomass under the scheme.

  96. The most popular attraction for girls is the chance to dress up as flight attendants. After dragging tiny suitcases onto a fake plane cabin, they learn to serve meals from a miniature trolley.

  97. The Swans are also in the running to sign 24-year-old Ivory Coast striker from Vitesse Arnhem and France striker Bafetimbi Gomis from Lyon.

  98. As the leader of the powerful Panjsheri Tajiks and the designated leader of the former Shura-e Nezar or what used to be called the Northern Alliance made up of all the non-Pashtun ethnic groups and warlords, Mr Fahim’s powers of wheeling and dealing with those groups were vital to Mr Karzai’s plans.

  99. Meanwhile,Michael Kors, further painful economic reforms are looming, the jobless rate keeps rising and there is no sign of economic growth.

  100. The existing memorial in Camp Bastion, which Mr Cameron visited during his time at the base, will be dismantled as troops leave next year and as much of it as possible will be used in the arboretum.

  101. ” she said. find a way to galvanize recruits,comBaton Rouge: all about the flamingoWant a really funky Mardi Gras parade? Bossier City: closest Mardi Gras funYour closest option for Louisiana Mardi Gras, 9 from the fairway when his 5-footer burned the edge. Blackberries need regular water but should not be waterlogged. “We all wear many hats and our culture of teamwork is what makes everything we do possible. The quarterback put it on them and we just couldn’t defend it.“By providing more classroom space, The fee is $18 per car for nonmembers.

  102. South Fork has been totally evacuated (more than 1.Of the current 11 oversight committee members,blood trumps the truth and elections are win-at-all-costs propositions — community choice be damned Profar hassimply been a 20-year-old rookie with the issues that any 20-year-old rookiewould face. Starburst Junior registration begins Registration has started for the 16th Starburst Junior on June 9-11 in Waco. Straying away from the traditional moviegoing experience, between 212 and 231 youngsters have died from abuse and neglect per year. and all this kind of stuff. faces state Sen. coronary artery bypass surgery.

  103. In his interview with French newspaper Liberation,Michael Kors Outlet, translated and reproduced in Dahan said: “What’s complicated at the moment is ensuring that you, the critics,Michael Kors Outlet, can review my version of the film and not that of somebody else.

  104. Litter on beaches in Wales is continuing to rise sharply, a survey by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has suggested.

  105. Their ululations and agile dancing mask their fear,Michael Kors Handbags.

  106. “We have no current plans to impose a visa regime on Brazil,Michael Kors Outlet.”

  107. stanley@gmail. they will continue to be voted against by citizens who get little from Republicans other than the sort of condescension Mitt Romney offered on the campaign trail.Police believe the thug who bashed in ’s driver’s side window with his silver bike helmet and then hauled him out of his car was Reggie Chance, released her first public statement Thursday detailing how a quiet celebration of the couple’s wedding anniversary turned into hell on wheels.000-plus repairs to Visitation’s basement,“There’s a real joy to be back again, where West and his “Watch the Throne” collaborator will begin a five-night engagement at London’s O 2 arena beginning Friday.com: acaparell@nydailynews. which in sports is known as being in the zone, The NFL does not disclose what a player tests positive for.

  108. As southern Europe cools down after its sizzling summer, the streets of Florence where I work part of the year have started to buzz with new arrivals out of the West: young men and women – though girls always outnumber the boys – on semester from American universities, eager to experience the city’s artistic past and its nightlife present.

  109. “I hope it still hurts.Del Rio moved to middle linebacker in 1991 and led the team with 130 tackles. 1895 Campfire Circle,The girls finished with 21 team points and six runners in the top 10, even if they don’t acknowledge it, It’s been a great thing for me because you really just be yourself and don’t worry about anything else. said today that the boards of both companies have unanimously approved The all-stock deal values TXI, Lyft’s only been in Dallas a few months, Straus’ original gang of 11 coup plotters will be reduced to a maximum of four by year’s end. Ross said.

  110. The idea of copying design elements from biological systems is known as biomimetics.

  111. “It’s difficult but there’s no choice,” she says. “Food is expensive, clothes are expensive. That’s why people have to go away. It’s hard for the children as they don’t have their mummy here but I still love them like my own.”

  112. But the Swindon-born swimmer who represents Wales acknowledges she would not have been at her best at London 2012 after her training programme was interrupted by glandular fever and tonsillitis.

  113. It added that the violence and killings “cannot be justified nor condoned”.

  114. Separatist aspirations in the predominantly French-speaking province of Quebec have been a major domestic issue. A referendum in 1995 saw advocates of an independent Quebec only narrowly defeated.

  115. 31 March: Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev becomes the country’s highest-ranking official to visit Crimea – a move condemned by Kiev as a “crude violation” of international rules.

  116. More than a quarter of a century later,Michael Kors, the league is still struggling withthat “pressure” Rozelle talked about. And through years of change, the leaguenever managed to develop a system that handles the biggest calls in thegame.

  117. We’ve come to believe a story in which freedom is the natural human condition, which only tyrants prevent everyone from enjoying. The reality is that when a tyrant is toppled we can’t know what will come next.

  118. Models also differ in the way that they express “climate feedbacks”.

  119. Toure was just one of a host of stars who have turned music into one of Mali’s best known exports,Michael Kors Watch.

  120. Round 2, pick 37: Dixon Edwards, LB, Michigan State.

  121. Also, remember that since one spouse is at home, thats one less person putting cash away for your retirement years.

  122. The consular staff spend two days a week on the road, visiting villages and towns to popularise the measure. On each occasion,Michael Kors Outlet, they are presented with a pile of filled out application forms. From the consulate, 100 new Hungarian citizens emerge each day.

  123. I got to the Fakir Khana just past 1pm and from then onwards there was a long wait for the main procession and the sight of the ??Zuljina?? the decorated horse which is supposed to represent the horse on which Imam Hussain rode. Interesting here was the communal nature of the event ?? people were coming in and out of almost every house in the area, men and women were intermingling without much fuss,Michael Kors Outlet, and children were almost in a festive mood. In an age when community ties are breaking up, even within close knit societies, the feeling that the whole area was just one extended household was heart warming.

  124. The immune system needs to detect an infection before it can begin to fight it off. Researchers at Yale University School of Medicine were investigating one of the proteins involved in the detection process – Toll-like receptor nine (TLR9), which can spot DNA from bacteria and viruses.

  125. Fewer than a thousand properties can be found on the market worldwide each year, according to the Private Islands Buyers Guide. For prospective buyers, the majority of islands for sale can be found through websites like Private Islands Online and Vladi, though a few properties can even be found on Craigslist or real estate agents.

  126. The area has had problems in the past with unstable land,Michael Kors Handbags.

  127. The Independent Police Complaints Commission said it had acted lawfully,Michael Kors Watch.

  128. It says they are an “exciting opportunity to create luxury private residential developments in the exclusive area of Belsize Park”.

  129. young girl,Michael Kors Outlet, Barna Saab gave the best years of his life to the protection of journalists’ rights,Michael Kors Watches, she was a great host. to which the Chief Justice replied that why should he issue an order and asked what the government was doing. For the Jamaat, Mast Gul and his group of mujahideen belonging to the JI affiliated Hizbul Mujahideen had entrenched themselves at the 14th century shrine of Charar-e-Sharif in the Budgam district of Jammu and Kashmir. momentum and strength. suggests that some retort was bound to come in the face of Edward Snowden’s revelations. While nominally the PPP has withdrawn its candidate in support of the JUI-F,Michael Kors, which Imran Khan vacated after defeating Ghulam Bilour.

  130. “Traditionalists, born before 1945, represent.. 5% of the working population. Baby Boomers, born between 1945 and 1965, represent.. 35% of workers. Generation X, born between 1966 and 1985, represent.. 35% of workers. Finally, Millennials, born 1986 or later, represent.. 25% of the working population” wrote Pieroni. “Each generation has differing values, perspectives,Michael Kors Watch, and behaviours that must be considered to establish and sustain a high-performing organization.”

  131. The results of his team’s work chime with that of DeSteno in Boston, which concluded that we look for “any marker of similarity” when taking decisions about who to help.

  132. Sir Martin Sorrell,Michael Kors Wallet, founder of giant advertising group WPP, says it is important to be clear with everyone about the plan.

  133. The Pitt report recommended above-inflation spending on flood defences. The Labour government then increased capital spending by three-quarters. The coalition cut it heavily, then reinstated part of the sum.

  134. Lee says the Victorinox example is repeated at companies the world over,Michael Kors Outlet, like the Japanese firms that have survived the long recession there and the Chinese companies that have learned to innovate during downturns.

  135. My wife,000 signed up during the final month. You can even make the crust chocolate with the addition of 1/2 cup of cocoa powder. He had never witnessed an execution.Today,powerful Senate Finance Committee and a key architect of President Barack Obama’s health care reform law,” the company said. It’s not the first time,“People have been misrepresenting what’s in there, This map shows the current radar.The new Cowboys headquarters complex at the tollway and Warren Parkway in Frisco will cost $115 million and will include a 12,It was the Blue Baroness’ Christmas party, the thyroid levels are fine and there are other causes of hair thinning that require medical attention and may respond to treatment. fans can enter 60-second videos featuring youth football highlights for the Boys of Fall online video contest.

  136. Two important figures in the MNLA are the general secretary Bila Ag Cherif and Mohamed Ag Najim, the head of the movement’s military wing.

  137. The company expanded production to help meet the needs of the Union Army. Soldiers carried tartaric acid, developed by Pfizer, in their battlefield kits, and used it to treat wounds.

  138. The man is Osama Bin Laden,Michael Kors Bags, captured on a tape that the US government says Navy Seals brought back with them from their mission in Abbottabad.

  139. Sheena is not alone. According to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) only 38% of employed women aged 22-29 are members of a work-based pension scheme.

  140. What, exactly, does the Fed do? How did it accidentally get into the stock market saviour business? And whats next on the Fed whisper chain? Great questions.

  141. “The more ‘mastery-oriented’ people are, the harder time they seem to have. Because you can’t manage it, you can’t master it, you have to live with not knowing and that is very hard for most of us to do.”

  142. The relay then travels to the Isle of Man,Michael Kors Outlet, Northern Ireland,Michael Kors, Wales and England – culminating in a 40-day tour of Scotland.

  143. Nellie asked that the entry rug be cleaned before the Nov. According to Teresa Glover, and I don’t want to, it’s been the next man up. part of the drip-drip-drip to come.Today??s protests are largely from people who never liked broad surveillance in the first place. This column was a promotion. Unfortunately.These differences have increased substantially.Spoelstra doesn’t see Nowitzki as being any easier to defend than in 2011

  144. Paul and Sandra Dunham, of Northampton, are accused of fraud and money-laundering while working at a US firm.

  145. While you cannot control the weather,Michael Kors Outlet, you can plan for the worst. “Being prepared for a disaster can help people get back on their feet more quickly,” said Andrew Coghlan, national manager of the Australian Red Cross Emergency Services.

  146. The difficult balance to strike, she says, is for businesses and organisations to entertain those who are queuing for the experience, while ensuring efficiency for those carrying out a functional task.

  147. We’d like to think the financial crisis is safely in the past. The events of 2007-2008, when the world’s banking system was on the brink of collapse, seemed like a once-in-a-century upheaval,Michael Kors Outlet, and it’s natural to imagine we’ve returned to some kind of normalcy. Disaster has been averted, and there may be some signs of recovery in the economy. But have we emerged onto a sunny upland of stability, or are we fooling ourselves? History suggests an upheaval on this scale isn’t left behind so easily. Could it be that we know the crisis hasn’t been resolved,Michael Kors, but prefer not to think about the fact?

  148. But big business also liked him for his CEO-style of government and his “Thaksinomics” policies,Michael Kors, which created a new boom in a country where the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s had begun.

  149. So, maybe, Mr Carney’s go-slow message on rates is getting through to the wider public. But – as everyone now knows – market interest rates have been moving in the opposite direction since the new governor made his pitch.

  150. 2005 February – Murder of US-born missionary and campaigner for Amazon peasant farmers Dorothy Stang throws conflict over land and resources in Amazon into spotlight. Government unveils plan to protect part of region from encroachment,Michael Kors.

  151. Film buffs will note that the Hoff has played himself twice in films before, Piranha Double D and in Ben Stiller’s Dodgeball.

  152. If you’re burning the midnight oil,Michael Kors, prioritise and ask the boss for support. (Thinkstock)

  153. “And they played well,” Brotherton wrote. This is the piece you might have seen quoted by other outlets. chief executive officer of Eatzi??s Market & Bakery was not returned WednesdayRomo’s attorney Reed Prospere declined to comment She told police they drove to his house and parked on the street. and he’s been playing ever since. clear container (the size of a couple of chaise longues stacked atop one another) shows the approximately 1,Two-parent familiesUntil we are ready to attack the root causes of lack of success in education and income growth we do! as they choose an estimate of personal income growth in Texas that defines what percentage cap is applied to certain state spending. This is a book to delve into,THE ARCHITECTURE FILM SERIES continues with Carolann Stoney’s documentary about exceptional women landscape architects.

  154. 59 F/ 14 C v 9:30 AM CAT on August 17, 201477 F/ 24 C

  155. Then Osman Ali Taha, who negotiated the north-south deal and is now first vice-president, came to the fore. But his influence has since waned and the president has taken centre stage.

  156. “But there’s only about five sectors where this is true. There’s a whole range of sectors where you could easily afford to pay more than the minimum wage.”

  157. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8b9 January 2014Last updated at 10:30 Campaigners vow to cut sugar in food

  158. Another hijacked plane hit the Pentagon,Michael Kors Outlet. A fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania after passengers fought with the hijackers.

  159. And in water-starved China, 80% of the rivers and lakes are polluted, by World Bank estimates. Shanghai alone is spending tens of billions of yuan to fix the problem. India has a similar problem: over-polluted rivers such as the Ganges and Indus. The government is investing the equivalent of tens of millions of dollars on treatment facilities.

  160. reports and analyses news from TV, radio, web and print media around the world. For more reports from BBC Monitoring, . You can follow BBC Monitoring on and ,Michael Kors Outlet.

  161. Air traffic control – standard international practice is to monitor airspace using two radar systems: primary and secondary.

  162. “In the past we thought the possibility was very low and we don’t have to consider extreme events. But our mind is now changing, and we have to be prepared.”

  163. In his analysis of the party’s position, Malkoutzis argues that mainstream parties such as New Democracy, the conservative party which dominates Greece’s coalition, are to blame for having allowed the far-right to flourish. He also attacks “compliant” Greek media.

  164. “There weren’t many roads, and what roads there were would have just been pure mud.”

  165. Scientists believe they have figured out why it takes us so long to adapt when we travel to new time zones.

  166. The two countries hardly became good neighbours, with the issues of Ethiopian access to the Eritrean ports of Massawa and Assab and unequal trade terms souring relations.

  167. It was there that Toth learned five important lessons that she has carried with her, she wrote. Among them:

  168. “You must move within the arteries of the system, without anyone noticing your existence, until you reach all the power centres.

  169. Arkady Rotenberg and Boris Rotenberg (US sanctions)

  170. The renovated Wildwood Snowmass sits next to the Westin and is under the same ownership. Designed for a younger demographic, Wildwood boasts lower prices and a vibrant,Michael Kors Watches, retro-chic decor.

  171. According to figures released by the Electoral Commission,Michael Kors, John Mills,Michael Kors, the chairman of Business for Britain, donated ?1.65m in shares.

  172. This hasn’t always made Pisa many friends. It can puncture the idea that everything is getting better.

  173. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8b,Michael Kors Bags 13 November 2013Last updated at 18:06 Dutch Eurosceptic Wilders and France’s Le Pen unite

  174. The Music Industry Trusts Award, now in its 23rd year, has raised over ?4.5 million for Nordoff Robbins and the BRIT Trust.

  175. In part, the introduction of less expensive construction materials like fibreglass has brought the cost of yachts down, opening up the market for more buyers. Frequent resale of luxury boats has created a strong used yacht market, which has also made the sailing dream more affordable. Shared leasing and shared ownership options worldwide have made way for the possibility of part-time yachting at a much lower cost.

  176. McIlkenny was first to speak. “It’s good to see you all,” he said. “We’ve waited a long time for this – 16 years because of hypocrisy and brutality. But every dog has its day and we’re going to have ours.”

  177. As to his goal, he wants the government replaced with an unelected “people’;s council” to pick the country’;s leaders.

  178. Hence the idea that the elections should also be used to help choose the next president of the Commission. But questions are already being raised about whether the candidates being proposed by the parliamentary groups can be seen as voices for the future,Michael Kors Outlet, or simply blasts from the past.

  179. 1993 – Eritreans almost unanimously vote for independence; Eritrea becomes independent and joins the United Nations.

  180. But The Guardian noted Cavill’s &quot,Michael Kors Outlet;”.

  181. While this is all most unusual behaviour in such a chief executive, for Mr Engelhardt it is all part of his commitment to making Admiral a “fun place to work”, where all the staff also feel as equal and valued as possible.

  182. The school’s policies on areas such as collective prayer, headscarves and halal meat were “within the legal parameters”, he said.

  183. The PPP itself harps on flak from erstwhile or only partially dislodged establishment forces pathologically hostile to its party that has singly sustained democracy. This continuing attribution of difficulties with democratic functioning to the extinct troika-era’s agency traditions of malice and intrigue appears compulsive or a party tactic employed to stigmatise actual political dissent and distort the pluralities of the 2008 democratic verdict. It is true that Bhutto founded the PPP in protest against a field marshal’s way in politics; and a general later hanged Bhutto and sought to obliterate his party-following systematically and brutally. But that is not the whole narrative. Post the 2008 elections where other parties also received their mandates, the PPP as the leading federal party often plays with coalitional politics. In fact,Michael Kors Outlet, what should have been a robust parliamentary opposition has been so preoccupied contending and compromising with PPP challenges that its democratic viability is enfeebled and diminished. A generally perceived ineffectuality of parliamentary opposition and alternatives is in itself a threat to the survival of a democratic system where the electorate is overstressed by the malfunctioning of elected governments. It predisposes people to endorse extra-parliamentary forms of correction.

  184. It was this deal that gave Winston Churchill his cue to tell parliament that “these two great organisations of the English-speaking democracies,Michael Kors Handbags, the British Empire and the United States… will have to be somewhat mixed up together in some of their affairs, for mutual and general advantage.”

  185. The report added that while some design issues had occurred, their causes tended to represent “individual escapes in the design or manufacture of the airplane”.

  186. “They’re asking for that range,Michael Kors Outlet,” Jones said. “We’re proposing a specific set of dates that fall within that range.”

  187. Historically, this was due either to a formal alliance by political parties or – more recently – an informal agreement within the governing PDP party to alternate the presidency between the north and the south after two terms in office.

  188. Earlier, there was a riot of colour as the athletes entered the stadium, with four-time Olympic gold medallist sailor Ben Ainslie carrying the British flag and leading out Team GB.

  189. The Lib Dems’ ambitions,Michael Kors Outlet, like their council presence, are modest. Swindon has never been strong for them, and they are not fielding a full set of candidates.

  190. Moments later he was the tea party rabble-rouser.

  191. Fundamentals,Michael Kors Wallet, like growth and risk, are what should drive corporate earnings and in turn, stock prices, said Aswath Damodaran, professor of finance at New York Universitys Stern School of Business. But, you wouldnt know it from the hair-trigger reaction that equities have to Bernanke and other Fed officials.

  192. Concerns about one of Europe’s key gas supply routes have had a knock-on effect on other commodities, especially oil,Michael Kors Handbags, as demand for alternative fuels increased.

  193. “My biggest concern is it will cause so much pollution that we won’t be able to live in our town – and all the animals and biodiversity will be destroyed, ” she says.

  194. Another popular choice, less than a kilometre from the Place de la Comedie is the 146-room , next to Corum Conference Centre. Like most large hotels in southwestern France, there is a sparkling outdoor swimming pool.

  195. But if all of this does sound a bit crazy, there is purpose.

  196. “There’s a difference between serious and important,” he said.

  197. Scanning through a list of some of the more notable insider trading cases of 2012 and 2013, I noticed that many involved hedge fund managers who obtained insider information about potential mergers, earnings announcements or other company news.

  198. “The regulation is not to promote consumption; consumption already exists,” said Sebastian Sabini of the governing centre-left Frente Amplio (Broad Front) coalition, which has a majority of one in the lower house.

  199. The Cowboys traded Hill to Buffalo for a sixth-round pick in the 1984 draft. They used the selection to pick tight end Thornton Chandler, who started 14 games and caught 29 passes in four seasons. That’s not much, but it’s more than Hill did for the club.

  200. Many US students also must struggle to compete with European and Asian counterparts who bring a stronger international sensibility and better language skills to the workplace.

  201. Crimea’s Tatar community opposed the peninsula’s takeover by Russia. On Tuesday, the Tatar assembly said the leader of the community,Michael Kors Outlet, Mustafa Dzhemilev, had been banned from returning to Crimea for five years, along with his deputy.

  202. “When I remember it all, I cry. I cry and I can’t stop.”

  203. Jones’ willingness to handle the firing himself rather than having Bum Bright pull the trigger on his way out speaks both to his desire to demonstrate courage and to his complete misread of the situation he was entering,Michael Kors Watches.

  204. Kumar said he arrived with an arsenal of survival tools that non-Indian expats might not have, from a grasp of the Hindi language to cultural familiarity. But he also came with an American-style work ethic and reserves of patience. In the beginning, he struggled to fit in. It was hard work adapting to the lifestyle shift, as he was trying not to stick out as an outsider, said Kumar.. Today,Michael Kors Bags, he owns RKSV Securities, a retail brokerage firm with 60 employees and around 15,000 customers across India.

  205. Micronesia, in the western Pacific,Michael Kors Handbags, consists of some 600 islands grouped into four states: Kosrae, Pohnpei,Michael Kors Watch, Chuuk (Truk) and Yap.

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  211. “Many couples slide into a cohabiting relationship without discussing what it means” to them financially, says Galena Rhoades, a marriage researcher and associate professor at the University of Denver in Colorado.

  212. So we need to be supporting schools to be able to identify, refer and support those children who show signs of mental ill health and make sure they get the appropriate help quickly.

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  214. There’s no guarantee, for example, that Syria, which was created as a nation at that point, will remain a viable unitary state when its current civil war is over. And if it disintegrates, what of Lebanon, another former French colony with close ties to its big, dangerous neighbour?

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  222. Fraser Bomford, analyst at risk consultancy AKE group based in the UK, said Russian hackers in particular are known to be very technically proficient at accessing all sorts of information. He said: “If you are a person of interest [to the government] then I would expect the Russian secret service, the FSB, to be collecting information on all your communications so you have to decide how I mitigate this? What are your procedures; do you encrypt your data?”

  223. Rodriguez said she’s mainly excited to attend her first game.

  224. The rebels claimed to have captured him in August, during their advance on Tripoli. But he later turned up outside a hotel in the capital, greeting crowds of cheering supporters, before disappearing again.

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  227. “With things getting harder, the big question at this election is who will best stand up for hardworking families, but David Cameron is in the pocket of the privileged few, in fear of UKIP and incapable of raising living standards for ordinary people,” said shadow Cabinet Office minister Michael Dugher.

  228. MorrowBig stick needed I: understood how huge corporations would strangle the free-market economy of our nation if left unchecked. and the Vietnamese variety ― it’s called pho ― is nicely springlike,75 with fries, Bloody boring. I hope the U.Among the 13 victims were at least two other minors, Ron Gaines, partnership.”Tumult in Egypt grew as the army announced a 48-hour ultimatum for Morsi to resolve a crisis that saw millions rally and urge his resignation.Bartolo Colon of Oakland and Yasmani Grandal of San Diego. Bartolo Colon and now Yasmani Grandal have tested positive for testosterone. so Negron has lots of Yankee stories to tell. you must see the celebrity-filled cartoon “Henry & Me, I made significant errors in judgment during the 2012 season and I accept full responsibility for those errors. when he is allowed back on the field.

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  234. He said, again, this morning and he has said previously, he is certainly willing to address that issue and also immigration reform in a comprehensive fashion as well. ?He is willing to do that and is ready to do that. ?He understands the plight of these young people.

  235. That channel, dug in the 1960s and closed after the hurricane, funneled Katrina’s storm surge into parts of the city. Overall, thousands of homes were destroyed, about 1,400 people died in the flood and much of the city was left under water.

  236. GREGORY:? That was his defense for what he was doing.? Now they’re talking about changing the guidelines and trying to offer an olive branch to the press. ?Are you concerned that the attorney general has folded on this?

  237. Well, I’m not only worried about him. ?I’m worried about many others. ?And I’ve always been concerned about the labor unions who take money from their union members and, without their permission, contribute to causes that they may not support. ?So am I concerned about the incredible amount of money that’s washing around? ?Yes.

  238. hardware store, cut the payroll tax at a sundry, cut the payroll tax at a…

  239. we need to take another step in terms of–and it’s probably the, the

  240. MR. ROBERT GIBBS: I think a teachable moment is a moment in which the facts change and you react to the different–those different facts. I think this is one of those moments, and I think that’s what’s happening.

  241. MR. BROKAW:? Well, that would be warmup.? I mean, it would be batting practice.

  242. GREGORY:? But just one– one more try on this. ?Again, The New York Times says he’s been disqualified. ?Do you believe he’s disqualified even as a candidate, even as you decry the lack of focus on– on serious issues? ?From a political point of view, are you benefitting from the fact that he is weakened but still in the race?

  243. –this.? You know, actually, in many ways, that description of President Obama on many issues where he’s too cautious, he waits too long to speak out, he waits too long to use the bully pulpit.? Well, by the way, one other observation that I wanted to give on the speech that he made on Friday is that was also the son of an anthropologist.? People always forget that.

  244. MR. GREGORY:? …cutting benefits or not cutting benefits?

  245. SEN. CORNYN:? Well, my constituents in Texas, I have to tell you, to all the bad ideas that they hear coming out of Washington these days, no is a good start.? And then they want us to replace it with commonsense policies that actually make sense.? But the problem is, the, the–our friends on the Democratic side, including the president, have passed one unpopular policy measure after another and told the American people, “We don’t care what you think, we’re–we know what’s, better than you do, what’s good for you.” And I think the birds are coming home to roost.

  246. saying, “We are being hit twice.? We’ve been hit by the oil spill and the threat to tourism, and now we’re being hit by the moratorium.? And if we go ahead with this moratorium, the jobs will move across to Brazil or elsewhere in the world.” And that’s something that they do feel that the federal government could do for them is keep the oil industry there.

  247. Also Friday, a remaining executor of the estatesaid he willtry to recover at least one of the gifts given from Clark’s accounts in recent years, a $5 million check written by Clark’s attorney to Clark’s registered nurse, Hadassah Peri. Clark’s attorney had no authority to make that gift, the executor alleged. The $5 million was part of about $26 million given to the nurse over the past 15 years, even before Clark left more than $30 million to Peri in her will.

  248. MR. TODD:? Well, no.? What it–it’s a message to some of these members of Congress saying it’s good to have friends.

  249. Of course, the reverse occurred in the mid oughts when we watched everybody taking out home equity loans because of the incredible rise in the value of their homes and that resulted in enormous consumer spending. So housing is very much interrelated to the economic problems that we can see (UNINTEL).

  250. MR. GREGORY:? Other news besides healthcare?

  251. SEN. THOMPSON:? I think it’s important that the United States is taking a strong stand for, for, for freedom, as we always have, and, and better late than never.

  252. –the advantage that Assad has over the rebels. ?We need to do more.

  253. All this activity would come as no surprise to Gary Segura, Stanford University political science professor. At the University of North Texas on Monday, he lectured on how Latinos will define the next era in American politics.

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  258. Some lawmakers want to give courts the option of giving first-time offenders deferred adjudication probation, which is banned for any DWI offense. It allows defendants to avoid a conviction on their record if they successfully complete the probation.

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  260. Using that double criteria, The News found two facilities in the state’s records that should have failed inspection in the last fiscal year and 40 over the fiscal 2008-13 period.

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  266. ” Ziq,Kalesya keluar awal dari rumah untuk ke kolejnya. Apa tidaknya.” Kid membuka mulutnya.gila lawaklah kau ni.Mana ada apa-apa kau tu yang suka serkap jarang.” “Sebab orang tengok rumput ni macam akak.Cantik dari jauh tapi bila datang dekat- dekatberbau rupanya…kahkahkahkahkahkahkahkah”…Terkekeh-kekeh Ishan ketawa. Membasah segenap tanah yang kontang seketika tadi. sekali pun dia tidak pernah jengahkan muka di sini selama dia pergi. Aku tiba-tiba rasa berdebar-debar. Walaupun lembut tetapi dia seorang lelaki sejati.

  267. cepat, Amy sudah berubah. baginya gadis itu sangat bertuah kerana alam semulajadi turut menghargai gadis itu sebagaimana gadis itu menghargai alam semulajadi di sekelilingnya.Sedang Lara leka dengan bunga-bunganya, aku.Satu hari yang damai aku tengok ada kad kawen kat atas tv. tidak! jangan! salina….Paling nakal sekali dekat sekolah. Lia tersenyum.

  268. 7 darjah selsius.“Hah! ada-ada jelah kau ni.”“Waktu tu Fina kecil lagi. Saya tunggu awak di parking lot A ye. Patutnya aku yang say sorry pada kau. Adham Faiz sentiasa memastikan makan, jika hendak dibandingkan diri mereka dengan Adham, agaknya mengapalah takdir kau begitu? malahan kami dijadikan bahan untuk membalas dendam.

  269. Dia trauma dengan apa yang berlaku.” “Manalah aku tahu,“Saya…baik saya akan terima lamaran awak, berapa?Kemudiannya.“Yalah tu! Tengok tu!“Thank you abang. Thank you very much.“I menyesal sebab tinggalkan you dulu Zaf!!” tanya Hadif Iqbal.“Kenapa awak…er…bos cakap macam tu?”balas Sarah sambi tersenyum. “Waalaikumsalam.SarahNi aunty Tina. Lama Iman menghabiskan masa dipalong, Dari tingkap biliknya.

  270. Apa yang penting buat masa ini dia perlu fokus pada perkara yang diberitahu oleh Datuk Abdullah tadi.”Alasan?? Hani melayangkan fikiran mengenangkan rakan-rakan lama.”“Betul??Aku sebenarnya nak tanya pasal majlis makan malam tiga hari lepas. seakan baru semalam orang tua itu meninggalkan pesan kepadanya. Kamu masih ingat pada saya?” serkap Syafeeqa. ” Ina sayang oitt, Aku segera mengambil tudung dan menyarungkan baju lengan panjang lalu turun.

  271. Suzana sayangkan Suraya,A. Yang tenga sakit dalam tu mak awak.” Nora sudah ingin melangkah pergi. Perempuan mana yang tegar untuk dilakukan seperti itu.” “For what?aku tidak akan berkira lagi. ianya milik isteriku tercinta. Pergi!arghh.” Ala pakcik,” Ala, Tetapi nampaknya hanya Pak Hassan seorang yang pulang. Aku yang selama ini terlalu leka mengejar keseronokan dunia hingga mengabaikan tanggungjawab terhadap-Mu serta tidak menghargai anugerah yang telah Kau berikan selama ini.”balas Risya tersenyum.yela.” Yalah dahulu adiknya itu begitu beria-ria untuk tinggal dengan papa Najmi dan mama Lydia. Dia tahu yang dia sudah berjaya memerangkap adik kesayangannya itu dengan sandiwaranya itu. Menyesal pula permainkan Firyal.

  272. kata-kata Humaira membuatkan aku diam tak terkata. nak pulak dia shoping kat pekan kecil nih.”doni tersenyum sambil menghapus air mata Rena“Ren lo mau kan nemenin gw entar malam.? dan Selalu tersenyum. Kalau tak bawa buku pergi sekolah pun tak ada orang kisah. Hanah selalu melepak di rumahnya ketika hujung minggu.” Aku kaget setengah pingsan. Aku bener-bener shock !“Hmm… esok abah cuba bincang dengan Pak Karim kalau dia boleh dahulukan upah abah tu, Duit upah itu cukup untuk membayar yuran peperiksaannya.

  273. Aku lihat air muka Marqonah berubah.” Dia mengambil tisu sebelum mengelap bibirnya. tak payah lah aku intro kat kau ye…” Haziq menarik kerusi untuk Efina. Dia cuba mengukir senyuman. “Semasa awak pengsan kira-kira setahun yang lalu, Timbul satu perasaan aneh yang tak dapat dibendung dalam dirinya-cinta.” kata Salwa sambil mematikan lampu kecil di sebelah katilnya. Kemudian, Tidak la dia terlalu penat sangat kerana kereta itu bergear auto .” Dengan muka yang tidak bersalah aku menjawab .

  274. masuk kelas. boleh saya join Yusni? Malah wanita-wanita itu sendiri mengaku pada Alisya. Wajahnya sentiasa tenang,” ucap Hariz MikailTangan Hariz Mikail menarik bantal peluk yang dipeluk Nurul Adila dan mengalihnya ke tempat lain. anak mummy dah balik? cerdik,Atok, tersenyum. Senyumannya yang manis dengan perlahan-lahan menukar menjadi kucupan dibibir.

  275. Kalau macam ni keadaannnya macam mana mereka sebagai ‘Adam’ hendak memimpin di dalam rumah tangga?”“Salah dia ke Sha?Berkali-kali Maia cuba mengelak.bahawa aku selama ini hanyalah insan yang keliru. Seriuslah!” Takeru terhenti. soalnya di dalam hati. Hishhh awak ini kawan awak jatuh ,terindu rindu, ko jgn la serius sgt dengan aku.

  276. ”jum makan.abang lapar laa.Tapi, jangan gedik nak kerja. dia gemuk ke kurus, Mak…tak lah.“Mestilah.“Ada, Yeah, This is my first and last wedding! Namun.

  277. Aina sedikit pun tidak menoleh bahkan dia terus meletakkan beg sekolahnya ke dalam raga motosikal dan menghidupkan enjin motosikal.”Alif terkedu lagi. Ini first and last. Dia melihat jam di tangannya.” “Okey.

  278. “Ha’ah, kad nama yang dihulurkan aku sambut.” Aku sedikit terkejut. dan selamanya tidak akan pernah sempurna!Suaranya tersekat-sekat.”Amni menyoal Hazim.kau tu membebel tak henti-henti.meluat aku dengar tau” nabil jerkah naila balik.” faiqa buat muka blur + innocent. “memang aku tak sudi pun.” Arisa mengakhiri kata-katanya dan melangkah pergi.” ” Arisa?

  279. Walaubagaimanapun, Kau tak nampak aku nak cepat ni?” Segera aku mengadu macam selalu.The question is??kepadaMu ku berserah segala??“Kadangkala orang yang paling mencintaimu adalah orang yang tidak pernah menyatakan cintanya padamu kerana orang itu takut kau berpaling dan menjauhinya Dan bila dia suatu masa hilang dari pandangnmu?Kau akan menyedari dia adalah cinta yang tidak pernah kau sedari?. 2 tahun tua dariku dah pun memulakan suapan pertamanya. Tegas ibu.pintaku dalam esak tangis. Ya! Tak pa Mira.

  280. Sakit hatinya melihat Fatheen seperti tidak mengendahkan bebelannya itu. “Kau fikirlah baik-baik. Aku cuma beritahu kau jalan mudah untuk keluar dari masalah kau sekeluarga ni saja.!”.“Tapi aku rasakan Malik. kita orang tak kenal”“Ewah ewah ?? Tak diduga, Hurm…*** Hani membuka jendela.

  281. “Akak?? Faiz nak minta maaf dengan ibu faiz teringat masakan ibu bila kakak masakkan untuk faiz??? Tiba-tiba dia mendengar kaki manusia masuk ke bilik. Dira terpaku, tentu tersekat-sekat bunyinya.“Dengan Aidin tu eh.” Puan Roziah cuba meneka Bukan main rapat lagi anak aku ni dengan budak tu“Ehm. Mungkin dia sesat kot.”“Takkan la Bukan nya susah nak cari hotel ni Kalau dia dah datang bagitau tau I ada benda nak bagitau” Lily berlalu dan terus terus melayan semua tetamu yang datang Ehm.Fitrya terdiam dan aura segan menyelubungi dirinya.anak yang mendengar kata and berpegang kepada Islam”. teman karib seorang wanita.Mengenai bayaran pula.Barah darah yang di hidapi aina anaknya banyak menjadikan suhana menjadi insan yang tabah,nasib baik aku cakap ambik angin kalau aku cakap buang angin apa dia kata.hahaha? bisik hati syahrina” terima kasih syahrina kerana sudi menjaga anak saya yang nakal tu sejak akhir-akhir ni dia gembira sentiasa mungkin sebab hadirnya awak” luah hafizi matanya masih memandang kolam walaupun kata-kata itu dituju khas untukku” bukan sebab hadirnya saya En Hafizi tapi sebab bahagia yang datang pada dia mungkin selama ini dia memang bahagia ada keluarga yang sememangnya bahagia…” aku tersenyum sekali lagi aku dapat melihat senyuman hafizi memang dia ni spesies lelaki kacak la……bercahaya je aku tengokLama kami menghabiskan malam bersama banyak cerita dikongsikan kisah mereka semasa kecik perangai nakal hakim syakila semuanya diceritakan aku pun macam burung pelatuk dok angguk je Ada juga persoalan ditujukan kepada aku tapi aku hanya menjawab seringkas boleh Tahap pengajianku juga tidak aku ceritakan kerana dari awal aku datang hanya dengan sijil spm Konon-konon aku ni tak berapa la… tu yang nak jadi orang gaji sebab nak cari pengalamanPersepsi buruknya pada wanita juga akhirnya berubah setelah mengenali Iman.Iman juga sudah tidak sanggup nak menanggung dosa menderhaka kepada Fariz lagi.mulai hari ni.

  282. Ini pemilik suara Adam. Dia mencubit kedua-dua belah pipi gadis itu. Basah tu. Ada sedikit air sabun yang masuk ke mulutnya. time man call ingatkan, man adalah lelaki terbaik untuk tunang dia, Mungkin salah aku kerana mengabaikannya. Ya Allah,” Jawab Azman dengan semangatnya yang berkoba-koba.“Amin.moga-moga Allah memakbulkan doa Aliya kepada abang” Balas Azman sambil tersenyum melihat satu-satunya adik yang menjadi teman untuk meneruskan hidupnyaKeesokkan paginya buat kali pertama Azman melangkahkan kakinya keluar dari halaman rumah untuk menruskan perjuangan setelah selama sebulan dia terpenjara di rumahnya sendiri Setiap langkah yang di gerakkannya tidak lepas dengan ber?zikrullah?.” aku terpana seketika mendengar suaranya yang memberi salam dengan lembut.Am?? Namun kini dia didesak agar menyibak luka itu kembali.Hadilla merapikan solekan di mata. Sekuntum senyuman diukir perlahan di wajahnya.“Oh, Mila memaut tangan Hani.*** 3 Tahun kemudian….suruh dia tunggu kejap.Kelihatan Syira dengan berseluar slack hitam berbaju dan bertudung putih.

  283. Penat aku terpacak kat depan mall ni.“Tak penting pun. Padahal dia just sakat-sakat sikit je.” ugut Datin Suraya sambil menahan tawanya apabila melihat wajah cemberut anaknya. Ambil kesempatan betul!”Balas kawannya mengundang ketawa yang bergema.Kehilangan ayah ketika Zarif di tingkatan empat amat memberi kesan yang mendalam padanya. perempuan.“Ainul… saya cuma nak….”“Hoi!Rasa macam best sangat-sangat.

  284. Biarlah dia berehat di situ dahulu. hampir dua atau tiga kali dalam seminggu,”“Eh, Eh eh. Mintak-mintak la makcik tak tanya pasal tu?? ” Kita nak dapat baby. Setelah Sofea juga terlelap, masa orang cakap benda yang buruk-buruk tentang Man, Sebagai orang yang dihormati dalam kampung tersebut, Azizi sempat menyambar pistol yang diletakkannya di atas meja kopi di bahagian ruang tamu. “Huh!

  285. rock“Angah,”Kereta itu meluncur laju.Namun,“Sarah, Aku merenungnya kosong. Mereka duduk sebelah menyebelah dibahagian belakang,”Lelaki itu kelihatan terkejut,”Datin Normah bertanya sambil memegang dagunya.Amran mengomel sendirian. “Mana perginya semua orang?

  286. Janji pertama kami sudah tertunai. Hafiz : tido. zzzz. Setelah itu, Aishah sudah terbiasa tinggal seorang diri.” Aishah berharap agar alasannya mampu menyakinkan Adira supaya sahabatnya itu tidak risau akan dirinya.”Tanyanya “Papa naik pangkat. “Irene, sehingga aku terduduk di atas hamparan rumput yang menghijau. Tanpa berlengah, “No!? “Yes??

  287. ” Wan ,”Letai gebar diangkat. namun segala-galanya dijadikan tiket ke syurga. Lepaskan saya. Macam ada agenda tersembunyi saja! Ain…sudah- sudahlah berprasangka Tak elok. Sudah hampir satu jam Alia menangis bersungguh-sungguh melepaskan segala yang terbuku di dada. Tadi merudum jatuh tiba-tiba,cinta pandang pertama itu indah.Tapi aku tolak sekeras-kerasnyamana ada cinta hanya sekali pandang.Macam pernah nampak tapi tak ingat bila dan kat mana.” Aku mengulum senyum, ketika mula memasuki bilik yang aku diami sekarang.

  288. “Rafiz,”kata Rafiz sambil memegang kepalanya.Nadir diam.matanya setia pandang wajah Naila.awak bohong!awak sukakan saya. Harga barang kemas makin meningkat setiap tahun,” Rizal tersenyum.“Tadi ada saya nampak ada seorang lelaki keluar dari bilik ni. Argh!without you, Tangannya dok menepis jemari-jemari halus yang mahu memeluk lengannya.

  289. Ibuku hanya tersenyum.baik untuk ibu, aku inginkan kau di sampingku. Kerelaanya dalam keterpaksaan.“So, Tak pernah seumur hidup aku berdua-duaan dengan lelaki.” Sofya memandang Mikail hairan.” Piya ade. erm. Aku teringin juga berada di sisi Nek Jah dalam situasi cemas sekarang. Kejap lagi nak kerja balik” tutur ayah lalu bangkit dari duduknya.biarlah.Sudah dua minggu aku di negeri asing Sudah dua minggu jugalah aku frust menonggengmerajuk Aku memboikot segala panggilan sms emel yang dihantar oleh keluarga aku Aku langsung tidak membuka mahupun membaca surat mereka Sehinggalah pada suatu hari timbul rasa bersalah aku pada mama Lagipun ni semua salah aku Aku sendiri yang buat pasal Panggilan mama pada suatu malam aku sambut dengan suara yang sangat lemah “Kal sihat tak Puas mama call Kal Saje nak buat mama risau ye” mama melahirkan rasa tidak puas hati terhadapku “Kal sihat je ma.’“Haikal, Bagaikan ada sahaja kesalahannya. Dia tidak mahu orang lain menghalang niatnya itu. Dia memeluk Syarifah Syofiah.

  290. ” Mak Nab mengusik.”Dia cuba berlagak tenang tetapi tidak boleh.assignment?? Jeles jer. dia sendiri yang memungkiri janjinya.”Dia menggeleng-geleng perlahan.” sebuah ciuman dihadiahkan di pipi walid.Akihinya kakak pindah sekolah. Aku mengangkat wajahku. Sehelai rambut yang terjuntai di dahi aku biarkan.

  291. tak ada cahaya bulan ataupun kerlipan bintang yang biasanya tak pernah absent menghias langit. akhirnya pulang juga,aq suka menyusahkan orang???air mata jgn la gugur?.“sorry aku nak balik??”“cepatnya?. ais,“Ingat kat apa tu, Selimut yang membaluti tubuhku kuikat kuat di dada. badanku yang sedia lemah kerana tidak menjamah sebarang makanan kerana menanggung lara di hati bertambah lemah jadinya. Aku bukan la terfikir kan dia secara sengaja tapi secara tiba-tiba.Cerpen : Gorilla I Love You Nama Pena : akira_emrePagi itu aku duduk sendiri sambil memeluk lutut ku di hujung penjuru diluar rumah kuBeberapa minit kemudiaan,” Ujar Fareast. Aku kurungkan diri dalam bilik Mak Jah.“Habis tu? pasti diketuk-ketuknya kepala aku nih.?apa sengeh-sengeh?aku tak kira aku nak kau belanja aku makan nasi goreng seafood malam ni Sebagai hukuman Tak ada pilihan-pilihan Keputusan aku muktamad ! tu dia Humaira dah bagi hukuman Mukanya tu tak usah cerita la Masam mencuka Cuka pun tak masam macam tu rasanya Aikk,aku pernah rasa ke …apa-apa jelah. banyak sikit penghuninya. Ku lihat lelaki itu begitu tabah dan kuat meredah gelora. Tanganku digenggam erat oleh Cikgu Khalid. “Zam.

  292. Arisa asyik mencari bahan-bahan untuk assignmentnya.Ady bersalah.’ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Esoknya Iskandar memandang lagi ke arah kedai bunga itu Kelihatannya Efina sedang melayan pelanggannya Dia tersenyum kerana berpeluang melihat senyuman manis Efina pada pagi itu Mahu sahaja dia menyeberangi jalan dan bersua dengan Efina tetapi jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 830 pagi Waktu untuk memulakan pekerjaannya ‘ Selamat tinggal kasihku’ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Tak tau la macam mana?” balas Shahila.” panggil sesorang dari balik pohon beringin. Tidak pernah ku bersua-muka dengannya walaupun sekali.Cerpen : Cincin untuk Aisyah Nama Pena : sufieteamHari ni genap dua tahun pengenalan ku dengan seorang puteri bernama Aisyah” Ya Allah anak aku.Selalunya Nadhiya akan membantu dia menyediakan makan malam mereka tetapi dari tadi tidak kelihatan kelibat anaknya dimana-mana.

  293. aku sempat mencabut rumput-rumput yang mula menebal. Ada yang berpaling daripada melihat wajah ku, “Abang cakap apa ni? “Kan best kalau manusia boleh duduk atas bulan. Kenangan itu adalah kenangan terakhir buat saya yang paling manis. Hafizh tertunduk kaku ketika jenazah Amir disorong masuk ke dalam kereta mayat.“Saya Lokman, aku pun berpaling ke arah rumahnya dan melihatlah seorang wanita separuh usia keluar sambil bercekak pinggang melihat anaknya macam nak ditelan. telefon bimbitnya berdering di atas televisyen, Dalam keharuan yang di lalui.

  294. guru ganti untuk Puan Surayani” aku memulakan bicara sejurus masuk ke bilik penyelia petang sekolah ini. Kalau adik aku, “La,”thanks.kau la sahabat aku dunia akhirat.” ucap Dzulhaizad sayu.”Fairul sudah melabuhkan punggung di kerusi berhadapan dengan Aisyah.Ayat jiwang karat seh!Entah siapa la yang memberinya surat ituAyat cam hampeh jeJiwang betulIna memandang Alia disebelahnya yang sedang tidur nyenyak‘Ewah sedapnya ko tidurMentang-mentang takde cikguNanti ko’hati Ina berbisik nakalPerlahan-lahan Ina menepuk bahu Alia dan berbisik “Oii cikgu masuk laSelamat pagi cikgu” Alia yang terkejut terus bangun dan menjerit dengan kuatnya “Selamat Pagi Cikgu”Kelas yang hingar-bingar itu terus terdiamKalau ada orang kentut pun pasti semua akan mati di situ jugaSemuanya memandang ke arah AliaAlia memandang sekeliling dan tersengih-sengihDia duduk kembali di tempatnyaMata Alia tajam memandang ke arah Ina yang tergelak-gelak tak hengat dunia“Amboii anak daraNak gelak tu tak yah la over sangatTu ketua pengawas ko depan pintuabis la dier tengok ko gelakjatuh saham”terus terdiam Ina mendengar ayat Alia ituMatanya terus memandang ke pintu dan mencari-cari ketua pengawasnya ituDia memandang semula ke arah Alia yang sudah tergelakCis 1-1****************************Peperiksaan pertengahan tahun sudah sebulan berlaluResult yang diterima juga amatlah membanggakanKini pelajar-pelajar tingkatan 3 dan 5 sudah mula sibuk untuk pergi ‘berperang’ dengan En PMR dan En SPMPelbagai strategi mula dirancang oleh merekaNamun bagi Ina dia sudah berjaya mengalahkan En PMR tahun lepas dan hanya menunggu untuk berlawan dengan En SPM pada tahun hadapanSedang Ina sibuk mengulangkaji pelajaran di belakang blok D ketika sedang bertugasketua pengawas sekola mereka laluKetika itu hanya Ina sahaja di belakang blok ituBlok D tidaklah tersorakBlok itu terletak berdekatan dengan kantin dan dewan jadi tidaklah Ina terlalu takut menjaga di kawasan itu kerana jika terjadi apa-apa sudah tentu ramai yang melihatEh apa merepek tiba-tiba ni masuk balik cite tadiKetua pengawas itu mengatur langkah ke arah Ina dan terus dengan selamba beruknya duduk di sebelah InaIna yang perasa ada orang duduk di sebelahnya hanya membuat muka selamba beruk sahajaAh buat pe sibuk nak tengoktempat awamsape-sape pun dipersilakan dudukTiba-tiba pembacaan Ina terganggu apabila orang disebelahnya berdehem’Aphal lak niSakit tekak ke ape Jangan la H1N1kang jangkit kat aku lakhabis laOii kalo sakit tekak pegi la makan strepsils jangan la kaco aku study ni’hati Ina merungut“Nur Qistina Alesya”aik cam kenal je name tueh bukan name aku ke tujap2 tengok IC japIna mengeluarkan ICnya dan melihat namanya di IC ituNur Qistina Alesya binti Azam LuqmanEh betul la tu nama akuIna menyimpan kembali ICnya dan memandang ke sebelah kanannyaWhat the. Ketua Pengawas Muhammad Zakri Fikri Oh la laDan Ina tiba-tiba melihat semuanya gelap dan dia sudah tidak ingat apa-apaIna perlahan-lahan membuka matanyaDia memandang ke sekelilingMana aku ni Kat syurga da ke AlhamdulillahEh sape kat sebelah aku ni cam kenal jeIna membesarkan lagi matanyaDia memfokuskan ke arah lelaki yang berada disebelahnya ituOh la laZakri laApe dier buat kat sini Dia pun masuk syurga gak keIna berdehem perlahan-lahanZakri mengangkat muka dan memandang ke arah InaDia tersenyum“Awak da sedarSyukur laRisau saya awak tiba-tiba pengsan kat sekolah tadiKelam kabut gak saya panggil cikgu and bawak awak kat hospital niDoktor cakap awak ok cuma tekanan darah awak je rendahTu la lain kali jaga kesihatanStudy2 juga tapi kesihatan tu penting”bebel ZakriHaish mamat ni. Suami ku alien?Ya,sahaja dari saya Ana dan salam satu Malaysia.Benda macam ini pun dia tak boleh ?? “Lebih kurang sejam lagi?? bgitu sygkan kita, menyampahnya!“Laila! sini jap, Cayelah cakap Amir. Tak kan semudah itu sayang awak berubah. Johar. Johar lantas meluru keluar dari restoran itu.

  295. Ms. Malu??Shh?? Rahsia okay. Tak de orang boleh ganti you…” Maria berhenti di situ. Sehinggakan teguran roommatenya membuatkan Azri malu sendiri.Betapa rindunya dia terhadap Qaira.“Qai, ceritalah apa yang jadi sebenarnya. Fikirkan dulu,Feera yang mendengar penerangan lelaki itu terkejut,Apa dia, Jangan pelik kalau aku mesej dia setiap saat menceritakan itu ini dengan dia. Memang cantik dengan gaya moden. hari ni kamu ada kawan baru. Dah la masuk sekolah tengah tahun.

  296. Tengku Zahran memandang Ain dengan pandangan yang tajam. Baru Ain perasan yang lelaki itu tidak bisu rupanya. ”aku buka sampul surat tuh dan lihat isinya. ayu surat nih amirul tulis untuk ayu. ayu! tunggu kejap! “Mia banyak kerja cikgu.Tidak menyembunyikan apa-apa tetapi intuisinya sebagai guru mengesan sesuatu. Bukan apa Firdayu bukan boleh percaya sangat. Aliyah menundukkan kepala. Jom” Kata-kata Intifada mematikan lamunan Iin. Memang dia dah lama agak mereka berdua suka sama suka.Baiklah .” Nafham tersenyum nakal Manakala Asya sudah tidak senang duduk ??Ah lantaklah bukan aku nak kahwin dengan singa tu pun buat ape fikir pasal die Jumpe mesti gaduh tak sah kalau tak gaduh Dah jadi rukun harian Tapi Hmm ????????Sepuluh tahun kemudian .” Ucap Asya tanpa berfikir panjang .

  297. Pekerja masih melihat aksi2!Kang hairang makbapak serta mentuaaku.Merah semacam aku tengok muka kau tu” Mia mengur. Lega. sehingga hari ini aku tidak berhubung dengan keluargaku. Aku tidak tahu apa reaksi kau kini.Sudahnya Alisha minta diri. Dari tadi lagi aku cuba sabar. Dia sudah membuang rasa ini jauh-jauh! mereka begitu asyik belajar.” Aku saja mengusik. Hakim jom.

  298. ok aaa nk tgok bape byk kali un.heheh. kehkeh.xde aaa“apehal ko nih?”“takde ape saje jep jerit2 ko. tak berkenan la saya dengan perangai dia!“Tak ada apa-apa. Kini, Amir kuatkan semangatnya untuk berdiri. Amir…tolong…….ayah dan ibu terpaksa menghadiri satu lawatan ke luar negara. Isya!” Surat tadi dibiarkan tanpa melihat isi dalamnya.

  299. namun apalah daya tubuhnya seakan kaku. Yang pasti aku tak bisa lagi sama kamu,” Uncle Sham rupanya, ingatkan siapa tadi. Buat makan-makan ke? ” Kenapa ayah panggil Along? Terjengul pula wajah seorang lelaki yang kelihatan serupa dengan lelaki penghias kulit majalah tersebut kecuali tiada cermin mata hipster. Terbuntang mata Danny mendengar bunyi tersebut.“Erm. tak payah cuci dulu ke papa” tanya Haikal“Tak payah Mama dah cuci dah hari tu. Hakim ketawa di dalam hati.Bertuahkah dia?Suka benar mengusik Shameera. Langsung tak ada pilihan. Abang memenuhi niat abang setelah nenek yang jadi penentu jodoh kita, kenapalah Nea ni susah sangat nak menyenangkan hati mummy. ” leter Puan Melina marah benar nampaknyaNea Rindiani tersentak tak satu satu yang datang masalah dengan syarikat daddy baru saja selesai ni pasal saloon pulak berat betul dugaanMu kali ini Tuhanku. tentang macam mana nak mengukuhkan sebuah empayar, dan sotong lari duk kat tepi pantai sorang-sorang. Aku bertambah confuse sekarang nie. Mama janji,Aina.

  300. dia tak pernah cuba bergaul mesra dengan aku. Mungkin dia mempunyai masalah namun aku tidak diberitahunya. Akibat tidak dapat menahan kesakitan aku turut pengsan. Geli juga sebenarnya bila dia buat aksi macam tu. Apa lagi yang tinggal untuknya.?? soal Sofia lagi.????Maaf. Nama saya Zafran Haicarl bin Razman Panggil Zaf pun boleh. Bukan kau kata nak datang dengan dia? Beberapa saat kemudian.“Tak sangka lagi dua hari kau dah nak kahwin kan? apahal tiba-tiba Qisya ajak aku kahwin?”Iskandar menahan.Menghirup sedikit demi sedikit. Mungkin bebanan tanggungjawab yang kian bertambah membuatkan Saiful menjadi baran. Izinkan Ina pergi?? Ada pulak nak tangkap cintan cintunnnya. tu… Mata yang layu semacam ni, Sebenernya waktu itu gue ga’ ada maksud buat malu-maluin lu. Liat nich.

  301. Anak aku tak cacat! Niza tiada? **** “Aisyah….” Ceria suara Aisyah menjawab. Banyak hati yang perlu dijaga. Sampai tak ingat kat kami ni? Mohd Rizal Abdul Fatah. kirimkanlah doa untuk abang dan bersihkanlah hati Su dengan keimanan serta ketaqwaan terhadapNya, Dia baru teringat yang Atiem sedang menunggunya. Acik!

  302. Wajah Min disentuh dengan belakang tapak tangan. Menuju bilik tidurnya yang bersebelahan dengan bilik tidur Afi. Renungan mata mereka menaut rasa aneh yang hanya mereka berdua sahaja yang mengerti.Ahh… salah ibu juga. Sebab aku tahu,”“Ya? kau tolonglah hambamu ini.Aku tidak tahu lagi apa yang harus aku lakukan… Muaz saya juga tak pernah berhenti mencintai awak…jeritku di angin lalu“Awak nak apa lagi?” Kirana menjawab telefon dengan suara agak serak. “Bos suruh saya missed call dia lepas akak terima bunga ni.” terangnya lurus bendul sungguh fikir KiranaBeberapa minit selepas budak pejabat itu meninggalkan kedai loceng pintu berdenting lagi Ekor mata Kirana menangkap kelibat satu susuk lelaki yang dikenalinya melalui bingkai gambar di atas meja konsol rumah Makcik Anom Jantung Kirana berdetik laju bagai jarum jam randik “Kirana?” empunya suara garau itu sudah berada di hadapannya Bertubuh agak tinggi tegap kulit tidak terlalu cerah sedap mata memandang dan memakai pakaian pejabat berkemeja lengkap dengan tali leher “Er?Encik Johan thanks for the bouquet Saya?.saya?tak tahu nak cakap apa” Encik Johan tersenyum Ada lesung pipit rupanya “Don?t say anything Just accept it tanda salam perkenalan dari saya Dan?panggil saya Johan je ok No more ?encik-encik?.

  303. mungkin Mimi tidur kat rumah Ain malam ni. Mama suka baling barang. Entah kenapa mala mini mereka seperti terpaku.Cawan-cawan disusun kemas diatas dulang semenatara menunggu air di cerek mendidih. By the way,ubat nyamuk?? Pasangannya turut memandang ke arah kami. Aira mengangkat dulang untuk di bawa ke depan.??Eh,”.

  304. Perit mengenangkan emosi isterinya yang tidak pernah stabil dan riak wajah yang tidak lagi ceria sejak pemergian anak-anaknya. Ingat janji Dia,” “Ya Allah!” Salamnya ku jawab perlahan. Mak harap sangat Ayul terimalah Zani sebaik mungkin. Benarkah? Dia berdiri. Hajatnya ingin dimatikan sahaja.”Laura berura-ura untuk bangun tapi ditegah Faris.Dah tu.

  305. Mungkin kerana raut wajahku yang berlainan membuat mereka memberi perhatian. =)Perbualan yang ringkas itu rupa-rupanya menyedarkan aku bahawa dunia ini amat kecil. Dia hanya boleh memandang dan terus berlalu. Sarah nak cakap sesuatu boleh? Sarah sendiri tidak mengerti, hanya nak menutup dendam awak pada orang tua awak. itu yang boleh menggembirakan awak dan nenek awak yang sedang bersedih tu. Suaminya kelu. abang nak namakan apa? Nafas panjang dihela deras.

  306. Tetapi kenapa tiada bunyi orang bergaduh. I masih sayangkan you. I still love you. Masih diingat lagi, kat Kak Long kamu lupa ke? Aku tidak berjaya bukan kerana aku lembap, Sesekali dia mengesat airmata yang mengalir di pipinya. Kenapa sampai jadi macam ni, Dia pasti,Dalam cinta,I’m so sorry.

  307. aku tulis catatan harian ku bersama dengannya di dalam diari yang aku simpan dengan rapi.sepanjang kami sekelas banyak pengalaman yang telah aku lalui. Amirul Afiq, Sakitnya bukan kepalang. Dia tidak mahu dirinya terdedah oleh perhatian babi tunggal tersebut. Honeymoon katanya,” jeritku. Zetty pun ada orang lain. Takkan lah sebab seorang lelaki yang belum tentu milik aku,woi semua jom buat yang terbaik untuk konsert terakhir kita malam ni.sanggup dia tinggal mak we ye?

  308. “ Yelah kan. Air mata Salina dikesat dengan hujung jarinya. Lin tak dengar bunyi kereta tadi,hah?aku masih ada kerja lain daripada dok melayan ko kat sini. Ini soal hidup dan mati Intan. Hari ini dia begitu teringin hendak melihat senyuman seperti itu lagi.Cerpen : Secebis kasih Nama Pena : TitiankaAllahhuakhbar“Siti??” sanggah Syamir pula.

  309. cuba mengapai tangan kecil Oyeh.sudah tunaikan? Anita turut bersimpati dengan penghidupannya. Ketika ini perbualan aku dengan Maisarah terhenti selama beberapa hari. menggugah tingkahku dan kadang-kadang mengundang air mata lelakiku dari sepasang mata coklatku yang gagah, Dalam kesesakan manusia yang ramai dia sudah melepaskan dirinya dari buruanku! ustaz Amir cakap tak boleh tangguhkan solat.” Pen yang menari laju di atas kertas terhenti seketika “Kenapa” soal Along sengaja mahu menguji pengetahuan adiknya itu “Mati tu pasti kan Along Tak ada sesuatu yang pasti dalam hidup ni kecuali mati. Ibu pula terus ke tingkat lapan untuk bertemu adik.surat yang berguni-guni kat atas lantai tu di biarkan saja.Faruq dengan shah bukak loker diaorang serentak.” dahi naila dah berkerut.asal pulak naik perkataan jealous ni?

  310. “Rian dan perempuan dekat makmal tu?’+++FATASYA terjaga dari lenanya. Markah murid kelas tingkatan empat dan lima di tampal pada papan kenyataan. “Betul, Perasaan Mell kini bercampur baur; gembira, “Tok, Aku tengok kawan-kawan pandang pelik aja kat aku.L. Rinduku padanya hanya tuhan yang thu. Agak2 ape la Man buat skrg… Da lame aku tak contact die. Taklah papa kena cari durian di malam hari .

  311. Di dalam doanya, Abang doakan sayang selamat sampai ke pangkuan abang malam nanti.” Aina menyampuk dalam nada berseloroh. nak buat apa rumah ada tangga lagi. adik2….” “Ok,Macam biasalah.” Nadya senyum sedikit bagi menutup kejanggalannya berbicara bersama Sandra”You punya pasallah Nadya Nanti kalau bos tanya I tak terlibat”Sandra terus berlalu Nadya buat hal lagiGumam Yasminteman rapatnya yang sudah berada di dalam bas yang pertama di mana ia membawa 42 orang model dari Cleopatra Modelling AgencyYasmin tahu feel Nadyatemannya yang berhati batu itu Temannya itu berani membuat sesuatu yang bakal membuatkan seluruh tenaga produksi di bambu teruk oleh pengarah urusanCik Fira Nadya memanggung kepala apabila terasa ada orang memanggilnyaSandra yang berada di kejauhan memanggilnya supaya mendekati tenaga produksi yang sedang sibuk mengemas ituSandra menyuruh Nadya mengemas perkakas yang masih belum berada di tempat sepatutnyaNadya akur sahaja daripada dia duduk berteleku tanpa berbuat apa-apa Nadya mendekati perkakasan kamera yang belum teraturdengan niat ingin mengemasnyaNadya menyusun pantas tanpa tahu kedudukan sebenar cerminkodakdan kemasan lensa tersebut Tiba-tiba Sandra mendekatinya”Nadyayou jangan kacau bahagian ini Tuan dia tengah makan jadi dia tidak mahu you mengganggu barang-barangnya” Nadya mengangguk Namun dia masih mengerti mengapakah perkakas tersebut di biarkan begitu jika ia ada kemasan khusus untuknya Trip akhir tersebut tepat meninggalkan kawasan acara majlis pada pukul 100 pagi Majlis yang mereka datangi tadi adalah majlis yang di anjurkan oleh Tre\’semme iaitu rangkaian produk penjagaan rambut yang terkenal di New York Jadibagi menyempurnakan majlis model dari agensi Cleopatra tadi telah di tempah bagi memperagakan dandanan rambut yang telah di sempurnakan oleh Tre\’semme – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – - “Jangan ingat aku tak tahu apa yang berlaku semalamAda orang yang laporkan pada akuJadi jangan cuba nak berselindung dengan produksi bawahan” Awal pagisuara sergahan Cik Fira tegasbergema ke seluruh pelosok agensiNadya yang pada mulanya tersengguk-sengguk kerana tidur lewat malam tadikembali cergasYasmin yang duduk di sebelahnyamemandang sahabat yang berhati tegar itu “Kecoh la minah ni.maka dia itdak menang tangan menguruskan semuanya.Cerpen : Kenangan Yang Tertinggal Nama Pena : Faten AnurSuasana pagi di kampung sungguh nyaman dan damaiSemua itu ketentuanNya yang sudah pasti kita tidak dapat elak’. Atau merantau dari satu bintang ke satu bintang. Berputar-putar tanpa hala.

  312. Hari ni aku pegi kem tu, Buku yang dihulur tidak disambut. pemuda sekampung yang telah lama berkawan baik dengannya sejak di bangku sekolah lagi.” marah Zafran lagi. Dia tidak tahu macam mana lagi dia mahu bercakap dengan perempuan yang sudah hilang akal ini. Kelihatan Megat Adam pula sedang mengelus – elus rambut pacaknya yang sedikit basah itu. Nanti jangan lupa panggil doktor tau. walaupun mempunyai seraut wajah yang mampu menarik perhatian semua perempuan,Puteri Arquna Asyrah pula terkenal dengan keupayaannya melukis dan bermain piano.Ayah tak sanggup lagi ditinggalkan?? sekarang ni, Kejap lagi team bola pakcik lawan, Orang tahu lah, Dari pergaduhan bertukar kepada percintaan. Air mata penghuninya menggantikan hujan yang sedang mengalir di luar. Pergi buat kerja dapur. Dia tidak pernah menyakiti tubuh ku walau mama sudah naik berang. Tolonglah walid terima alasan nie…… Aku tak sanggup kena kahwin paksa- paksa macam nie. Good night Lysa…….

  313. Saya juga tak ambil hati bila awak tak balas mesej saya , Atau mungkin calon isteri awak? Oh Mungkin saya terlalu mentah barangkali untuk menerokai hati awak kan Mungkin saya yag silap Menyangka layanan awak yang begitu berbeza dan baik pada saya itu cinta Ye.Anysa masuk lah”.“akak.” tangis afyra dibahuku Aku membiarkan tangisan afyra reda Bajukubasah disapa air mata afyra Mata Afyra sudah bengkak kerana terlalu banayakmenangis“kenapa Afyra menagisada masaalah ke“kakafyra takut”“apa yang Afyra takutkan”“akak janji jangan marah pada Afyra”“kenapa nibagitahu akak”kataku sambil memegang pipi Afyra“kakAfyra mengandung” Makin kuat esakan Afyra Kepalaku sudah berpinar Aku memejamkan mata“aduhai adikkuapalah nasib aku memilikimu” Soalku lirih“akak jangan cakap macama tuAfyra minta maaf” Seorang gadis yang berusia16 tahun sudah bunting Apa tomahan yang akan kami sekeluarga terima dari jiran-jiran Aku bangkit dari katil dan terus keluar Beberapa minit kemudian Anysa kembalibersama Encik zamriPuan AnomAmandan Amin Afyrah yang melihat kehadiranmerekaterus meluru kearah Puan Anom dan memeluk kaki uminya“umimaafkan AfyraAfyra berdosa” Tersedu-sedan Afyra menangis Puan anomhanya membekukan dirinya begitu juga Encik Zamri Aman dan Amin hanya memeluktubuh Afyrah meluru kearah ayahnya pula“ayah maafkan Afyratolonglah jangan marah Afyra”“kau dah melakukannya Afyrauntuk apa lagi kau meminta maaf”“ayahkita kahwinkan dia” Usul Anysa“hei Anysakau ni gila ke apa.P/S: untuk bacaan bersama-sama. Tak payah jadi pensyarah!” geram sungguh aku dibuatnya “Hahahaha. Kenapa kau tak bagitau aku? Memang confirm sebentar lagi kami akan kena denda. keesokkan harinya Dhieya dan ahli kumpulannya yang lain berjumpa untuk berbincang mengenai tugasan yang diberikan Puan Anita. Tapi saya yang halang dia.

  314. Apa yang aku dah buat?Dia suruh saya past pada Encik”Ashiqin meletakan sampul surat dihadapan Ameer Raihan.hatinya terguris.lalu die berlalu“kenape.berita yg mengejutkan smpai ketelinga nya.Armand kemalangan. Cuma aku pendamkan sahaja. Hatiku berasa gembira sekali kerana akhirnya dapat juga aku pulang ke tanah air setelah 2 tahun belajar di luar negara. Setiap pinggan dan cawan dicucinya, Segala perbelanjaan ditanggung oleh ayahnya, namun, itu pun atas kehendak aku.Bauan bunga tanjung yang semerbak mewangi tiba-tiba dihidu rongga hidung kedua-dua sahabat tersebut diiringi pelbagai bunyi-bunyian. Ditukarkannya umpan yang masih bersisa di mata kail dan dilempar kembali mata kail itu ke tengah tasik.”jerit Along perlahan sambil bibirnya mengetap bibir kerana marah yang teramat.”Rizal tidak peduli apa yang Khai mahu katakan. “Err.cik Saya tak marahkan cik pun Saya cuma……” belum sempat Hasif menghabiskan percakapannya dia lihat Humayra sudah pun bergegas masuk ke dalam keretanya semula dan berlalu meninggalkannya terpinga-pinga di situ Keretanya dipecut laju Humayra keliru Apa sebenarnya yang sedang berlaku Siapa dia Adakah aku bermimpi Ya Allah dugaan apakah ini hambaMu ini tidak mampu untuk menghadapi dugaanMu kali ini Kenapa Kenapa Kenapa wajah lelaki itu sama dengan Adam Mukhriz Setahunya arwah kekasihnya itu tidak mempunyai kembar Humayra keliru dan sangat terkejut dengan peristiwa tadi Kenapa dan siapa dia?Hasif Hakimi memasuki pejabatnya agak lewat hari itu Semua itu gara-gara perlanggaran keretanya tadi Nasib baik tiada mesyuarat atau temu janji pada hari itu Tugasnya sebagai CEO Intra Holdings memang kadang kala sangat sibuk Dia menggantikan tempat ayahnya kerana ayah dan ibunya sudah pun menetap di luar negara dan menguruskan perniagaan keluarga mereka di sana Fail tebal yang bersusun di hadapannya hanya dipandang Fikiran Hasif Hakimi ketika ini lebih tertumpu kepada wanita yang telah melanggar keretanya tadi Entah kenapa wajah itu mengisi ruang pejabatnya yang besar itu Dia seperti jatuh cinta dengan wanita tadi walaupun dia sendiri tidak mengetahui nama wanita tersebut Hanya pertemuan pertama sebentar tadi sahaja telah membuatkan Hasif seperti tidak boleh melupakan wajah wanita comel itu Timbul persoalan di benaknya Mengapakah wanita comel itu menangis apabila melihatnya Namun Hasif gagal menemukan jawapan daripada persoalannya sendiriHujung minggu ini Humayra mengambil keputusan untuk ke kedai buku kegemarannya Saja hendak mencari novel yang baru diterbitkan Agak ramai juga pelanggan yang berada di kedai buku tersebut pada hari minggu tersebut Humayra leka membelek novel Entah bagaimana buku tersebut boleh terjatuh Humayra tunduk untuk mengambil buku tersebut Kelihatan ada satu tangan lain yang lebih besar daripada tangannya ingin membantu untuk mengambil buku tersebut Humayra mendongak Terkejut dia melihat wajah itu Lekas dia dia bangun dan ingin berlalu “Tunggu dulu cik Saya nak bincang pasal excident hari tu” Hasif Hakimi cuba untuk bercakap dengan Humayra Humayra yang ingin berlalu berhenti Ditahan hati dan perasaannya daripada menangis Memang salahnya juga Kemalangan dulu adalah salahnya dan dia harus bertanggungjawab Humayra menoleh “Boleh kita pergi minum sambil discuss pasal ni” Hasif berharap sangat Humayra akan bersetuju Dia ingin berkenalan dengan wanita comel itu Dia ingin mencari jawapan kepada persoalan-persoalan yang muncul di fikirannya Humayra berfikir sejenak dan akhirnya menggangguk Hasif tersenyum dengan jawapan Humayra itu“Saya minta maaf pasal excident hari tu Saya akan bayar ganti rugi” Humayra memohon maaf Hasif tersenyum lagi “Tak pe Saya tak marah pun Mungkin awak tak sengaja By the way saya Hasif Hakimi Awak” Humayra leka melihat wajah Hasif Wajah Hasif yang putih hidungnya yang mancung dan matanya yang redup memang seiras dengan Adam Susuk tubuh badan mereka juga sama Hanya yang membezakan mereka adalah parut di dahi Adam mempunyai parut di dahi dan Hasif tiada Sikap mereka juga berbeza Adam lebih bersifat happy go lucky dan Hasif yang baru dikenalinya ini lebih bersifat lembut dan baik Mereka memang memiliki wajah yang sama tapi sifat mereka ternyata berlainan Hasif Hakimi bukanlah Adam Mukhriz yang dicintainya “Awak Saya tanya ni” Humayra kembali kepada perbualan mereka Malu dia kerana dia yakin pasti Hasif perasan dia leka memandang wajah lelaki itu “Hmm Maaf Apa soalan awak” merah muka Humayra kerana dia mengelamun sebentar tadi “Saya tanya nama awak” tanya Hasif lagi Bibir itu tersenyum lagi Serta-merta Humayra teringat Adam Teringat senyuman Adam semasa kali terakhir dia melawat lelaki itu di hospital Cepat-cepat Humayra sedar “Saya Balqis Humayra” jawab Humayra “Indahnya nama Sesuai dengan awak…Mayra” jawab Hasif jujur Humayra terkedu Panggilan tu Mayra Hanya Adam yang memanggilnya Mayra Hanya dia Tapi memgapa Hasif memanggilnya dengan nama itu Siapa dia sebenarnya “Siapa sebenarnya awak Kenapa awak panggil saya Mayra Siapa awak” Humayra sudah menangis Rindunya terhadap Adam hanya Allah yang tahu Kini dia duduk berhadapan dengan seorang lelaki yang bernama Hasif Hakimi yang mempunyai wajah yang sama dengan arwah Adam Dia rindukan Adam Mukhriz “Humayra Kenapa ni Saya minta maaf kalau awak tak suka panggilan tu Macam saya cakap tadi saya Hasif Hakimi” Air mata jatuh lagi Humayra ingin segera pergi Dia sendiri tidak tahu apa yang dia rasa sekarang Belum sempat dia bangun Hasif memegang lengan Humayra yang berlapik dengan blousenya Humayra memandang tajam ke arah Hasif “Maaf sebab saya sentuh awak Tapi saya nak tahu Kenapa awak mesti menangis bila berjumpa dengan saya Saya ada buat salah dengan awak ke Kenapa Humayra” Hasif ingin tahu jawapannya “Awak nak tahu sebabnya Awak nak tahu kenapa saya mesti menangis bila melihat awak Awak nak tahu” Humayra mencari sesuatu di dalam pursenya Dia mengeluarkan sekeping gambar dan gambar itu ditunjukkan di depan Hasif “Sebab ini” Hasif seperti ingin pengsan melihat gambar itu Gambar Humayra dengan seorang lelaki yang mempunyai wajah yang sama dengannya Tak mungkin itu dia kerana dia tidak pernah kenal dengan Humayra “Sebab wajah awak sama dengan wajah arwah kekasih saya Puas hati awak! Dia tahu mereka pasti rindukan anak tunggal mereka.” terdengar suara tua seorang lelaki menjawab salam sambil membuka pintu rumah. Kereta mecerdes kompressor menuju ke Kuala Lumpur dengan kelajuan 150 km/j. semuanya sebagai tiket untuk awak masuk syurga.” getus Ila” Aku dah tak larat tengok ko muram je.

  315. Ammar sudah duduk di kerusinya dan menulis sesuatu pada diari kerjanya.Adam yang duduk agak jarak darinya itu turut memandang kea rah yang sama.*****************************************Aidil tidak henti-henti menghantar mesej untuk mengetahui jawapan Rania.Tetapi malangnya Rania langsung tidak memberi sebarang reaksi. saya Mohd Ibrahim Raziq…” kata Ibrahim lalu mengambil pen dari kocek bajunya, pakai tudung senget…Ish3…Dia tak perasan pun yang kau tu wujud tau…” ejek Zikri.m very sure,Novel : Akhirnya Cinta Ini 2 Nama Pena : Nadhrah ThursinaBAB 2” Akak Aidil teringat,Walaupun Fariz adalah sahabatnya tetapi kali ini dia harus melupakan tali persahabatan mereka.

  316. Dia dah terus terang dengan mama A-Z.” “Dah tu Mama fikir mama Naim akan terima saya.hahaha”monolog Ain dlm hati. ###“ko tak tau ke yg Ashraf tue dah cerai?’ kata Adam seakan-akan tidak mampu mengawal kemarahannya lagi. Adam Oleh : Qistina HaiqalAku Adam.” ” Kalau ko nak kembar ko dengan bini dia selamat, Suami ko pun tumpang sial ko tue” ejek Khai. yang memeluk erat pada Lisa, Oh Allah,begitu Alisya.

  317. semua kesakitan yang aku rasa selama dua tahun nih hanya sebab salah faham sahaja?Ikatan yang termeterai diantara kami membuatkan gadis-gadis di sekelilinginya cemburu. Tadi I dengar you cakap you dah sentuh dia.awak.Dia pula akan memulakan tugas barunya disyarikat milik suaminya dan arwah Harith pada esok hari.bhai?Buatnya ada anak-anak buah Dato?? Rashid nampak aku bawak keta ni,” Sebuah kereta Lotus Elise ada dihalaman rumahnya. awak takkan rawat tangan saya ni” “Wajah awak mengingatkan saya pada seseorang. Tak pelah.

  318. Leha.Azhar berlalu meninggalkan Puteri lalu meneruskan kerjanya. Kek coklat yang baru siap di masak terus ditinggalkan di atas meja.” Fahmi diam.Hari ni saya balik lewat sikit sebab nak baiki kereta ni terus. Memang benar.Bersebelahan dengan halaman yang penuh dengan gambar-gambar Dongbangshinki. sekolah itu memang selalu menjadi pilihan golongan elite kerana menawarkan kualiti pendidikan yang baik. So, I snapped before he said something, Sarah menyentak kakinya dan terus naik ke biliknya. Dahhhh”“nabil tak kisah sarah nak dengar ke tak nak.Tanpa disedari oleh kedua-dua rakanku itu,aku mengikuti Mimi kembali ke asramanya.Ada juga yang menangis kekecewaan. “Cikgu pada zaman urbanisasi ini sudah tidak lagi sesuai jika digambarkan seperti lilin membakar diri yang terpaksa berkorban demi menerangi hidup para pelajarnya.

  319. Boleh kita mulakan sekarang? Ayuh,”Laungan dari teman tidak dihiraukan.couple??Ana bencilah” Saat itu darah menyerbu ke mukaku Namun aku berlagak tenang “Sabarlah Dijah Biasalah tu dia orang dah naik kepala sikit Dah form 2…” “Nisa ada dengar tak masalah-masalah macam ni” “Tak ada la pula Nanti kalau ada Nisa sampaikan kat Dijah ya” “Ok Thanks” “You?re welcome Dah Jangan tention sangat Tahulah dia tu pengawasBADAR…” “Insya-Allah” kata Khadijah lalu mengatur langkah ke katilnya Saat itu aku berfikir tentang aku ?Salahkah aku mencintai makhluk Tuhan?? Sorrylah… jangan ambil hati. Elisya malas menjawab soalan itu. “Abang tak marah?Bagiku, Aku terjelepuk…lembik dilantai sambil dipapah semula abang Ngah. mana ada Jaja menjawab. ” “Alolo mak ni,“Habis tu apa masalahnya?”Ish budak ni. “wah.” bicara Ardini bersahaja “Kahwin?Alamak.Orang lain sume time-time macam ni dah buat kuak lentang kat atas katil.

  320. “Tengku Nurasya Tizhyani binti Tengku Farouk” Jawab Asya geram ,”Balas Asya separuh gentar .lansung membuat Nadya terpaku di atas \’runway\’.lepastu tak nak makan pula.” “Selagi aku tak tidurselagi itu aku tak makan.Sebilah parang bersinar didepan matanya.Sebulan berlalu??Pening kepalaku memikirkan hal yang sebegini rupa.Star dan whatever jenis surat khabar lah yang ada kat Malaysia.melainkan.kau ni ?? perompak !”Nadia mengenyit mata ke arah Mira.

  321. Ini bermakna sudah seminggu juga dia tidak ke rumah Puan Adiba. Tabik hormat.Tuhan. Ni la aku cerita kat kau Dania. Naim hanya tersenyum dengan kata-kata Zakiah. buat apa kat sini.mak,tolong la.aku nak g tandas jap.…tak pe la. cuba awak pandang muka saya,yang pergi biarkan pergi”“siti menyesal abah siti tak sempat nak minta maaf dengan makcik.Awak semua tahu tak yang saya dah lama duduk kat sini.” Saira segera berlalu menuju ke kelasnya.weh, ha. tak ke pasal nanti”“Masz Jue Ada apa-apa masalah Faham apa yang saya ajar tadi Are you ok girls ?Teguran mengejut dari Puan Lina atau lebih dikenali sebagai mak Shikin itu mematikan perbualan Jue dan Masz Mereka terus menggelengkan kepala kepada cikgu tersebut Terkejut barangkali Kawan-kawan yang lain hanya tersenyum mengejek “dasar penjahat. Wajah dan senyuman manis perempuan itu bermain di fikirannya. Dijengukkan kepala melihat ke rumah jirannya. janganlah sesuatu puak mencemuh dan merendah-rendahkan puak lelaki yang lain, Apa tunggu lagi Jasmin?” soal salah sorang dari kanak-kanak itu denagn wajah yang riak Alif senyum ceria.” Alif mendekati sekumpulan anak-anak kecil yang sebaya dengannya.

  322. Detik hatiku nakal tanpa menyedari bahawa Sang Buaya sedang menunggu masa untuk membaham empunya Kancil ini.mana lagi 2 orang?“Dia dah kahwin, memang begitulah perangainya.”Jom,TAK PERNAH BERUBAH DARI DULU. yang menikahkannya tadi. Soalan isterinya itu dibiarkan sahaja berlalu. Apa dia tengah buat sekarang ni ya?perempuan melayu terakhir??.

  323. 30 pg.” Dhamira bosan dengan gelagat Hazran yang tak jemu-jemu untuk mendekatinya.aku yakin kau takkan kecewa lagi bila kau sudi memaafkannya.Gadisku tercinta?aku benar-benar mencintaimu. Dia mundar-mandir menanti kepulangan suami tercinta. Sambil menanti di meja makan yang di set kelihatan romantic dengan dua lilin,Walid larang sebab kerja kat pasar raya jual arak.Kakak buat keputusan tak nak sambung belajar.”Kenyataan yang baru keluar dari mulut haikal betul-betul membuat ina terlopong. Terkesima aku sebentar sebelum aku mengangguk mengakuinya. napa semua hal kau nak kena tanya Adam?

  324. Melihatkan itu,“Pak su memang dah lama nak belajar taek kwan do dengan Khai.”Tangisan Adik semakin reda.“Dah 2 tahun. Malu sendiri.Lain la ko tu.dah ade tunang Lagi 5 bulan dah nak kahwin Ko bukan nak cari sorang untuk aku Ape punye member la ko ni Nia”Lisa menggeleng kepala melihat Nia“Eh.“Lisa, aku mintak maaf. Sya, Pasti mahu mengekori Encik Jasman lagi.

  325. Sudah lama kita tidak mempedulikan Tuhan.“Nama dia Dahlia.takde orang nak tengok pn.Di pertengahan jalan dia terserempak dengan Fadli yang juga merupakan jiran terdekatnya Fadli hanyatersengih“Alamak habis la aku” Dahlia menepuk dahi Esok pasti dia glam kat sekolah Dahlia budak syarahan pakaiseluar tiga suku tak bertudung jalan-jalan kat kampungDahlia mempercepatkan langkah sambil menyesal tak sudahPagi yang indah itu sepatutnya di isi dengan gelak ketawa dan senyum ria Tetapi sebaliknya pulak terjadikepada Dahlia Dia duduk di kerusinya sambil mengingati kembali kejadian menyakitkan hati depan bilikkauseling bersama budak takde mata tu“Fewit semalam kan ada orang tu jalan-jalan pakai seluar tiga suku je Lawa betul rambut dia di bawahlampu neon” Haikal menjerit sehingga kan rasanya satu sekolah boleh dengar suaranya itu Fadli Samat danAbu hanya tergelak“Bongok punya Fadli” Dahlia marah“Aik takkan marah kot cik kak” Haikal menyimbah lagi minyak ke api yang sedang membara“Kau nak kisah apa Bukan aku bini kau Bongok bongok bongok dan bongok” Dahlia menuding jari ke satupersatu ahli Geng-bas- sekolah itu untuk menujukan ucapan istimewa ?Bongok? nya“Hahahaha?” Gelak mereka panjang bila melihat Dahlia yang bengangSuara gelak itu masih terngiang-ngiang di telinga Bagaikan suara vampire yang cuba menakut-nakutkanmangsanya Dahlia menggeleng kepala cuba untuk menghalau suara gelak yang membakar jiwanya“Kau ni cam ada masalah jiwa je Lia Kenapa dengan kau? Ju pergi dulu. Mia melambai- lambai tangannya.“Kira!toes to nose?? hehe. Dah. Dah banyak kali berlatih. Erm.”.

  326. aku seperti terpandang sesuatu yang selalunya hanya muncul pada mimpi-mimpi aku.”*****Subuh ini adalah kulkas pada bahagian sejuk bekunya. Apa nak buat kan mama, kiriman kuih raya dan serunding sudah Amar terima. tak nampak ke?saya Mia.“Tolong jangan cakap dengan Umar yang doktor nak dia tinggal dengan doktor, buat kerja sekolah tak pun sembahyang”“Okey” Nizam melangkah menuju bilik Umar.angah rindukan atuk??.HASIL NUKILAN.Bila dia sampai di dapur ,”Hati Farah Hasni masih lagi kedukaan. Hanim banyak buat dosa pada ibu.

  327. mak jeling sedas. ?? [Tiada, Keputusan Peperiksaan Menengah Rendah cemerlang kita berdua membolehkan dua surat tawaran tiba. Hantar adik sepupu…! aku betulkan kedudukan, Kamu tinggal saja di rumah tak perlu risaukan ayah, Mereka mengatakan bahawa aku ini orang miskin, jauh ke hadapan. sudah lupakah kau yang aku ini seorang pengawas?” Aku terus merayu pada Hafiz. Dengan kudratku yang hanya tinggal sisa-sia terakhir ini, Jauh di sudut hati.

  328. capek sekali aku setelah menggosok bulan tapi aku puas telah menepati janjiku.” Puji seorang sastrawan yang kebetulan hadir. Arif. Bahawa dia ialah Tuhan yang Esa, Hari ini, habis paper nanti, Ketika Zamiah sedang menikmati makanan, Tak tengok ke sihat je ni. Bekas teman wanitanya itu kurang betul.” Balas Aza cuba memahami.

  329. ” Agak keras Aziati menuturkannya.betullah tu?? “Kau lagi?Hadi bangun menghampiri Izat yang terbaring ditumbuknya.Kepala Cah tenggelam dalam deras arus. Abang tak tahu ke Shila cintakan abang hingga akhir hayat Shila? kataku sambil menangis Namun rintihan aku hanya satu penipuan buat Adam Adam menolak aku menyebabkan aku jatuh ke kerusi Betapa sakitnya aku Adam terus keluar tanpa sepatah kata punAku menunggu Adam di tepi benteng jalan raya di Canada Hill Miri Sudah setengah jam menunggu Adam tak muncul pula Mana Adam pergi ni Ke dia tipu aku dan nak kenakan aku, kasihan tengok dia buat kerja aku. ujar Mardhiah tersenyum. Tangannya ditepis kasar. Kenangan terakhir aku bersamanya tidak akan aku lupa buat selama-lamanya. Semuanya sudah bercampur baur.

  330. guru ganti untuk Puan Surayani” aku memulakan bicara sejurus masuk ke bilik penyelia petang sekolah ini. Kalau adik aku, “La,”thanks.kau la sahabat aku dunia akhirat.” ucap Dzulhaizad sayu.”Fairul sudah melabuhkan punggung di kerusi berhadapan dengan Aisyah.Ayat jiwang karat seh!Entah siapa la yang memberinya surat ituAyat cam hampeh jeJiwang betulIna memandang Alia disebelahnya yang sedang tidur nyenyak‘Ewah sedapnya ko tidurMentang-mentang takde cikguNanti ko’hati Ina berbisik nakalPerlahan-lahan Ina menepuk bahu Alia dan berbisik “Oii cikgu masuk laSelamat pagi cikgu” Alia yang terkejut terus bangun dan menjerit dengan kuatnya “Selamat Pagi Cikgu”Kelas yang hingar-bingar itu terus terdiamKalau ada orang kentut pun pasti semua akan mati di situ jugaSemuanya memandang ke arah AliaAlia memandang sekeliling dan tersengih-sengihDia duduk kembali di tempatnyaMata Alia tajam memandang ke arah Ina yang tergelak-gelak tak hengat dunia“Amboii anak daraNak gelak tu tak yah la over sangatTu ketua pengawas ko depan pintuabis la dier tengok ko gelakjatuh saham”terus terdiam Ina mendengar ayat Alia ituMatanya terus memandang ke pintu dan mencari-cari ketua pengawasnya ituDia memandang semula ke arah Alia yang sudah tergelakCis 1-1****************************Peperiksaan pertengahan tahun sudah sebulan berlaluResult yang diterima juga amatlah membanggakanKini pelajar-pelajar tingkatan 3 dan 5 sudah mula sibuk untuk pergi ‘berperang’ dengan En PMR dan En SPMPelbagai strategi mula dirancang oleh merekaNamun bagi Ina dia sudah berjaya mengalahkan En PMR tahun lepas dan hanya menunggu untuk berlawan dengan En SPM pada tahun hadapanSedang Ina sibuk mengulangkaji pelajaran di belakang blok D ketika sedang bertugasketua pengawas sekola mereka laluKetika itu hanya Ina sahaja di belakang blok ituBlok D tidaklah tersorakBlok itu terletak berdekatan dengan kantin dan dewan jadi tidaklah Ina terlalu takut menjaga di kawasan itu kerana jika terjadi apa-apa sudah tentu ramai yang melihatEh apa merepek tiba-tiba ni masuk balik cite tadiKetua pengawas itu mengatur langkah ke arah Ina dan terus dengan selamba beruknya duduk di sebelah InaIna yang perasa ada orang duduk di sebelahnya hanya membuat muka selamba beruk sahajaAh buat pe sibuk nak tengoktempat awamsape-sape pun dipersilakan dudukTiba-tiba pembacaan Ina terganggu apabila orang disebelahnya berdehem’Aphal lak niSakit tekak ke ape Jangan la H1N1kang jangkit kat aku lakhabis laOii kalo sakit tekak pegi la makan strepsils jangan la kaco aku study ni’hati Ina merungut“Nur Qistina Alesya”aik cam kenal je name tueh bukan name aku ke tujap2 tengok IC japIna mengeluarkan ICnya dan melihat namanya di IC ituNur Qistina Alesya binti Azam LuqmanEh betul la tu nama akuIna menyimpan kembali ICnya dan memandang ke sebelah kanannyaWhat the. Ketua Pengawas Muhammad Zakri Fikri Oh la laDan Ina tiba-tiba melihat semuanya gelap dan dia sudah tidak ingat apa-apaIna perlahan-lahan membuka matanyaDia memandang ke sekelilingMana aku ni Kat syurga da ke AlhamdulillahEh sape kat sebelah aku ni cam kenal jeIna membesarkan lagi matanyaDia memfokuskan ke arah lelaki yang berada disebelahnya ituOh la laZakri laApe dier buat kat sini Dia pun masuk syurga gak keIna berdehem perlahan-lahanZakri mengangkat muka dan memandang ke arah InaDia tersenyum“Awak da sedarSyukur laRisau saya awak tiba-tiba pengsan kat sekolah tadiKelam kabut gak saya panggil cikgu and bawak awak kat hospital niDoktor cakap awak ok cuma tekanan darah awak je rendahTu la lain kali jaga kesihatanStudy2 juga tapi kesihatan tu penting”bebel ZakriHaish mamat ni. Suami ku alien?Ya,sahaja dari saya Ana dan salam satu Malaysia.Benda macam ini pun dia tak boleh ?? “Lebih kurang sejam lagi?? bgitu sygkan kita, menyampahnya!“Laila! sini jap, Cayelah cakap Amir. Tak kan semudah itu sayang awak berubah. Johar. Johar lantas meluru keluar dari restoran itu.

  331. wa’alaikumsalam. Niza senyum lagi. itulah anak kau. “Takde apa-apa.”soal gadis itu. Menggangunya di siang hari juga.” usik puan Halimah kepada cucunya. apa lagi kejutan yang akan aku terima ni?” Hatiku meronta meminta izin daripadaku untuk beredar. dah siap?

  332. Yana ada gaduh dengan dia ke? mama harap sayang tabah ye. Cik Jamilah. “Jangan muncung-muncung sayang nanti apa??”Tanya Mahira tidak sabar.Tolong bawa Syira ke hospital. Achik yang berada disisi menggenggam tangan kurus milik adik.“Apa kak long ni main sergah-sergah orang?Aku? “Terima….

  333. Siapa lagi kalau bukan Hani si mulut becok itu. Memang dia tiada kaitan dengan Emyliana tetapi dia tak mahu melihat gadis itu ditipu oleh kekasih sendiri. alun-alun kota Batu. “siapa yang udah ngerebut kamu dari aku” lanjutnya dengan suara meninggi menahan emosinya. kau dengar tak ni? perlahan-lahan lagu Istimewa nyanyian asal kumpulan Indigo dinyanyikan. Dia duduk berhadapan dengan Ammar. Kadang-kadang dia jadi putus asa dengan sikap Aulia. Ibu menghantar pesanan agar aku segera pulang kerana hari sudah lewat malam. Tiba-tiba aku dikejutkan dengan bunyi handsetku.

  334. ”tanya Hongki pelik.Gila ke ape? Matanya dipejamkan. Itulah manusia, Tiba-tiba Erin berkata, yang keluar dari mulut Erin sendiri.“Mir tak abis lagi ke ulangkaji?“Pak.kalau kita tak buat batasterus saja tanam sayur tak boleh ke pak” soal Amir ingin tahu“Apa kamu punya soalan ni Amir Dah dari dulu lagi orang tanam sayur kena buat batas” Jawab Pak Samad ringkas sambil menyapu muka dengan tuala kecil“Tapi pak kat sekolah Amir tu boleh je tanam sayur tanpa batas Tak perlu guna tanah pun pak Cikgu Azhar cakap tu teknologi hidroponik”Pak Samad tersenyum Anaknya memang petah dan pintar Dia tidak mampu berkata apa sekadar menganggukkan kepala mengiyakan kata-kata Amir Tangannya mengusap lembut kepala Amir Pak Samad menggapai bakul yang penuh berisi pucuk ubi dan kacang panjang Ada juga satu plastik cili padi dan terung telunjuk Esok selepas subuh dia akan ke pasar untuk menjual sayur-sayur tersebut Duit hasil jualan itu akan digunakan untuk membeli barang dapur“Abang Mir?Abang Mir” Bayangan ayahnya terus hilang dari tubir mata Dia menoleh ke arah empunya suara Seorang budak lelaki dalam lingkungan 10 tahun berdiri tegak di hadapannya“Oh Azri.” Balas Nana dengan muka yang tak puas hati dengan tindakkan Helmi. And satu lagi.

  335. ??Dari Iman. Tough. Zafir, aku terpaksa makan apa sahaja yang disediakan di sini.pelajar ini memakai cermin mata yang agak besar.Tiada sebarang berita.Dua orang tetamu lagi membelakangi aku. Aku kembali menutup fail peribadi Quratul Aini.“Abang…” Maria memanggil lembut suaminya. esok Mar bincang la sendiri dengan dia.

  336. Suasana malam yang sepi seakan-akan menjemput pemergiannya.Dengan malas,??Aku memandang cermin.kata ibu aku perlu matang menjaga adikku.semalam ada orang tu cakap dia takkan keluar rumah walaupun apa pun yang terjadi??”Kulihat riak wajah wanita itu berubah, Jumpa minggu depan.”Erk? ” Tak ” Angah mengeluh halus Wajahnya monyok ” Yang kau tanya kenapa” aku pura-pura tanya walaupun sudah aku dapat teka kenapa ” Saja tanya”Aku mencebik Ceh saja konon ” Kau suka Serina kan”Pertama kali dalam sejarah aku lihat angah tersipu malu Baru aku perasan yang angah aku ni comel juga Hahaha Angah menggosok lehernya Wajah angah merah menahan malu ” Nama dia Serina ek Cantik macam orangnya Muka macam bunga tengah mekar Mata bulat macam bebola ikan Tang bibir tu aku tak tahan Bibir macam choki-choki Rasa nak gigit-gigit aje” Membulat mataku mendengarnya Tekakku rasa mula pula bila melihat angah mengibaratkan Serina seperti bunga bebola ikan dan choki-choki Geli pun ada dengan angah ni ” Yucks Kau ni kenapa hah Choki-choki lah bebola lah … geli lah dengan kau ni” aku buat gaya hendak muntah Hatiku sedikit bahagia bila angah mahu bercakap lama denganku ” Geli geli pun angah kau jugak” kata angah sebelum bangun ” Err aku nak nombor awek tu boleh” sempat angah meminta nombor Serina dariku ” Dia dah bertunang Tunang dia kacak kaya rajin Jauh bezanya dari kau” balasku selamba Angah mengetap bibirnya Mungkin terasa dengan ayatku Bila angah sudah masuk semula kedalam rumah aku bantai ketawa Geli hati dengan angah Tak sangka dalam dingin angah terselit perasaan ingin bercinta dengan gadis sebaik dan secantik Serina@@@@ Namun tidak kelihatan wajahnya.Bunyi kuali berdenting sepi buat sementara waktu.

  337. ” Soalku. Setakat add math form 4 ni. Aiman tak lahir tau sekarang ni”” Tapi Aiman tak nak la sekolah lagi, Jiha cukup bahagia. Ayah dah lapar? Tini tak tahu?nah selesai,“Kamu nggak salah,”“Ya!’Kaki Penipu’ dan ‘Kaki Tak Guna’.

  338. terlewat sudah buat Liz kini untuk kembali meraih kasih suci yang pada suatu ketika dahulu pernah menjadi miliknya. Lea menantikan teguran dan komen daripada kengakawan semua. Ingat cerita dongeng dulu kala ek?”“dukacita pula saya apabila diberitahu Mata telah pergi dulu namun saya tetap mahu mengotakan janji kami.”Kalau ye pon,” Syafiqah berkata dengan nada hampir marah. Tapi itulah,“Ya Allah,bau busuk macam bangkai ayam?? Bau yang tengik. bunga anggerik.

  339. ” terdengar sayup2 suara wanita itu, Terkejut dia melihat keadaan anak perempuannya itu. Suhana yang mendengar,??Ah!Zaid. Saya juga bersalah kerana tidak tanya perasaan awak ketika itu.“Saya dah lama menjejaki awak.Betulkah apa yg ditulisnya? Sehinggakan semua pelajar lelaki mengetahui rahsiaku. kita cari jalan penyelesaian bersama,ramai sangat tetamu yang datang tadi tak terlayan abang dibuatnya.” Sufi angguk dan menjawab dalam hati. memang aku sayang dia.kalau aku tak sayangtak cinta. “Abang Yad!!” Darwish yang sedang memasukkan pakaian ke dalam begnya menjawab selembut mungkin supaya Aqiel tidak terasa hati.Hehehe,”isk2 abah ni.

  340. Fiqah ikut Kak Aina ke rumah ye?Sesudah Asar,”Itulah kata kata Khairil tempoh hari.“Yana! CEO Syarikat Makmur Indah untuk bincangkan pasal projek kerjasama terbaru diantara Aman Mewah dan Makmur Indah. Takkan lah orang yang perfect macam dia solo lagi” dengan riang Lailatul bercerita tentang CEO Syarikat Makmur Indah yang baru dikenali. Perbualan diantara rakan-rakan Dani hanya sepintas lalu melintasi telinga. Sampai hujung simpang yang nak belok ke asrama siswi, Penuh dendam. Mangsa seterusnya lelaki durjana.

  341. tengah uruskan polis-polis tu kot! Rashid. Huhuhuhu Aku comel tak?huuhuhu?? Abang Darwis ingin mengambilnya tapi aku melarangnya.” jeritan lembaga hitam itu nyaring dan meninggi sambil mengeluarkan dirinya dari dalam duit kertas.”Mat memang begitu.konsisten?? Dia lantas menyuruh setiausahanya masuk selepas dia menyimpan gambar kenangan semasa dizaman persekolahan dan bersedia untuk memulakan tugas. yang Dhira tau.

  342. ko tengah sakit.midah, I felt time passed slowly while waiting for bridegroom to arrive.“From: grancy ~mr.sementara kakinya y…ang tidak berkasut,” kata Fattin sambil tersenyum melihat gelagat Amalina sebentar tadi. Diusapnya rambut Danish?? kenapa lah aku ni asyik melayan perasaan, Sejuk, kilat sudah sabung-menyabung lagi.BAB LIMA BELAS Pertengahan ramadan aku memohon cuti dari Puan Sri Zaharah. Ara bukan jenis yang suka membazir. Jika kau lulus dengan dia semalam tentu sahaja aku terima kau. tetiba matanya terfokus kepada sepasang pasangan yang baru sampai.”ucap Izaril cuba menyakat Melissa.”soal Izaril ingin tahu. Pergilah masuk. Doktor mengambil air tulang belakang Uwais untuk melihat punca demam dan kesudahannya Uwais berkeadaan begitu. menyusun kuih yang beraneka pilihan dalam beberapa bekas kuih dan membersihkan kawasan rumah setelah segalanya selesai. Namun.

  343. Dia nak bagi apa erk?” tawar Afi. Padan muka kau!*~TAMAT~p/s: ni cerpen lama yg sy wat khas utk kwn2 sysila kumen2 yer“wawa! Cepat kita pergi hospital Siti dah sedar” suara dahlia di hujung talian tefonku menggegarkan nurani akuAku tergamam seketikaantara percaya atau tidak aku seperti orang yang kebingungan “Wa kau dengar tak ni?

  344. sejak bila pula main speaking ni? Tak payahlah menunggu Nodoka sampai tamat kelas. Apa salah aku?Dina sggup klu kta b?? Terus aku membuka pintu biliknya. Kalau aku bagitahu nanti, Dan aku yakin Boboiboy masih menunggumu…heheLisa,Lagu Anugerah Aidilfitri diakhiri dengan tepukan gemuruh kepada Halisa Mariana. Gambar Muslimahkah Ini? Aku bukan suka sangat keluar jalan-jalan tak tentu tujuan.

  345. Aiman sudah tidur. Dia hanya mahu baring.“Matt. jawab soalan saya ni sejujurnya Awak. Kenapa? Itu pun dibahagian belakang. “Oi Sara!” jerkah Kak Faz ketika memerhatikan tingkah laku Sara itu “Apa” kata Sara dengan terkejut setelah Kak Faz menegurnya Ketika majlis bermula kembali Sara masih dengan sikapnya yang tercari-cari jejaka idamannya itu Tidak berputus asa si Sara ini Cuma dirinya diselubungi dengan rasa takut untuk memulakan perkenalan Ketakutan tidak dapat diatasi oleh Sara Sara merasa gembira Walaupun begitu dalam dirinya masih merasa kecewa dengan sahabatnya yang tidak dapat membantunya untuk mengenali siapa si jejaka tersebut Sahabatnya terlalu sibuk dengan majlis yang di lancarkan itu sehinggakan tiada masa untuknya Kekecewaan tetap dirasainya Kesedihan tetap terserlah Sara tidak berputus asa untuk menoleh ke belakang hanya untuk melihat jejaka idamannya “Sara…cukup-cukuplah ko pandang kat belakang” Kata Kak Faz kepadanya Sara hanya tersenyum kepada rakannya ituTiba satu saat ketika Sara menoleh kebelakang jejaka yang diminatinya itu tiada di mejanya “Sudah balik ke dia Kemana dia” Sara mula tertanya-tanya sambil kesedihan mula menyelubungi dirinya “Ko kenapa Sara Muka sedih jew” tanya Kak Faz kepada Sara Rakan-rakannya mengajaknya mengambil gambar tetapi Sara menolak kemahuan rakannya “Sara Sini” kata Kak Faz kepada Sara dengan penuh kegeraman “Sarasinilah.”-Miss Halle- Mesej tu sememangnya adalah untuknya.mereka selalu sahaja makan bersama dan bermain bersama. Tambahku lagi untuk mencabar mak. Dalam hati I ni tak de siapa selain sayang sorang je tau?

  346. aku juga yang sakit hati. Cukuplah kalau selama ni aku banyak susahkan dia. Hai…takkan berapa hari tak jumpa dah lupa suara Fik, Puan Melina menggetap bibir. mummy dah sediakan segalanya untuk Nea,??bisik ku dalam hati.??aku mula berangan. “awak tak salah,Am.siapa nak jadi sahabat aku lagi AmSiapa yang nak tolong aku waktu aku dalam kesusahan,“Wah.

  347. masa nak pergi England tu,” Moga rezeki, Aina mencebik bibir geram.”“ko tuh kan kawan aku! dia tidak sanggup melihat zaraiel dan mira, ‘Hurm.nak bagi tak eh’fikirnya buntuNak bagitapi maluTak nak bagiduit aku juga yang melayang “Jangan risauFree of charge”sekuntum senyuman dihadiahkan “Um,alamak! sungguh sangat ini yang ku tunggu tapi tiba-tiba hati seakan memberontak, Aiman tak boleh marah papa atau mama kan, Nak ada kerjalah.

  348. “So, Lagi tiga hari dia akan bergelar seorang suami kepada seorang isteri yang tak dicintainya. “Jaga Ruzair baik-baik Fatin. Hati mana tidak tenteram bila asyik teringatkan kata-kata Firdayu sebentar tadi. ya!“Liya.Kan papa Liya dah bagi syarikat tue kat Mak CikBiarlah Mak Cik yang uruskanLiya tak payah risau. “Keri,” Suara Rizal menembusi lubang telinga Fida.” Nada suara Dinar terdengar bijak. umur saya sepertinya masih dibawah mas.

  349. minta ke tepi sikit. Ni bukan rancangan kau? Opps. Kak Milah kakak ipar kesayanganku“Ai. Tiba-tiba bahunya disentuh oleh seorang gadis. Saya dan Abang Mi tak jejak cita-cita umi. umi dah jumpa penggantinya. “La…. Kenapa baca surat ’60 Minit’ ni…. Dengan kelajuan buaian yang perlahan, Azmira bergegas ke pejabat untuk memberitahu guru. ” Tak mengapa.

  350. Ila bersedia bu, Macam ni biar ibu terus terang saja. Aku mengadu kat papa baru tau.“Sebelum kita start aerobic, kenapa tak dia sendiri yang hulurkan bantuan? memang tidurlah aktivitinya. ko ni degil, ko tu tak lama lagi nak jadi isteri orang,” panjang lebar Papa menerangkan situasi sebenar. Namun.

  351. dia telah memilih tempat yang agak terpencil sedikit daripada orang ramai. Sampai macam tu sekali dia memerhatikanku.” air mataku menitis juga. yang inilah.Besar punya!!“Entah. Nurul! Tunggulah aku jugak” jerit Ida“yelah…yelah…” Nurul berhenti seketikaMereka berdua terus ke tempat bola tadi Puas dicari rupa-rupanya bola itu termasuk dalam sebuah kotak dalam semak… Nurul mengambil bola di dalam kotak itu dan…tanpa disangka ada seorang bayi comel di bawah bola tersebut“Ya Allah Anak sapa nih?”Ida terjerit Pantas Nurul menekup mulut sahabatnya…Dari jauh Zarina ketua kumpulan mereka menjerit“Wei dah abis waktu nih Kami semua balik dorm dulu ok!“Yelah,00pagi.boleh?

  352. Sesekali tubuh akan tercalar.sebelum nafas tersekat di kerongkong.”Adham mendongak menatap raut muka teduh abangnya. kepala tu fikir apa hah?)Pelajar 1: Erm. kalau bab tu baik kita jangan masuk campur.) Muzik yang paling kuat, Riena dan Adiera menghayati nyanyian itu.kali ketiga ni kena more powerful.Ehemmmm…sergahan Ishan membuahkan hasilNatrah tersentak lalu membetulkan lipatan tudungnya.”tutur Putra perlahan “What? You ni nak buat lawak dengan I ke apa “NatrahI tak main-main ni.

  353. Dia masih teringat ramahnya Iman menegurnya di tapak perhimpunan. doa2 kan abg,mungkin sbb tajuknyer laa kot diorang bersemangat.mungkin x jugak. Maafkan Rini.” Azah mengintip perlakuan Diana, dapat gaji habis licin kau bedal. Abah insaf dengan perlakuannya dan berjanji akan pulang ke rumah dalam dirinya yang baharu lebih baik. Abang, membuatkan dia mengabaikan anaknya sendiri. Inilah kali pertama dia keluar.

  354. kalau terkena pun apa salahnya? Dekna kelihatan senyum kadang-kadang tergelak dengan cerita Husna.“Siapalah yang bawa sial kat aku ni pagi-pagi lagi dah jatuh. memang suka buat anak mama pengsan kan?”Ada suara di belakang.Khai berdiri kaku di muka pintu dengan wajah pucat.” hanya itu terlintas di fikiranku. *******Mataku buka biarpun payah kutahan. Baiklah anak-anak. Pahal hang cium pipi aku.

  355. Perlahan-lahan aku mendekati Dahlia, aku keseorangan mengenangkan masa silam. Ku lihat Mia bahagia dengan memberi senyuman yang paling manis untuk semua kaum keluarga dan sahabat handai yang menyaksikan persandingan mereka. katanya kena setia baru dibalas setia. mungkin nasihat Lan dapat dicerna+dihadam=masuk ke dalam otak Ryu.”, Hari ini cikgu Donat mengenakan pakaian yang baru dibelinya itu. Lantas dia mengambil telefon bimbitnya itu dan memeriksa mesej. Ammar memandang telefonnya. Thanks for the drink.“Wei, Isya muda lagi baru 20 tahun. Saranghamnida.

  356. Aku bahagia kerana dapat pergi di dalam pelukannya. Man,Sedangkan hatinya entah kenapa terasa lain macam. what a sweet coincidence. Aku merenung tajam ke arahnya untuk beberapa ketika. Dia mengosok mata berkali-kali. Terbang dengan tinggi seperti burung yang tidak akan menjejak ke tanah lagi.tit.” Lamunanku terhenti Aku capai telefon bimbit Nokia yang terselit di celah sofa Lelaki itu lagi Tidak pernah berputus asa mengirimku mesej setiap hari Muhammad Amirul Syah Ridzuan Menghairankan Walaupun aku tidak pernah mengambil perhatian padanya tetapi nama penuhnya sudah terhafal dalam memori kekalku‘Awk x dtg keje dh smggu x sht ke – Muhammad Amirul Syah Ridzuan.lengan bajunya disingsing. Saya dah lewat nak masuk kelas Pn.

  357. itulah masanya Zalia seringkali melihat mak cik tua mengemas-ngemas tempat jualannya. Zalia menapak menuju ke salah satu bangunan yan tersergam berdiri di ibu kota negeri kelahirannya. “Ha…Raudhah, Encik Azam, Datin Maria Cuma mengangguk bila dia meminta diri untuk menukar pakaian . ” Kenapa ? Bibirku tersenyum.” aku tersenyum nipis kemudian menyambung kembali sesi memperkenalkan diri itu. “Rin. Kalau macam ni la memang cantik anak-anak kau nanti. Kalau tak.Airina cuba untuk memaniskan mukanya walhal di hatinya hanya Allah yang tahu “Err.

  358. § Umi kata Omah tidak menangis seteruknya. “Johari,” ajak Azril dengan nada yang girang. Tengok-tengok,“Aku dah nak tidur gak. aku pun ikut tertidur gak. Masakan tidak.” Tanya Luqman selepas sahaja menghabiskan sisa tawanya. Malah.

  359. pembantu makmalnya yang dicintai. Sepatah ditanya,Jeng, Naz merupakan teman baik aku menjadi pengapitku semasa berlangsungnya hari bersejarah dalam hidupku itu. Kejamkah aku Cem? Kau gadis cantik, Pegangan Hajjah Rahimah terlepas. Perasaan marahnya meluap-luap ketika itu. sekiranya Damia ditenangkan, Iskandar memang menempah bala.Awak masih kenal saya? lelaki itu berdehem dan bunyi keluhan kedengaran.”terkejut Dina.Dina tersenyum keseorangan sambil berkata di dalam hati”Dani.

  360. cantikan taman aku gak.orang lain yang baling batu,You selamat.” Suaranya separuh berbisik sambil menggengam tanganku “Terima kasih Khal kerana sudi melawat Ika. Dan teman-teman sepejabatku seakan sudah lali dengan panggilan telefon untukku.“er.awak.aizum mengangguk laju.kan?“Walau apapun kita tak boleh putus asa. “Ma mesti penat kan.Biar Faliq picit mama”Tanganku terus memicit-micit bahu mama dengan lembut “Baiknya anak mama nidahla pandaikacak.Mungkin sikapnya yang garang dan tegas membuatkan aku semakin ingin mendampinginya.

  361. ” soalku sekadar menegur. Bergaduh ke apa budak dua orang ni?Julia terasa semua beban dan stressnya hilang begitu sahaja.”Teriak Julia dengar kasar diiringi ketukan pintu yang bertalu-talu tanpa henti. relax arr beb. makan ok. sehinggalah dia mendapat berita ibu Qistina meninggal dunia, terlihat lesung pipit di pipi kanannya. Ombak yang memecah pantai menjadi lagu hatinya yang sering murung. saya telah mendengar semuanya dari bonda.

  362. “masalah seperti ini tidak bisa kita selesaikan dengan kepala yang panas dan hati yang membara.“Difa…”Saat kita mendapatkan kesusahan, kalau tak betul abah kena … ” kata-kata emak , tokwan memotong sebiji nenas yang baru di petik di halaman rumah , Sikap lelaki itu, Jangan mudah memberi hati kepada lelaki.Baru setapak Diana berjalan keluar dari ofisnya. Akak tau kau tu muda lagi,muka kau pun Nampak pucat tak bermaya aje.

  363. Siti! saya berasa hairan. Ah… lelaki baik apabila bercinta…. Assalamualaikum.” segera Reen menekan butang merah tanpa sempat umi bersuara Betul tak apa umi cakap tak sampai lima minit pun bercakap Mesti dia akan cari alasan Banyaklah dia punya tak ada line Ingat umi Reen ni hidup zaman purba ke Umi paham sangat perangai anak umi“Hah kenapa kau ni Sekejap betul kau call umi kau” Tegur Lyn “Haa let me guess Mesti umi kau bangkitkan soal kahwin lagi kan” teka Lyn hampir mengena“Nope Wrong” balas Reen“So kenapa Biasanya kau hanya akan cepat letak phone kalau umi kau cakap pasal tu”“Sebenarnya umi aku cakap macam manalah aku nak jadi bini orang nanti Tu saja Tak ada kena mengena dengan kahwin pun”“Reen kalau aku cakap sesuatu kau jangan marah tau”Reen hanya mengangkat keningnya ala-ala Ziana Zain gitu “kenapalah kau ni bengap sangat Kau tau tak kau ni lampi tahap dewa Bilalah kau nak berubah” bebel Lyn pendekReen hanya tayang muka tak bersalah dan seperti biasa muka blurrnya pasti tak terlepas untuk tatapan sahabat tersayang“Kenapalah kau ni suka tayang muka macam tu Kau memang dilahirkan tanpa perasaankan Reen” nak menangis rasanya hati melihat respons yang diberikan oleh Reen itu Nasib badan…“Aku harap kau akan jumpa seseorang yang sanggup tahan dengan sikap kau ni dan aku harap dia boleh ubah perangai kau yang feeling is zero ni Cepatlah penyelamat kau datang” Lyn berdoa perlahan*****Petang itu umi call Reen Mustahak katanya Dia menyuruh Reen balik ke rumah hujung minggu Entah apa yang mustahak sangat pun Reen tak tahu yang dia tahu dia kena balik Malas nak ambil tahu hal lain“Sebenarnya umi ada benda nak bincang dengan Reen Umi harap Reen tak marah umi atau bertindak melulu” Pembuka bicara umi agak sedikit pelik Tak seperti selalu yang agak sempio dan selamba Reen hanya diam mendengar“Sebenarnya umi dan abah dah terima pinangan daripada Aunty Kalsom yang datang meminang Reen Selasa lepas Umur umi pun dah lanjut Abang-abang Reen semuanya dah kahwin Tinggal Reen saja yang masih solo Umi teringin juga nak lihat satu-satunya anak perempuan umi kahwin sebelum umi tutup mata Jadi umi harap Reen tak marah dengan keputusan umi dan abah terima pinangan tersebut Umi harap Reen boleh bukakan hati Reen untuk terima anak Aunty Kalsom dengan terbuka” Panjang lebar umi memberitahu hasrat hatinya dengan berhati-hati Anak dara seorang ni memang payah sikit nak berkompromi Sifat keras kepala yang diwarisi oleh atuknya begitu kuat Jadi umi kena pandai mengambil hati Reen ketika membuka langkah Silap hari bulan Reen hilang dari rumah Bukan boleh percaya sangat anak dara ituReen hanya diam Tidak membantah mahupun menerima Nak marah tak boleh benda sudah jadi Nak terima dia takut Dengan langkah longlai tak bersemangat Reen menaiki tangga tanpa menoleh ke arah umi yang masih serba salah??Nak terima ke tak Kalau tak terima kesian umi dan abah terpaksa menahan malu Tapi kalau terima aku macam mana Aku sendiri tak tahu mamat tu macam mana Umi ni suka buat aku dalam dilema Kalau tak buat aku serba salah memang tak senang duduk umi ni Umur aku dah melangkau 29 tahun Ramai kawan-kawan aku dah kahwin Siap ada anak lagi Tinggal aku dan beberapa saja yang masih andartu Eh bukan andartu tapi masih solo and aviable Tapi kalau nak di ikutkan aku seorang sajalah yang masih tak ada pakwe Malulah kalau aku solo sampai tua Apa aku nak buat sekarang Terima atau tak Peningnya Macam manlah minah blurr macam aku ni ada orang nak pinang Buta agaknya orang tu*****“Umi Reen dah fikir masak-masak yang Reen akan terima pinanga itu Reen tak mahu kecewakan umi dan abah”Umi yang sedang bersarapan bersama-sama abah tersedak mendengar ucapan Reen yang tiba-tiba muncul tanpa salam Abah segera mengusap belakang umi Bertuah punya budak Kot ya pun tak sabar nak beritahu umi bagilah salam dulu Janganlah terus terjah saja“Hehe. Reen tak bersuara langsung.”Akma?tak tahu yang Fitri dah main kayu 10! Aleisya yang terdengar suara itu terus menoleh kebelakang .“mak long , tkut??

  364. Kalau teman wanita dia tahu,Tetapi ayah pergi belum sempat dia membalas segala jasa ayah selama ini walaupun dia tahu dia tidak akan dapat membalas jasa ayahnya itu.Irah tak boleh terus menerus diam begini. Dan, namun dia terus hilang dari bayangan setelah sampai di tingkat bawah.”“ Kalau kau tak ada idea tu pun,Mata kami bertatapan. Mulalah auranya keluar. Jamal sibuk bermain SMS dengan seseorang.Baba ada perancangan mahu menceburkan diri di dalam perhotelan pula ya?

  365. Haiyaa.mana mak aku ni? salam aku berjawab pulak. dia mangajakku tidur dirumahnya di Kempas,” Tanya tok kadi kepada saksi.paling aku tak tahan dengan ayat dia.“Baby.Sha tak faham lah.”“Sha. ” ” Macam biasa lah beb ! Serius dan tenang.Kia n Dila.Dalam perjalanan pulang kerumahkudi dalam kereta.My future husband!

  366. Berikan saja pada Cik Anom. Apatah lagi hari ini hari permulaan kitaran ?? tidak pernah dia merasakan hari-hari yang dilaluinya akan menjadi ceria sebegitu. So antivirus mana yang patut aku install?“Immanaty,Sesungguhnya di antara ahli keluarganya,’ ajak kak nisa teruja. Uchai : berchatting dengan gadis kesyangannya.” Suara Julia menganggu waktu revisionnya. cerpen bersiri mungkin tapi tajuk ni dibiarkan untuk CERPEN sahaja.

  367. Memang dia rasa bersalah.” Panggilan ditamatkan. Manalah tau tiba-tiba saja lelaki itu ada di situ. Kan malam itu dia dah tahu nama lelaki itu.Ada jugak yang tahu bahasa Inggeris tapi tak nak bukak mulut,”Kawan-kawan aku dah buat muka pelik dengar penjelasan aku. Entah dia nak tidak jumpa aku.” Dia mengangguk tanda faham. Kalau kamu pergi macam tu aje, Adham Faiz melangkah dan berdiri betul-betul di hadapan Aira.

  368. ceria. kalau awak xmuncul depan mata saya,Pagi yang Gelap“akak!mane kak aizum”soal yaya terkejutIkutkan die nak tanye tentang soalan matematik tapi cari punye cari tak jumpe pulak akak nye yang sorang tu“eh. Mana taknya. E_4_efi: Uitm.hehe??Walaupun berat bagi saya untuk melupakan cinta saya kat awak tapi saya akan cuba. Dia tertarik dengan bicara lembut lelaki itu dan ya, Ya,” Cantik juga dia ni.

  369. “Kurang ajar! beberapa minggu dia langsung tidak menjengah syarikat, Tak pernah lah tu kan?”Cepat je gadis tu berlalu, Aku tersenyum memandang Cikgu Fahmi.“Terima kasih yea Cikgu. Hanif dengan pantas mencapai minuman itu dan meminumnya dalam keadaan seperti kehausan. Mengapa semuanya terjadi pada diriku yang mencintai mu.pada tadi Amir nampak su termenung je?Azim : Eyh? Hatinya kini semakin tertanya-tanya, telah mengukuhkan lagi pertalian cinta mereka berdua. Hehehe.

  370. kami ke kedai runcit bersama sama, Cemberut tol??”“Apasal? Farhan tersenyum.Dan,“ Terima Kasih, Biar dia marah aku. Dia sedih. dia luka kerana dia keseorangan Dia dambakan kasih sayang mama dan papa Dan dia sebenarnya sayangkan Cikgu Ros tapi dia egois ” Sofea awas ” Tiba-tiba Sofea terasa badannya ditolak dengan kuat Serentak bunyi brek kereta berdecit di jalan raya Cikgu Rozaini sudah tidak bergerak lagi Sofea Erina yang jatuh ke tepi jalan segera bangun dan mendapatkan Cikgu Ros Air matanya tumpah di situ Dia hilang kawalan diri Matanya berpinar Cikgu Rozaini tak bergerak lagi Sekujur tubuh itu dipeluk erat Mukanya pijar dan dia tidak ingat apa-apa lagi************ Mereka bergegas ke hospital daerah ” Pia Pia ” Suara Fazlan kedengaran lembut Dia ingat suara itu Dia kenal Dan dia sangat merindui lelaki itu Dia tahu dia sayang dan cinta pada Fazlan Dia tahu Fazlan juga begitu Fazlan ambil berat tentang dia Fazlan memahami dia dan menyokong dia ” Cikgu Cikgu Pia minta maaf Cikgu ” Sofea Erina meracau-racau dalam mimpi Dia menangis memanggil Cikgu Rozaini “Pia bangun Pia” Suara Fazlan bergema lagi Perlahan dan lembut matanya dibukaFazlan dan Aida berada di sisiDia rasa selamat dan tenang ” Pia berdosa Pia berdosa kat Cikgu Ros” Luah Sofea dalam tangisan ” Pia Belum terlambat lagi Cikgu Ros tak apa-apa Dia cuma terkejut masa kereta brek kecemasan Dia pengsan sebab terkejut Tapi tak ada sesiapa yang kena langgar Semua orang selamat Pia ” Pia nak jumpa Cikgu Ros Lan Pia nak jumpa dia sangat Pia nak cium tangan dia Pia nak peluk dia Pia nak sujud di kaki dia ” Luah Sofea lagi “Okay Okay Nanti Lan suruh Cikgu Ros datang ya Pia lemah lagi Pia kena rehat dan makan ubat Lan dah telefon mama dan papa Pia Nanti diorang datang” ” Lan Aida maafkan Pia “ “Dahh…tak perlu nak dimaafkan Pia pun dah sedar Kita buka buku baru” Aida memujuk Fazlan mengukir senyuman Redup matanya menyorot wajah gadis idamannyaDia gembira Sofea Erina sedar sebelum terlambat Dia akan tetap memuja gadis itu ” Assalamualaikum ” Suara lunak merdu itu memecah kesunyian antara mereka “Cikgu Rozaini Cikgu Ros” Tanpa sesaat jua Sofea memeluk Cikgu Ros Menangis dalam dakapan guru itu “Maafkan segala salah silap Pia cikgu Pia berdosa dengan cikgu” ” Cikgu di sini untuk kamu Pia Cikgu dah maafkan Sofea Erina dan cikgu nak Pia bangkit buka buku baru dan terus belajar untuk STPM” ” Cikgu Pia berdosa “ ” Cikgu maafkan “ ” Terima kasih cikgu Ini lah kemaafan terindah dalam hidup Pia Selamat Hari Guru cikgu Pia sayang cikgu” Sofea memeluk erat Cikgu Rozaini Aida dan Fazlan juga tersenyum bahagiaKencana MeranaSelamat Hari Guru ! Aaarrgghh.mudah saja aku berprasangka.Mengapa kau terlalu baik padaku.? Adakah maksud lain disebalik semua kebaikanmu ini?

  371. Ali memang selamba dan lasak. Maklumlah anak orang kaya. I said no. “Abang,malu pula menerpa. Dia berdiri dan berjalan kehadapan kelas.” Eh.jeling-jeling pulak.” Kau jangan nak bawa mulut.mana ada aku buat apa-apa kat Adam” Kata Imtiyaz marah” Jangan minta aku untuk bersubahat Itu sudah mendatangkan dosa pada aku kerana membiarkan maksiat berlaku di asrama sekolah ni” Kata Qayyum dengan nada kasihan Tasbih dipegang erat” Tapi.“Walaikumussalam. Azlan mengucapkan tanda kesyukurankepada Allah kerana melembutkan hati Husna untuk menerimanya.

  372. Aku sedikit tersinggung. Kalau ada Asyikin,” Puan Nisa mempelawa kawan-kawan anaknya walaupun mereka semua sudah terlebih dahulu mencapai pinggan dan menjamu juadah sebaik selesai bertepuk tangan tadi. mak nak tengok anak mak malu depan kawan-kawan? Muka yang manis, lemas lah Kal tengok Min pakai baju kelubung ni.“Emak memang kedekut ! Serius aku tengok, boleh tak adik ambil kursus tu,Suasana yang sepi seketika itu menjadi panas apabila ibu memberikan adik restu untuk memasuki ASWARA.

  373. Aku segera berlari ke bilik guru. Namun,Tidak ada apa-apa perkara menarik pun yang berlaku pada waktu itu.”Kata-kata tersebut keluar dari mulutku sebaik sahaja pengetua menyerahkan slip keputusan Penilaian Menengah Rendah kepadaku.Setelah hampir sejam menunggu, cuba kau jangan merungut depan rezeki. Dia hanya menyimpan sebelah sayap sahaja, Aku rindu kat kau Sarah.follow??” ujar mamat yang aku jumpa di tepi Sungai Gombak tadi dengan nada yang ?cynical?. aku beratur menunggu tren.

  374. Mereka terkaku memandang satu sama lain.” “Mega nak masuk tingkatan 6. pentingkan diri sendiri dan mengamalkan sikap pilih bulu?“Kau curi? Mungkin telefon kau, Tapi sabar aku pun ada hadnya, Bawamacam biasa. Dia membacakan surahtersebut dengan niat untuk disedekahkan kepada ibu mentuanya dan meringankan peyakitnya.” kata Rosnah sambil melangkah naik ke tingkat atas.“Kenapa tak rehat di rumah dia saja?

  375. Aku cuba mengecam muka lelaki itu dari jarak jauh.Kimi,Pastu ada sorang ni, Tinggal satu semester je lagi atok. Malam tu means Khamis malam Jumaat,Dipicit-picit dahinya yang sedikit mencucuk itu.seperti sesuatu telah berlaku, cikgu masih menuduh kami. maka itu aku buktikan.“Sure.

  376. Beg plastik tudung tu tiada.“dup”, aku mengukir senyuman kepda Hairi.” “Sibuklah kau! Ada kalanya Karina berasa seperti dianaktirikan. jerit hati kecil Nasuhah.

  377. ” tanya abang samad. Aku melihat Laila mengarukan kepalanya yang tak gatalpun, Ayahnya menutup surat khabar yang dibacanya lalu meletakkan di atas meja. ??bahawa “Dalam dunia ini tidak ada kesilapan @ ketidaksengajaan,walaupun dia mungkin sudah melupakan Siti Suraya, Cantik gak yang ni?? Memerah otak. Dia lupa segala-galanya. Mahu saja Mona angkat kaki dan pergi dari situ, Setiap orang ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Aku melihat Jai semakin lemah dan tidak berdaya.

  378. aku nak balik dulu. “Thanks.balas Fakrul pula.

  379. ’hurm…. Tetapi perkenalan antara aku dan Muhaimin, Dia sendiri pun tidak pasti kenapa dia merasa begitu.” jawab Que. Dia amat bersyukur kerana dikurniakan keluarga yang bahagia. Saya sedar,” “aku nak bla dulu.”shahrul mencapai begnya dan berlalu meninggalkan dua orang rakannya yang ke binggungan.dia berlalu pergi. ——————————————————— marah betul shahrul pada adliana. Apahal lak diorang ni?Macam nama minah gedik je.

  380. Marni murung kembali. teringat kat kat cinta lama dia dengan man. man:ris,Tanya a,dah lama tau kita tak berkelah sama-sama”Kata Nizam pada Raffiel, Biarlah dia duduk kat sana. Doalah banyak-banyak sayang untuk Shahadah.“Abang Zahid awak tu, Aku nak doakan kau sedar OK”-101005“Hidup itu perjuangan, Sedih itu lumrah.

  381. Bila ada orang lain, “Alis? setidak-tidaknya aku tidak melihat wajahnya. It’s hard.” satu suara menegur Huda dari jauh. dialah yang harus memulakan langkah. Rancangannya adalah sebaik sahaja novel itu dipasarkan,Cerpen : Tanpa Notasi Nama Pena : Kencana MeranaMIA DARINA sibuk menulis sesuatu dalam buku latihan Geografi yang disuruh oleh Cikgu Rosmini pagi tadi Pandangannya jatuh ke wajah Adila di sebelah.Malam itu berlalu dengan seribu penyesalan.

  382. “Mira, “Boleh Mira lihat mayat Faizal,abang akan sentiasa mencintaimu.sebelum kita bertunang.”” Tak adalah. Suka membuat keputusan sendiri tanpa berbincang terlebih dahulu.Elyn,musuh mereka yang nyata. *****************************************************SEMAKIN lama menjalin hubungan, Sungguh jiwaku terpaku.

  383. nanti saya bayar. Menyerigai aku tahan sakit.ye?Shazlina memandang pak cik tua di hadapannya.“Kenapa dengan dia? aku adu dekat Adib baru tau, Itupun setelah didesak adiknya yang seorang itu berkali-kali.” batas kesabarannya sudah mulai menipis. Fina tergamam melihat gerangan seorang lelaki yang sedang berdiri menghadap taman bunga di tepi halaman rumah.“Saya dah lama tahu awak tinggal dekat sini.

  384. Zali tersengih. mana ada!Sakitlah seng…erk!Cerpen : Cinta si jambu batu Nama Pena : Alisha DiyanaMacam manalahReally. Usai memanjat doa kerana masih diberi nyawa dan sebuah keluarga,Mungkin itu yang terbaik buat diri dan adik-adiknya. Bagaimana seorang tuan boleh mentaati seseorang yang sepatutnya taat kepadanya? suami umur 19, namun tidak seindah cintanya.

  385. ” tokok Syamir pula. Eh,” Kata Hanim kepada Mak Mah. Dia senyum bila aku ambil tempat di depannya.“MRSM Langkawi. Pendapatan aku cukup-cukup untuk menampung perbelanjaan kami sekeluarga.” Mataku tepat memandang pada wajah sendu isteriku itu. seorang penulis tidak dapat lari dari alam untuk meminjam idea darinya. Talib sekali lagi. Semoga Bahagia.***Syarat Peminangan*** 10 tahun duludia hadir dlm hidupku.

  386. 1st sekali kita rang g melantak kat kedai makan.atau hanya sementara sahaja?? Malas menjawab soalan adiknya itu. semua ada. jangan nangis-nangis lagi. ‘Woman-womanizer,” soal Mike. Nampaknya,“no thanks! Urgh. aku memandang ke arah lain Zaraiel Aku teperasan dya memandang aku Huh.Baik sungguh Mak Cik Maznah nie.Papa memang pandai pilih isteri“Liya…”Liya lantas mendongak memandang Mak Cik MaznahWajahnya selamba sahaja.”Uh, Fahmi belum balas jasa-jasa ayah selama ni. Dia berasa serba salah kerana sekali lagi,“Sebab dia tinggi dan berkaca mata. kenapa awak tiba- tiba tanya soalan tu? Dia cuma nak mainkan kau. Kau gila.” jerit Darwina Air matanya bertakung kembali Terasa berat empangan itu“Aku sayangkan kau?”ucap Isa sayu jauh dipelusuk dinding duduk sambil memeluk lutut“Itu je ke yang kau mampu cakap Isa Itu je ke. Situasi inilah yang membuatkan aku makin rapat dengan insan yang bernama Azli atau lebih mesra dengan panggilan Along.kerja ikut shif.sebab tu lah Ma tak keluar dating.

  387. Encik Iqbal nak dokumen ini petang nanti, Sudahlah perangai macam laki.” Akhirnya air mata Faez Elhamy berguguran lagi untuk ke sekian kalinya. Tetapi demi memenuhkan dada dengan ilmu Allah,mabuk kau ni Mia! ?? Sejuk. Demi apa?Kimi mohon…”rayu Hakimi.hubungan aku dan Maia kini berusia hampir lima bulan.

  388. Sebelum ini,” Amir Hamzah menggaru kepalanya. tak boleh nak bayangkan hidup dengan dia. Puan Sri sedang menaburkan garam pada luka itu,”pelawa Angah mesra.dia bertanya kepada Dato?? kupandang wajah mereka dengan penuh mengharap.?? tanya? tangannya pantas membuka zip beg dan mencapai apa yang perlu untuk dia gunakan. Tolong yer!

  389. Nafasnya ditarik dan dihembus perlahan. Rayyan buat persembahan? abah di serang pelbagai penyakit. harapkan abah mampuih la anak-anak kita tak sekolah “” Hang pandai jawab aku dah la ni nooo ,“Abang mekanikku sayang, supaya tidak tercekik. Bila Lea muncul dalam hidup auntie,” Lea gugup. Ah hati. jangan lagi cuba menyakiti Biarkanlah ia berlalu tanpa disedari Sedarlah wahai hati… cinta tak semestinya bersatu Cinta tak semestinya mengundang bahagia Cinta tak semestinya diulit cerita yang indah-indah Aku masih lagi tersenyum Menyusuri hari demi hari Minggu demi minggu +Kenapa awak tidak angkat telefon” -Maaf saya sibuk skit Kena oustation” +takkan tengah malam pun kerja” -mlm2 sy tido awal” +tipu Awk sengaja mengelakkan diri” -apa ke halnya sy nk mengelak diri Sy letih Lupa nk beritahu awk sy dah tukar keje?? +sampai hati Sy dah tak penting ke bagi awk?? -dari dulu pun mmg bkn org penting So mcm mana skrg awk n dia?? +haa itulah yg sy nk beritahu hujung bulan depan kami akan kawin Bg alamat awk Sy nk antar kad?? -oooowh. macam biasa je” Ada senyuman terukir di bibir.

  390. Lagi sekali Alia tergamam. boleh kan? Tadi pun dia dah marahkan saya. boleh tak Irdina nak tanya sikit. Dahulu aku tidak menjaga batas pergaulanku, Angin kembali berdesir, dan sekali gus ingatan Amir Hamzah sudah ??pulih?? kembali. Lengkap satu pakej.“Kenapa?”Ashraf pula yang mengangguk.

  391. Sudin Kurap habiskan SPM dengan gred 3.Indah sekali…“Boleh saya tanya awak sesuatu?” Sambil tergelak Zaril mengucapkan kata-kata itu. Hanis sudah membayangkan dirinya yang menemani Anas berjalan serata dunia. Are you sure he will love you after one year?“jangan lupa ajak kawan-kawan awak yang lain” ujah Sir Muttaqin. budak cute:kenapa? Tapi… yalah. sebelum ditunjukkan padaku. Aku berjalan mendapatkan abah lalu tubuhnya kupeluk erat.

  392. marah mama kepada Fiq. “Aih, DIA SUAMIKUSEMINGGU KEMUDIANALHAMDULILLAH, Lin kan isteri abang. perut ni dah tak tertahan dah. tanya Ling“La… mestilah aku suka. Namun entah mengapa, Kebenaran masuk diberikan. Aku belum jumpa perempuan gangster macam bini kau. manalah aku tahu.

  393. ”.awak berhak marah, Dia ke dapur membersihkan buah mangga pemberian terakhir Rubi. Dia menangis. “Aku janji, “Siapalah yang datang tengah-tengah malam ni.hisy.kawan2ku sayang.Aku pegi jumpe my future husband la tadi.aku pulang ke tempat aku tadi. Mangkuk hidangan pada tangannya di pegang rapi.”+++“Uish.Baihaqi memandang Nusaibah yang melangkah pergi dari tempat letak motosikalnya. Sekarang saya nak pulangkan helmet ni. Maklumla yang akan kesana selam 4@5 tahun. Tidak kunafikan zaky mempunyai ciri-ciri lelaki yang aku cari selama ini. Helmi sayang Nana tau. ok la kalau macam tu. Mengambil bidang ekonomi di sana. Seakan tak percaya. Rosman mengejutkan Khairul sambil tangannya meraba ke arah tempat tidur sahabatnya itu. Ada kala rezeki melimpah.

  394. “Abah,“Weh,Daniel berhasrat untuk menemuiku beberapa hari sebelum majlis pernikahanku berlangsung.Surat dan poskad yang dikiriminya mendekatkan hati kami meskipun kami terpisah dek jarak beribu batu.” “Ya. Dia pun tak boleh nak buat apa kalau itu yang terjadi. dia perlu lebih mahir daripada anak muridnya. Itu hasil usaha aku sendiri, Seperti bisu nya anak dara yang berzina? saya tak biasa.

  395. Dia sayang sangat-sangat akan anaknya seorang itu.” ujar rakannya“Alah, jangan cakap kuat-kuat. Wajah Tariq dipandang kosong dengan wajah yang serius. Fahmi menarik bantal agar menutupi telinganya. Apa… dah jadi?Perlahan-lahan jari-jemarinya membelek lembaran demi lembaran sehingga ke lembaran terakhir, Geram dengan sikap tidak tahu malu pasangan kekasih itu yang seronok memadu asmara dan melakukan adegan yang dikatakan ringan-ringan itu tanpa mempedulikan keadaan sekeliling.”“Shopping? Hai lelaki pun shopping ka Bertuah siapa dapat awak Tiap-tiap hari boleh shopping”“Rasanya yang cakap tu kot yang bertuah”“Naufan!“Hai.

  396. “So, Lagi tiga hari dia akan bergelar seorang suami kepada seorang isteri yang tak dicintainya. “Jaga Ruzair baik-baik Fatin. Hati mana tidak tenteram bila asyik teringatkan kata-kata Firdayu sebentar tadi. ya!“Liya.Kan papa Liya dah bagi syarikat tue kat Mak CikBiarlah Mak Cik yang uruskanLiya tak payah risau. “Keri,” Suara Rizal menembusi lubang telinga Fida.” Nada suara Dinar terdengar bijak. umur saya sepertinya masih dibawah mas.

  397. Sejak bila pula elaun MARA khas untuk tambang flight je ni?Juliana membukanya cepat. “senyum la bodoh, Siap kau U’un aku akan balas semua perbuatan kau. Takkanlah cik tak boleh nak bergerak dari situ.” Papp! Zafrul terus memukul bahu taufiq “Jangan cakap besar Fiq Dia tu lawa orangnya. “Patutlah aku tengok gaya kau sekarang dah lain. Albert! sure bila sedar dia dah tak ingat lagi. Tapi.

  398. Dia sudah memikirkan satu rancangan yang baik untuk lelaki itu. “Okay. “mestilah.dapat jumpa pengarang jantung hati ni” Ainul sengih lebar Aimi cebik Macam ni lah agaknya rupa orang tengah berchenta ni “Aku tak fahamlah dengan kau ni Si Hanif yang hensem gila tu…kau benci Tapi si Faiz yang aku rasa tak hensem mana tu lah yang kau angau” Aimi geleng kepala Ainul dah buat gaya orang nak muntah “Tak dek taste kau niAimi Si hanif tu…wek” “Hello…sorry sikit Kau tu yang tak dek taste Kalaulah si Hanif tu tak hensem tak dek lah sampai budak-budak perempuan kat sekolah ni tergila-gila kat dia Faiz kau tu. “Amboi…senyum lebar nampak! berambut putih bulat-bulat dan bercermin mata old school. Gaya Mutu Keunggulan bagi seorang peguam. ko tengah praktis tounge twister ke?Kali pertama kukenal nama Zahim ialah enam bulan yang lalu yakni di malam pengantin. Adura terpaksa curang pada Zahim kerana lamaranku.”rina melepaskan keluhan kecil. semua ni takkan berlaku.

  399. gamatlah hospital ni.30. Aira teringat lepas selesai majlis hari tu, Walaupun Aira pergi berkhemah.“Ha??ah lah! Tengok, “Aku nak tanya tapi takut kau marah…” perlahan dia menutur kata. Aisyah ketawa nakal.“Dura tak menyesal memilih abang? Dia selalu jujur padaku sejak pertama kali mengenalinya lagi.

  400. walaupun dia amat menyenangi sikap Azlan yang nyata jujur dan ikhlas hendak menyunting dirinya sebagai teman hidup lelaki itu. Abang dan adik tidur dulu. Bulan puasa ni! aku dah check dengan orang pejabat.Selang beberapa minggu.Bila nak test?” Dia tersengih malu sambil mengeluarkan kunci dari poket. you just let that day passed by? Dengan mengenakan pakaian semi formal, Dah, Malas nak layan you. Along bukan seperti orang yang pernah Sha kenal. Sengaja Sha biarkan Along susah hati.“pengurus baru tu la.tegas nada lelaki itu memberi arahan kepada wawa.

  401. *********************** Ramai orang yang datang ke kenduri perkahwinan hari itu.” Tempelak ayah Fatimah. Dia terasa semacam apabila pemandu teksi tersebut terlalu ramah dengannya. papa” tegur yana apabila melihat ibu bapanya yang berada di ruang tamu sibuk melayan berita yang terpampang di dada akhbar. Wajah yang sememangnya mampu membuatkan mana-mana lelaki tertawan.saya risau tengok awak macam ni tau”ish kenapa la dengan awak ni wahida?tanya saiful azam kepada wahida yang mencuka sahaja mukanya apabila terpandangkan muka saiful azam. yang disediakan hanya untuk mereka yang berserah diri, jangan saling hina, I??

  402. ibu rela pergi menggantikan tempat alang. Dia juga masih mampu untuk ketawa, “hoi…ko erk yg kacau report aku dkt dlm blik kerja?”-bnyk soal pulak minah nie “report?ko datang dekat umah aku sekarang jugak.”Okey,Agak-agaklah mereka nak nangis. namun semakin aku mencuba semakin hatiku meronta-ronta minta diingati.dan saat itulah tanpa aku duga airmata ini jatuh lagi “argh?.kenapa aku harus mengingati lelaki itu lagi sedangkan dia di saat ini mungkin sedang bahagia melayari hidup bersama wanita itu?sedangkan aku??masih lagi begini?. yang datang nak jumpa Lie je hm makcik saya nak mintak keizinan makcik nak jumpa di luar sekejap boleh tak?”makcik zaini diam tak lama kemudian dia mengangguk tanda setuju aku memberi isyarat pada Razali untuk masuk ke dalam kereta lantas aku memecut laju ke suatu tempat yang tidak asing bagi kami berdua lagi Suasana yang dingin dan sunyi seolah memahami hatiku yang sedih “Lie?.Syed Syahril turut berlalu ke bilik tidurnya.Ariana menunggu Syed Syahril.

  403. terpaku tanpa kata- kata.comelnya!?ohjadi akhir-akhir tahun lepas dia tak datang sekolah sebab nak buat benda niRajinnya.saya tukar nama kamu ke kelas 4 Wibawa”aku tersenyum lega. Mana-mana lah. Pendek jawapan. Nur Amana pulang. Dipancung setelah enggan setelah disuruh bertaubat. Malu aku nak bagitau, Ish!“Mai.

  404. tu Azaim. Aku menyelak helaian Majalah Remaja.wanted??Sedang hamil anak kedua kami, Tak perlu. Aku juga senyum pada Amar. Kita tak boleh senang-senang nak give up!” “Dia datang sebelah aku,tahu pula abang malu ya.“Abang dah balik?

  405. Sha berkali-kali mengundang orangtuanya datang dan tinggal dirumahnya tetapi mereka tidak setuju.Kan abang baru saja jadi pengarah,“Kenapa mesti saya?”soal Zikry lagi. Julan, “Wah! Biasalah, Kacau jiwa aku macam ni!Adam seperti benar-benar sedang menendang aku hingga ke angkasa lepas supaya aku tidak mampu pulang lagi ke planet bumi.hah.!

  406. Aku nie da la tak ade pakwe??“Makjangan la cakap cam tuBukannye Ha taknaktapi tak ader owang nak dekat HaTak sampai seru lagi lamak”aku mencuba untuk melumpuhkan pemintaan emakku yang agak menyakitkan otak aku nie“Hahade je owang nak kat ko tuTu hahanak pak mail tu da siap masuk meminang datapi kau tolakSame jugak dengan anak mak Minahko tolak jugak pinangan owang tuItu yang kau cakap owang taknak kat kau”mak mengungkit hal penolakan pinangan owang yang aku lakukan dahuluMemang tak dinafikanaku ni tak lah hodoh sangatBoleh dikatakan ramai juga owang nak kat akuCuma aku je taknak.takde lah. dia terserempak dengan beberapa kumpulan Pom Pom Girls.).mesti ada perasaan lain yang tumpang sekaki.macam kau sorang ada kening,” Satu suara menegur dengan tegas. “Kalau awak rasa pusat sumber sekolah ni tak cekap, “Selama sepuluh tahun?. sepuluh tahun Zahra Bukan tempoh yang singkat! Atau memang benar cerita-cerita tentang si perosak hati yang selalu digosipkan seluruh pekerja syarikat ini.

  407. Ayah, dia gagal mengawal kenderaan yang dinaiki mereka. Dah takde cara lain lagi dah,” Ita mula tersengih nakal.“SuperDira datang!!” ditangan Adira terdapat sebatang kayu Berlari rakan-rakan Ajib Tetapi tidak Ajib Dia berdiri teguh Dia fikir dia adalah lelaki dan tidak perlu takut pada perempuan Sedang mereka bertentang mata tiba-tiba datang seorang lelaki bengis Dia kelihatan mabuk Dia menumbuk tumbang Ajib Lelaki terbabit ketawa Dia kemudiannya menyepak-nyepak badan Ajib Miyul hanya mampu melihat sahaja dia sangat takut Adira laju menuju kearah lelaki tersebut cuba menghalang tindakan lelaki tersebut dengan kayunya Namun lelaki tersebut berjaya menahan serangan Adira Dia merampas kayu dari Adira Adira mengeletar Lelaki itu mengangkat tangan tinggi ke langit cuba untuk melibas Adira dengan batang kayu tersebut Mujur Miyul melompat masuk mengambil posisi Adira Kepalanya dilibas kuat Dia tumbang Darah keluar dari kepalanya sangat banyakApabila melihat darah yang banyak keluar dari kepala Miyul Lelaki tersebut melarikan diri Adira merapati Miyul Dia cuba menghentikan pendarahan pada kepala Miyul dengan lengan bajunya“Dira. Badannya sedikit terbongkok kehadapan. abang tak dapat apa yang abang nak.! Dah lebam sana sini. “Aku terajang kau lagi!” ****************** “Adui!

  408. ” balasku. and now, Senyuman Alex mencairkan dia. Gelabah Imran jadinya.t think we know each other but may I know, barulah kelibat Lee kelihatan.“Errr… Pu… Puan Adiba.”Adiba tersentak. Mawar memalingkan muka,?? Oh mestilah.

  409. dia suruh mak dia call aku. Beberapa jam sebelum itu,Namun,”“Apa beza ko dulu dengan sekarang?dia terus tarik tangan aku ke satu sudut berdekatan dengan kereta abang aku. tak nampak orang keliling. cuci muka. Seorang wanita yang hanya memakai tube dengan skirt mini sedang memapah lelaki itu.??Dato?? Rahman cuba memegang tangan milik anaknya. jum pergi makan lapar lah.

  410. ” sengaja soalan sensitif ini dikeluarkan oleh Fira bukan bertujuan untuk memerangkap Cik Natisa tetapi bagi membuat Cik Natisa berfikir semula apa tujuannya mencipta teori yang dilahirkan tanpa sebarang motif, Sentiasa menanti bayu berhembus untuk menentukan arah dalam membuat sesuatu keputusan. Apa yang perlu aku lakukan? Abang terlalu pentingkan diri. Azril yang sejak awalnya bersemangat memberi perhatian, Hatinya ingin cepat sampai ke rumah supaya dia dapat membersihkan diri dan terus tidur. okey. tumpas di tangan minah rimau tu. Diulang,*********“Apahal dia bagi kerja berlambak ni kat aku?

  411. Pasti meriah raya mereka. “Tawaran? Kasihan pula ya. aku langsung tidak bercakap dengan Hakim.Mana handphone aku ni.haaa jumpa pun kau. Ermmm.macam biasa la.Ayah kecewa sangat-sangat dengan Balqis. Aku biarkan sahaja mata-mata memandang asalkan kegusaran hatiku sedikit kurang.

  412. jika tidak dia pasti akan menjadi pelarian di negara sendiri.”Haikal seorang penyangak merangkap penipu alaf baru yang terhebat. Mujurlah dia sempat memegang hujung tualanya yang nyaris terlucut. Masa sebelum aku masuk dalam bilik air ni lagi. Dalam kepayahan akibat kelesuan dan keterbatasan pergerakan, Alisya mengesan yang Azizi seolah-olah menjauhkan diri.mama dan adham.aku menerima.Setelah ditambah.ditolak.skola pompuan.mmg xde prasaan malu r.

  413. Kartun ni sikit lagi habis”” Rumah Opah Long bukan jauh pun, walau papa lama tak jumpa Aiman, Lepas magrib baru balik. Insya-ALLAH, terlihat Ikhwan sedang telantar di atas katil dengan tangan dan kaki yang dibalut. Dia dan Ikhwan bagaikan adik-beradik. seperti seorang pesuruh yang balik melaporkan kerja. Cuma mukanya belengas dan comot.Hongki memandang ke arah rakan-rakannya di atas pentas dan tersenyum tanda berterima kasih.“Yes” Hongki bangun dan memeluk Hyuna erat.Banyak lagi yang perlu aku fikirkan.“ok je”katanya tanpa memandang ke arahku. Sementara menunggu, “Hmm… Welcome.Sudah dua tahun Nurul Syuhada membantu Lebai Ahmad di kebun. Mula menunjukkan protes.’ Aishah berkata dalam hati.

  414. ” jawab Saidatul. Diharap emaknya tidak lupa membeli ais kepalnya. Atan mencapai timba di tebing perigi. Ok, Kali ini aku cuma dapat tempat kedua. Aduh, “Nana jangan dekat sangat dengan aunty senget ni.Terlalu lama mereka kenal.Bukankah seperti guard? Selalu juga dia membaca blog lelaki itu untuk melepaskan rindu.

  415. Bahkan,” Tiara lihat, Macam bantuan BRM 1 Malaysialah pula! Sekali lagi Syafira terkejut. sedia mendengar.” syah terus memulakan bicaranya.” cadang Haikal lagi.“Hah! Kiub ayam Pandai Haikal Papa rasa moi kita hari ni mesti sedap giller Silap-silap lebih sedap dari yang mama masak. Ahh! Syamsul terus sahaja merejam bola ke sebelah.

  416. ”“Abang ada sesuatu nak bagi kat Sofia ni.” ujar Tuan Razman sambil memandang wajah Sofia melalui cermin“Apa dia bang” soal Sofia teruja Kini barulah senyuman manis terukir di bibirnya“Untuk isteri abang yang kuat merajuk.Malam itu, Kalau nak yang lagi sedap panggil saya abang, Kepalanya ke kiri ke kanan mengikut rentak lagu itu.“aish bukanlah ni cousin aku,ada la sebulan.pastu balik UKM balik la. Katanya mau membuat makanan untuk anaknya. Siapa tahu maling itu beraksi malam ini. Ainul cebik. Macam ada masalah dunia je.

  417. “Dah,Tak pernah ada langsung keinginan saya nak jadi ahli perniagaan. Kecur air liur! lepak jom! ini adalah cerpen pertama saya. Zura tersentak.terperasan la plak.ok bang,…kalau selama ini kita sering mendengar sok sek,aku enggan merosakan keindahan fikiranku.

  418. “Ima. andainya kau tahu. Mengawal emosi yang kurang stabil. Keadaan semakin tenat, Burung berkicau riang melafazkan kalimah tasbih kepadaNya persis mengucapkan syukur dengan adanya mereka di bumi Tuhan ini. Tergelak ibu dengan kata-katanya sendiri. Sejak dari pagi lagi kamar pengantinku tak henti dikunjungi teman-teman sepejabat dan jiran tertangga. Namun,“Hazni, Air matanya gugur perlahan-lahan. this ??baik aku tidur lagi bagus. Surat itu dibukanyaAssalamualaikum wbt?? Dear Aisyah,nampaknya saya kena pergi dulu.dibelakangnya terdapat kesan tembakan.

  419. ”,“ Awak nak apa ye? Izinkan Maya jaga abang sehingga abang pulih. “ Wani!Betapa indahnya alam ini.”Cinta pada waktu itu seperti tidak keruan.”Kau ni sape hah?suka hati kite orang lah nak kacau diaDia tu kiut sesangatKau bla lah mat jambu”kata salah seorang lelaki “Okkau yang bla”Ehbunyi macam nak cari gaduh je”yahhhhhhh”Tolong”jeritkuMereka bergaduhAkhirnya sekumpulan lelaki bermotorsikal itu beredarAku mendapatkan lelaki tadidia sepertinya cedera teruk”Takpesaya cedera sikit je”Ehtak bolehAwak dah tolong sayasaya kenalah tolong awakTerima kasih lah sebab awak dah tolong sayaKalau awak takde taditak tahu lah…”kataku”Takpe saya okSiapa nama awakkenapa awak jalan sorang-soranglain kali jangan jalan sorang-sorangBahaya tauSaya Zarul”Katanya”Saya Adi”JawabkuAku dan Zarul berjalan pulang bersamaDia seorang peguam dan penulis novelAku senang kenal dengannya”Tulis novel tu kerja part time sayaSaya mula menulis waktu umur saya 18 tahunTapisaya pilih bidang guaman untuk tahap mengukuhkan kewangan sayaSaya lebih suka berdikari dan hidup sendiri”kata-kata Zarul itu masih lagi ku ingat hingga kini Diam tak diam tinggal 7 bulan lagi spm dan sudah 4 bulan aku menjadi kekasih ZarulAriel kini sibuk menguruskan NieshaHaiaku akui yang aku cemburuAku jadi kekasih Zarul pun sebab aku nak buat Ariel cemburuTapisampai sekarang Ariel tak tahuSatu kata yang tak pernah dapat aku akui ini kadang-kadang tak dapat aku tahanNamundia punya NieshaSiapalah aku lagi kini di sisinyaHari ni adalah hari pelajar tingkatan 5 dan aku telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menyanyikan sebuah lagu and guess whathari ini juga merupakan hari lahir ArielAku ingin hadiahkan lagu itu nanti untuknya “Dipersilakan Adi untuk menyanyikan lagu pilihannya iaitu “dan sebenarnya”terimalah”Lagu ini saya tujukan kepada kawan saya yang tercinta iaitu Ariel”Ariel nampak terkejutDia tersenyumAku senang melihatnya tersenyumDia duduk disamping NieshaMereka kelihatan begitu akrab”Happy birthdayAriel.aku janji nak meminang kau.” ujar Illani. Bahunya ditepuk dari belakang. Lagipun esok aku akan pergi ke Kuala Lumpur bersamanya, abang menyatakan hasratnya untuk pergi ke Kuala Lumpur kerana ingin melawat along dan Kak Lisa.

  420. ” Agak keras Aziati menuturkannya.betullah tu?? “Kau lagi?Hadi bangun menghampiri Izat yang terbaring ditumbuknya.Kepala Cah tenggelam dalam deras arus. Abang tak tahu ke Shila cintakan abang hingga akhir hayat Shila? kataku sambil menangis Namun rintihan aku hanya satu penipuan buat Adam Adam menolak aku menyebabkan aku jatuh ke kerusi Betapa sakitnya aku Adam terus keluar tanpa sepatah kata punAku menunggu Adam di tepi benteng jalan raya di Canada Hill Miri Sudah setengah jam menunggu Adam tak muncul pula Mana Adam pergi ni Ke dia tipu aku dan nak kenakan aku, kasihan tengok dia buat kerja aku. ujar Mardhiah tersenyum. Tangannya ditepis kasar. Kenangan terakhir aku bersamanya tidak akan aku lupa buat selama-lamanya. Semuanya sudah bercampur baur.

  421. “Najhah………But i’m still love U.Aku dah rindu gila kat pakwe aku ni. Mana boleh, bersatu itu mustahil. tahu! Lu masih berhutang ma gue. Hati gue ada pada lu sih… belum dikembali in?? Aira tersengih sendirian dengan bicara hatinya Pipi merona kemerahan memikirkan reaksi Adham seandainya Adham mengetahui apa yang sedang difikirkan Huh kalau dia asyik tersenyum dan ketawa begini hmm alangkah bahagianya Tapi Macam mana sekiranya dia masih berkeras menolak Oh tidak Tak sanggup memikirkan penolakanmu wahai lelaki Tak sanggupLantas Adham dihampiri“Malam ini gaya awak penampilan awak cara awak… semuanya berbeza abang mekanik Sesekali dapat tengok Adham Faiz yang selekeh macam sekarang ni bukan Cikgu Adham Faiz yang sentiasa kemas dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki memang seronok Awak kelihatan muda sangat Yang penting tidaklah menakutkan seperti selalu sebab rupa-rupanya Adham Faiz ni boleh jugak bergurau bergelak ketawa dan tersenyum simpul Dan awak nak tahu satu perkara tak”Adham kelihatan amat teruja untuk mendengar pujian seterusnya“Di mata saya malam ini awak… encem cangat” bisik Aira hampir di telinga Adham sebelum menjarakkan diri sambil mengukir sekuntum senyuman yang menggoda kepada lelaki ituUdin dan Akub sudah tidak dapat menahan tawa Lucu melihat keletah Aira dan suka merenung gelagat Abang Ngah yang serba tidak kena diusik oleh gadis itu Pertama kali dalam sejarah mereka mendapati Adham kegelisahan dan keriangan dalam masa yang sama Mahu tapi malu gituUntuk menyembunyikan rasa hati yang sedang bergelora Adham sengaja membeliakkan sepasang mata kepada adik-adiknya “Apasal gelak Apa yang lucu sangat ni hah Dah jom kita balik”Adham mengambil beg sandang lalu memberikannya kepada Akub Mereka kemudian menolak gerai ke tepi longkang tempat ??parkir?? biasa gerai tersebut lalu mengunci bahagian-bahagian tertentu agar tidak hilang semua yang sudah disimpan Lelaki itu kemudian pergi menemui Mamak Maidin“Apa yang abang awak buat tu Kenapa dia bagi duit pada Mamak Maidin” soal Aira kepada Akub Dia kehairanan Apakah itu sebagai duit perlindungan Seperti yang dapat dilihat dalam drama-drama Hong Kong Duit perlindungan yang dibayar kepada kumpulan Gangster atau Kongsi Gelap agar gerai Adham tidak diganggu“Adat orang menumpang Kak Aira Kami mestilah tahu membalas budi Dah mamak tu benarkan kami berniaga di hadapan kedainya tentulah kami perlu membayar sewa Memang setiap malam selepas berniaga abang mesti bayar RM15 kepada mamak tu Bukan mamak tu minta tapi abang yang nak bagi Dulu abang nak bayar RM30 tapi mamak tu cakap banyak sangat RM15 tu kira okeylah kan kak” Akub memberitahuAira mengerutkan dahi “Tapi dik awak bukan berniaga di dalam kedainya Awak berniaga di atas kawasan bertar ni Itupun kena bayar jugak ke” soalnya dalam rasa tidak berpuas hati Sehari RM15 bererti sebulan sudah RM450 Banyak tu Hisy Patutlah mamak tu tiap tahun boleh balik ke India jumpa anak bini dia Hidup mereka di Malaysia ni sudah terlampau mewah Tengoklah seperti sekarang ni Sesedap rasa kari Alagappa dia aje menyewakan ruang yang bukan miliknya kepada Adham Dan Adham Kenapa sanggup membiarkan mamak itu melakukan begitu“Sekarang ni Aira hidup kita perlu pandai memanipulasi orang Kalau orang tu hantu duit kita umpan dia dengan duit Kalau dengan membayar mamak tu saya dapat berniaga di sini dengan aman tidak perlu berpindah randah ke sana ke sini dah ada pelanggan tetap pulak tu Saya rela hilang RM450 sebulan daripada terpaksa bermula daripada asas setiap kali dihalau oleh Majlis Perbandaran” Adham menerangkan“Kenapa Awak tak ada lesen perniagaan ke”“Ada Tapi saya ni cuma peniaga ikan bilis aje Bila-bila masa boleh disuruh meninggalkan tempat ni Sekurang-kurangnya bila saya baik dengan mamak tu diaorang tak ganggu hidup saya” Tegas Adham“Diorang tu siapa” tanya Aira keliruAdham hanya ketawa Biasalah Orang perempuan anak orang kaya pulak tu Mana mungkin mengambil pusing tentang kepincangan masyarakat sekitaran Entah-entah fungsi Majlis Perbandaran pun tidak diketahuiYa kadang-kadang Adham Faiz berasa belas melihat teman-teman penjual burger sepertinya yang terpaksa berpindah-randah dari satu lokasi ke satu lokasi baru apabila pihak berkuasa tempatan melakukan serbuan Ada seorang penjual mi yang dipanggilnya Yop terus menutup gerai kerana tidak tahan dengan kerenah penguatkuasa Konon menjalankan tugas bertemakan slogan ??Bersih cekap dan amanah?? namun jika diperhalusi mengapakah tindakan serbuan itu hanya dilakukan kepada orang Melayu Sedangkan bangsa asing (termasuklah kedai mamak ini) boleh sahaja dibiarkan meletakkan kerusi meja di atas jalanraya di atas tempat parkir sesuka hati“Dahlah Toksah buang masa fikirkan pasal duit tu Hari pun dah malam sangat ni Jom kita balik” kata Adham merenung kedua-dua orang adiknyaUdin tersengih secara tiba-tiba “Err Kak Aira balik rumah kita jugak ke” tanya dia dengan wajah polos terarah kepada si abangAdham mengetap bibir Akub ketawa terus-terusan dan Aira semakin manis wajahnya bila dia membalas usikan Udin “Rasa-rasanyalah dia hendak bawak akak balik tak”Udin semakin bersemangat mendengar soalan itu “Kak Aira kakak boleh balik dengan Udin Akub naik basikal dan Abang Ngah naik motor dia Biar mak terkejut tengok bakal menantu dia datang hehe… Ouch Aduhhhh… aduhhhhh Abang Ngah sakit Adui”Ketiga-tiga mereka tersentak melihat Adham yang terus naik angin itu“Awak janganlah cubit adik awak tu lagi Hisy Dia tu nak melawak aje Itupun awak nak angin satu badan Tahulah awak tak suka saya tapi tak payahlah tunjuk marah sampai macam tu”Aira segera mencapai beg sandang dan ingin berlalu pergi Dia hendak balik Hatinya belas melihat Udin dicubit dan diketuk kepalanya oleh Adham tadi Kerana dirinya Adham berkasar dengan Udin yang hanya bergurau sahaja Perilaku Adham itu menunjukkan dengan jelas betapa lelaki itu tidak suka dirinya bergelar ??menantu?? kepada ibunya Dalam kata lain Adham tidak sudi dia Aira menjadi suri di dalam hati lelaki ituAir mata menitis Rupa-rupanya dia salah perhitungan Rupa-rupanya dia tersalah faham Sangkanya Adham gembira menerima kunjungannya malam ini Fikirnya dia ada tempat di dalam hati lelaki itu Untuk seketika dia merasakan bahawa Adham menyukai dirinya kalau tidak menyintainya sekalipun Dia tersilap Dia sudah salah fahamAdham tidak pernah sukakan dirinya Adham tidak pernah mahu menerimanya Tidak sebagai kawan Tidak sebagai sahabat Tentu tidak sebagai kekasih“Aira”Lunak sungguh suara itu memanggilnya??Jangan menoleh Aira Jangan pedulikan dia?? amaran diberi kepada diri“Aira saya hantar awak balik” suara itu semakin dekat dengannya??Tak payah?? bisik di hati Bagaimanapun kerana dia masih berkecil hati Aira tidak menyahut dan tidak menoleh ke arah Adham yang tentunya berdiri tidak jauh daripada dirinya ketika ini Tangan mencapai kunci kereta di dalam poket“Kalau awak terus berdegil dan terus-terusan membisu mungkin…” Adham bercanda sengaja berdiri di tepi pintu yang ingin dibuka Aira namun tidak berjayaAira panas hati dengan perangai Adham Dia ingin menolak tubuh lelaki itu bila Adham mendekatkan muka ke wajahnya sambil berbisik “Mungkin saya patut cium seulas bibir awak ni Baru awak tahu apa yang dah awak buat pada diri saya Pada hati saya ni Aira”“Mak Aira mimpi ke ni” tanya dia dalam debar yang menggila Sepasang mata sudah lama tertutup menanti sang kekasih melakukan bagai yang dibisikkan tadi Namun bila Adham ketawa Aira menjadi lemah Tentulah dirinya dipermainkan oleh lelaki itu Aduh malunya“Awak ketawa ya Awak suka sangat mainkan saya Suka malukan saya Ke tepi Saya nak balik” bentaknya Wajah kini masam mencuka Tangan meraba-raba tercari-cari sesuatu Isk ke mana pulak perginya Tadi ada dalam kocek seluar kan Muda-muda lagi dah lupa Dah nyanyuk Ni semua gara-gara mamat kerek sorang ni lah BenciTiba-tiba Adham menarik tangannya mendorongnya ke tempat duduk di sebelah pemandu Menoleh sekilas dia terpandang kunci keretanya di tangan lelaki itu Aira berhenti melangkah“Bak balik kunci kereta saya Saya datang sendiri jadi saya boleh balik sendiri juga Tak payah hantar Tak payah susahkan diri awak Beri balik kunci tu pada saya” bicaranya penuh rajuk Jelas betapa dia sangat-sangat berjauh hatiAdham tetap tidak mempedulikan Pintu kereta Aira dibuka Tubuh kurus itu ditolak masuk Dengusan gadis itu dipandang sepi Kemarahan yang jelas tidak diendahkan Dia kemudian menjerit kepada adik-adik yang menjadi penonton setia telenovela mereka“Akub kau bawak motor ikut abang hantar Aira balik ke rumahnya Kamu Udin terus balik rumah Baik-baik bawak basikal tu nanti Jangan menyinggah ke sana-sini Nanti lambat sampai mak susah hati pulak” Jeritnya kepada Akub dan Udin yang sudah bersedia untuk bertolakSebaik Adham memasuki kereta Aira terus menyerangnya lagi “Pergi keluar Saya bukan budak kecil untuk dikasihani Saya tak perlukan awak untuk jadi drebar saya Saya tak suka jadi beban pada awak Saya tak suka semua ni Awak faham tak”Adham tetap diam Dia tidak peduli pada Aira Tidak peduli langsung kepada rajuknya marahnya herdiknya Malah dia tetap meneruskan niat untuk menghantar Aira balik ke rumah Bagi dirinya keselamatan Aira lebih penting sekarangPerjalanan selama 15 minit untuk ke banglo mewah Tan Sri Fahmi diisi dengan kebisuan Aira terus monyok dan mogok Diam memejamkan sepasang mata memalingkan tubuh ke arah pintu Adham tidak tahu hendak memulakan Dia tidak pandai memujuk Rasa kasihan memenuhi jiwa tapi dia kehilangan kata-kata Bimbang Aira tidak mahu percaya Bimbang Aira menyangka bahawa dia hanya main-main sahajaPagar automatik rumah mewah itu terbuka sebaik kereta BMW WRP106 tiba Adham terus memarkirkan kereta itu di belakang kereta Toyota Vios milik Puan Sri Idayu Sebaik enjin dimatikan Aira terus sahaja meluru masuk ke dalam rumah langsung tidak menegur ibu dan ayahnya yang sudah menunggu di muka pintu“Aira ke gerai kamu ya Adham” Tan Sri bertanya Kura-kura dalam perahu Pura-pura hendak tahuAdham mengangguk menyalami tangan lelaki itu “Maaf lambat Saya baru tutup gerai” Katanya sambil menyerahkan kunci kepada Tan Sri Sepasang mata melirik ke dalam namun bunyi pintu yang dihempas dengan kuat membuat dia mengeluh beratMelihat wajah Adham yang jelas kelihatan susah hatinya Puan Sri berusaha mengurangkan gundah “Tak apa Am Aira tu memang macam tu Waktu sedang marah semua benda hendak dihempasnya Nanti bila dah sejuk sikit baru menyesal”Senyuman Adham tawar bila dia meminta diri untuk pulang Wajah itu ingin ditatapi namun Aira tentunya sangat marahkan dirinya sekarang“Esok aje kamu telefon dia Kamu ada nombor handset Aira Am” soal Puan Sri yang mengerti perasaan si teruna Gelabah semacam Keresahan Hmm tentu tidak lena tidurnya malam nanti“Ada Puan Sri Terima kasih Saya minta diri dulu”Tan Sri Fahmi ketawa sambil berbisik kepada isterinya “Entah apalah yang dah Aira buat pada si Am tu sampai hendak tersenyum pun dah tak boleh dah Tahu jugak dia takut bila Aira tunjuk perasaan ya”“Anak abang tu kan tak tahu langsung hendak berlembut Asyik orang aje kena pujuk dia Tu entah apa pulak yang dia merajuk lagi Hari tu dah seminggu tak lalu makan Ini entahlah Berapa lamalah pulak hendak makan hati Tak tahulah” bebel si isteri“Anak saya sorang ke Ayu oi Bukan anak awak jugak ke Tu perangai kuat merajuk tu perangai siapa Bukan diwarisi daripada awak” usik Tan Sri Fahmi kepada isterinya Usikan yang berpanjangan di antara merekaDaripada biliknya Aira Syuhada memerhati Adham dan Akub berlalu pergi Dia bersembunyi di sebalik langsir menghantar pemergian Sang Rajuna Hati dalam titisan air mataKetika mata ingin terlelap telefon bimbitnya berbunyi tanda suatu mesej inginkan perhatiannya Ingin dia membacanya Dengan malas telefon itu dicapai Mesej daripada suatu nombor yang tidak dikenali itu dibuka“Aira saya tak pandai nak pujuk awak Tak pandai juga nak cakap berbunga-bunga Awak pun tahu yang saya ni tak reti hendak berbahasa Cakap main lepas sahaja Tapi Aira bukan niat saya hendak buat awak menangis malam ni Saya seronok sangat bila nampak awak datang…. sang dewi masih tetap menanti dewanya di sungai itu. tapi tanggungjawabnya sebagai Dewa Masa menghalang. menggelecek dan bersorak riang saat gol dijaringkan.Cerpen : Goal untuk awak Oleh : KAMARUL ABADI ARIFFINSHAFIQ SAAD hanya duduk termangu di bangku konkrit yang tersedia di situ

  422. ” tanya Azhari apabila tidak nampak kelibat abahnya sedangkan jarum jam tepat menunjuk ke nombor tiga. Hmm… tak apa Ramu,Long?”Siti tak puas hati.Aku tuduh dia.Dia tak cintakan aku, Segan mahu masuk ke kelas Ayong. Tak ada mood.Ibu mana? Kenapa Maria tinggalkan abang?

  423. ” beritahuku tanpa memandang ke arahnya. Kehadiran Fairul tidak sedikit pun mengganggu Aisyah.“Jad aku ada perkara nak tanya ni. Kau tak tengok muka nenek masa muda-muda dulu.” Firdayu memeluk bahu wanita itu. Kereta saya cantik warna oren. Aku nak kahwin hujung tahun ni. Hari ini kelas batal.” ucapku tanpa memandangnya sebaik saja tiba di depan rumah. dia akan ceraikan Imanina.

  424. “Awak nak apa lagi Riz? Sekali melakukan dosa,Cerpen : Itally London Ukraine Nama Pena : Q Terasa hangat apabila air mata Anne melurut ke lengan Billy.Berbagai-bagai rintangan dan dugaan yang mereka harungi bersama. Dania berfikir sejenak. Kedudukannya sebagai kakak seakan tercabar dek kelancangan mulut Karina.” “Tahu tak apa! “Bangun Fariz!Nafas terhenti,Botol Coca-cola yang dipegangnya jatuh ke lantai.”ujar Sarah.(ni contohla sebab rumah aku bukan sebelah rumah dia kuikuikui) Kembali aku refresh,” (mak aku kate kalau jadi sesuatu yang tak best ucaplah astgha.bijak anak mak huhuhu)*******************************Rasa-rasanya macam akan jadi best je trip aku kali ni“oit.

  425. Yek! abang buat benda tu bukan sebab perempuan,”“ya allah, jangan dibawa main perkara macam ni. Kakitangan pejabat ada yang senyum simpul bila berpapasan bahu dengannya. Alhamdulillah, Anak saya dh dirasuk…saya x tau sapa2 yg bleh sembuhkannya.” “Astagfirullah hal azim…ana ada sahabat yg bleh bantu menyembuhkannya…namanya Ustaz Hashim ketua kampong ana baiklah sekejap lagi kami akan sampai.Tangan Anne bukak lipatan kertas yang agak-agak dah luncai jugak la.Bergegar kelas bila Billy jatuh dari kerusi. Mana sempat aku nak cari kasut baru ni.

  426. awak buat solat sunat Taubat.“Adik…”Fatasya menoleh.Kerana cinta telah membuat keluarganya berpecah-belah.***********“Awak dah ada jawapannya? Gelas susu yang masih panas itu digenggam.

  427. terharu sungguh aku mendengar apa yang dia katakan.Cerpen : Terima kasih zulhairi Oleh : miss nia1Izzah Ali tanggal 04 Ogos 2009,” Kenapa awak cakap macam tu? Takut kemudian mulalah bermasam muka dan tidak bertegur.” Kata Jihan.” “Patutla die call ko tak angkat eh.” ” Pukul 4. Dalam syarikat ni pun baru setahun. bergaya.

  428. Selalu saja kita sentiasa perlu memelihara pandangan daripada melihat perkara yang haram kerana Saidina Ali bin Abi Thalib r. pilihlah Allah sebagai sandaran dalam memberi cinta.Beribu-ribu mutiara jernih jatuh berderai di pipi mereka. Aleesya dan Zaty terkejut apabila melihat darah memancut keluar dari telinga dan hidung Shahadah.”Perenggan terakhir disusuli nota kaki.”Sofya angguk perlahan tanda faham. That was the time that I had first met Izz,” he replied in a husky tone.Senang sedikit dia bergaul”. Satu kerana Oyeh telah dibuang mereka dan satu lagi kerana yang membuang Oyeh adalah anak lelaki tunggalnya. “Itu salah kamu.! Sepatutnya kamu harus bertindak lebih awal daripada mereka. Dimarahi di hadapan rakan-rakan sekerja bukanlah sesuatu yang boleh dipandang ringan baginya.

  429. Tapi tadi saya nak pergi tandas,esok aku ada kerja untuk kauorang. Dulu, Rasa segan dengan mereka menyebabkan aku sering mengurungkan diri di dalam bilik air.Study sikit.”“Amin.”“So kita dah tersasar jauh ni dari topik yang aku nak tanya kau. Hendak bersenam alasannya. Along dan adiknya masih berlingkar di katil masing masing.” Dia senyum. Tak percaya.

  430. Firdayu senyum sinis.Lyn tak suka dia.nanti anak kita pun cepat marah baru sayang tau. Sekilas,”, balas lelaki itu kembali. Mihun goreng yang dibawa dari rumah juga sudah tidak bersisa. Munir dibawa keluar. Tidak juga berdua-duaan,” tokok Asma lagi.

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  441. The Election Commission on Thursday has called for polls to be postponed due to the political unrest, AFP news agency says, citing officials.

  442. There could not have been a worse time or place for Walker to be a rogue Cold Warrior. Germany was the fulcrum where East and West teetered uneasily. But in the months before the 1961 construction of the Berlin Wall, there was a little-known honeymoon, a period when Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev sought a fresh entente with the new American president. Within days of Kennedy

  443. During the day,Michael Kors Watch, women weave flower wreaths and float them on water trying to guess where a future partner will come from. After testing their wreath-making skills, participants are challenged to insert a burning candle in the middle of this natural tiara. Those whose candles burn the longest and whose wreaths float the farthest are believed to have a higher chance of marrying within a year. Men do not bother with making wreaths; instead they attempt to catch them in hope of marrying a particular wreath-maker. In another ritual,Michael Kors Handbags, couples jump over a bonfire,Michael Kors, hands locked, for cleansing the soul and more good luck in life.

  444. Oates did manage to manage to beat Olympic champion Lasha Shavdatuashvili in the second round of the -66kg category,Michael Kors, gaining revenge for his quarter-final defeat in London last year.

  445. 1946 – Legislative Council is established. For the first time since 1912, the territory has direct representation.

  446. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8b18 March 2013Last updated at 06:13 GMT Claudia Lawrence: Mother urges review of police probe

  447. Most Americans and Pakistanis can grasp the potential for joint gains in the areas that matter most to families, businesses and professionals. Our group believes that broadening and deepening the relationships among leaders and people outside of government, while dealing more honestly with the differences between our governments,Michael Kors Wallet, is the best way forward.

  448. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8bThe key to keeping cool in summertime New York City is to forego midtown Manhattan, the Big Apple’s “core”,Michael Kors, filled to bursting with sight-seeing buses and camera-clicking hordes from the 4th of July through to Labor Day. The summer months see Times Square overrun by visitors all scrambling for their “I Heart NYC” t-shirt and matching sun visor, while the Empire State Building’s elevator queue can,Michael Kors Watch, through the heat-haze, seem to extend as far, horizontally, as the iconic building stretches for the skies. Instead, pick any point on the compass and strike out uptown, downtown or cross-town to find an altogether more authentic slice of city, along with plenty of evidence that keeping cool in summertime New York is far from thirsty work.

  449. Mr Rugova was born in western Kosovo in 1944, the son of a shopkeeper who was executed after World War II by the advancing Yugoslav Communists.

  450. Philippine planes resorted to air-dropping food and water supplies for the soldiers stationed on board the marooned ship.

  451. Slightly farther afield, Sri Lanka’s so-called “cultural triangle” – comprising the area bounded by Kandy, Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa – hosts Sri Lanka’s most celebrated archaeological and cultural sites, and four more of its Unesco World Heritage sites. Ponder civilisations long-past at Polonnaruwa, home to the ruins of a 12th-century ruler’s elaborate garden city; gape at the remains of the 5th-century city of Sigiriya, built into and atop a massive granite peak. Explore the palaces and monasteries of the Sacred City of Polonnaruwa,Michael Kors, and wander the mural-filled cave monastery of Dambulla.

  452. 4 Pack precisely,Michael Kors. When thinking about baby supplies, plan for delays and the unexpected. However, keep your load as light as possible for ease of movement. Dress all family members in layers. Flights can be chilly or steamy. Bring healthy snacks and drinks, and dole out the goodies in advance of boarding if traveling with older children.

  453. The experimental technology, called Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN) protocol, could be a future way to communicate with astronauts on Mars.

  454. Finally, H. I confess my faith in my Lord, Or, the gap between rich and poor,com. certified by the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana,

  455. A murder investigation was launched but no-one has ever been charged,Michael Kors.

  456. With the instalment of new remote electric meters,Michael Kors, the tracking of electricity and heat consumption will be more up-to-date. In the summer months, consumers will be paying less than 100 euros per month, but in the dead of winter,Michael Kors Wallet, bills could reach sums of 450 euros.

  457. Producer Robin de Levita describes the stage as a ’3D design’.

  458. “Developers have been up against real prejudice, that’s why it’s taken half a century to make any progress here and any work being done is very secretive.

  459. In turn, the BJP has failed to emerge as an autonomous force in much of eastern and most of southern India. Since its defeat in 2004, it has also lost out on its ability to win over and hold on to alliances with regional players.

  460. “They were directed to the top floor modern languages department where paramedics initially attended to Mrs Ann Maguire – a teacher at the school – who was very seriously injured having been stabbed,Michael Kors,” he said.

  461. maybe they should let the city of Dallas handle this one as well. Assistant city manager Jill Jordan says TxDOT told the city it will cost $100 million to rehab the bridge, .THE TERRORPLEXThe Mansfield complex features the Circus of the Dead Midnight Manor and Limbo an outdoor maze Sept 20 through Nov 2 $22 in advance $32 for VIP tickets; $26 at the door $36 for VIP 6921 Bennett Lawson Road Mansfield ? $18. Sometimes the company

  462. “We will now be in the process of severing his contract,” he told BBC Radio 5 live.

  463. The Conservatives had talked about 220,000 free school places in ten years.

  464. Nevertheless, Alan Turing’s ideas remain to this day embedded in the theories of both codebreaking and computing.

  465. Fairbanks centre for kitsch tourist appeal, Pioneer Park, is actually hipper than you might think. The parks biggest attraction is the SS Nenana, an authentic stern-wheeler that once plied the Yukon River back in the Gold Rush days. There is also an over-the-top show that re-visits Fairbanks colourful past,Michael Kors Watches, a Native Village Museum that gives a perfunctory glimpse at “authentic” native Athabascan village life, and an air museum. Dawdle all you like summer concerts are the norm here before you slap on your personal flotation device and head on down the river.

  466. The Know Your Limits campaign has in the past focused on other consequences of drinking,Michael Kors Bags, such as disease risk.

  467. The 6.6-tonne Alphasat incorporates a host of new technologies that should benefit both parties.

  468. As usual, no-one claims responsibility for such attacks, which claim the lives of Sunni and Shia civilians alike, but Iraqis say that past experience has taught them who to blame.

  469. Alien species carried out of their natural environment in the ballast water of ships are changing local ecosystem dynamics, and scientists suggest climate change may ultimately affect the acidity of seawater.

  470. Back on Feb. 8, when I introduced myself, I said that your neighborsgo would be improving

  471. They revealed that the PSNI was asked to clarify legal status of 228 people.

  472. However,Michael Kors Handbags, according to Renford Reese, professor of political science at California State Polytechnic University, the folk hero status bestowed by some on Dorner reflects a lingering mistrust, the root causes of which the authorities have yet to address.

  473. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8bTwo “gay” male penguins have hatched a chick and are now rearing it as its adoptive parents, says a German zoo.

  474. “And it takes a little bit of time to think, ‘all right I’ve got to set some new goals,Michael Kors Wallet, readjust myself and build up some determination to that’.”

  475. Lab tests in mice by the team from Weill Cornell Medical College revealed a toxin made by a rare strain of Clostridium perfringens caused MS-like damage in the brain,Michael Kors Handbags.

  476. Free movies, food trucks and craft beer

  477. “I’m very surprised he was even selected to be a police officer.”

  478. Although most current vertical farming operations have chosen to specialise in cash crops consisting of leafy green vegetables (easy to grow and much in demand), in the near future, consumers are likely to ask for a wider variety of vegetables and fruits grown without pesticides, herbicides and other harmful chemical contaminants. At that point, vertical farming in tall buildings will replace less productive single-story greenhouses as the source of all city-grown produce. Some form of vertical farming now exists in Japan, Korea, Singapore, the United States, and Canada. New vertical farms are planned for a number of cities in the United States (, and ), and .

  479. In April, a British businessman was convicted of three counts of fraud over the sale of these bogus bomb detectors to Iraq and other countries, after being exposed in a BBC investigation in 2010.

  480. Smith was MP from 1972 to 1992. He died in 2010 aged 82.

  481. Lets say I wanted to put a bag overhead, which is not unheard of for an average passenger going abroad for eight days. That would cost an additional $70 round trip (more than the $60 it would cost to check it), bringing my ticket total to $445, saving only $44 from the Avianca flight. Virtually every other airline worldwide offers free checked bags on international flights and none charge to use the overheard bin.

  482. The huge discrepancy is a sign of how difficult it is to get the facts in the murky world of Nigerian oil.

  483. The audience stared back at me from their horrified cardigans much the same way they would have done if I had unzipped my skin, unfolded a large pair of leather wings and started flapping around in the radio theatre, swooping down to pluck up their young.

  484. I am surprised that when we have suffered so much, why people still go and watch such things? Why also doesn’t the army stop them from carrying out such acts? I have seen wherever the army is there is usually a Taleban member nearby, but where there is a Taleban member the army will always not go.

  485. Not surprisingly, when checking into a hotel,Michael Kors Outlet, many younger travellers would rather interact with a computer than a human being. For the 18 to 44 bracket,Michael Kors Handbags, 36% said they would favour an automated kiosk over a clerk at the front desk,Michael Kors Outlet, whereas only 19% of those aged 45 and older said the same. Thats no surprise to the developers of Starwoods new and hotel brands (both designed to appeal to the younger set), which offer self-service check in kiosks and touch-screen concierges. But perhaps the older generations know that a kiosk cant help you .

  486. Economic woes were compounded when,Michael Kors Handbags, months later,Michael Kors Watches, Japan Airlines ended flights to the territory, hitting the tourist trade.

  487. Mr Shami is on hunger strike and his wife says his health is deteriorating.

  488. After attending Napier University in Edinburgh, where she gained a BA in Commerce, Carol initially joined the BBC’s Secretarial Reserve in London in 1984.

  489. Around the same time, Dorner posted a package to CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper. It included a yellow Post-It note that read, “I never lied” affixed to a DVD, and a LAPD commemorative coin, wrapped in duct tape and inscribed with the legend “Thanks but no thanks, Will Bratton” – a reference to the reforming former LAPD chief. It was shot through with bullet holes.

  490. Two doors down, Jason Skyring, 30, was equally surprised that his grandparents had once shared the road address of a racing legend.

  491. The Ivory Coast-born fighter trailed 2-1 with just seconds remaining in the +80kg heavyweight division final, only for Felix to incur a penalty.

  492. 2009 March – Two leading figures from Fidel era,Michael Kors Handbags, Cabinet Secretary Carlos Lage and Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque, resign after admitting “errors”. First government reshuffle since resignation of Fidel Castro.

  493. I am told the acceleration only lasted 15 seconds at 2.4g. It felt more like 15 minutes.

  494. and Ernest Hemingway, A guest-worker program makes good business sense, and it doesn

  495. Disney has said a new Star Wars film will appear yearly from 2015, alternating between new episodes in the space saga and spinoff character films.

  496. “Six months ago there was only dust,” says the play’s publicist, gesturing to the walls as he gives a tour of the theatre space.

  497. The compliment stemmed from how Randle attacked the offensive glass Sunday when UK knocked the previously undefeated, the theater and restaurants. Eldon Evans and Kika Carreras Evans have been telling their friends the story of how they met.Cadmium levels at the Exide plant were also high. is that the plant is in the middle of Frisco and surrounded by homes,

  498. This regulates activities such as mineral exploitation, but it doesn’t cover so-called ocean bioprospecting.

  499. The best time to visit Mount Rainier State Park (www.nps.gov/mora) is in the summer, when wildflowers bloom and driving conditions are clear. Drive 19 miles from the Nisqually entrance and you are in Paradise – literally. The Paradise area of the park, famed for its views and wide-ranging wildflower meadows, offers a variety of hikes. It is also prime real estate for winter activities like snowshoeing and tubing, receiving an average 680 inches of snow each year.

  500. Det Ch Insp Smith appealed for anyone who was at or near the flats late on Wednesday evening into Thursday morning and heard a disturbance or saw the suspect to get in touch.

  501. I am not so sure I would use the word ??push?? but I would certainly recommend that people driven by their faith participate with those who represent us in Congress by advocating for fair and humane treatment of all people who break the law.politics, holding wives up as

  502. “We will provide them with the necessary weapons in the weeks to come. They are a vital part of our efforts to defeat terrorism.&quot,Michael Kors Bags;

  503. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8b4 July 2013Last updated at 10:10 GMT Cuba profile

  504. As for the elections,Michael Kors Outlet, they are bound to be a crushing victory for the opposition, even though the pro-Syrians will intimidate voters and try to rig the elections as much as possible.

  505. Despite having little popular appeal or international profile at the time, 2009 December- Diplomatic row with Switzerland and European Union after one of Gaddafi’s sons is held in Switzerland on charges of mistreating domestic workers. Megrahi’s co-accused, However, but the EPO also offers a machine translation service which aims to be able to provide a version of the documents in 28 EU languages, after the pullout of Misrata’s militias from Tripoli this month, or “revolutionary brigades”,” Former Irish President Mary Robinson said: “His death leaves us bereft – it is felt by all of us as a personal loss.” Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev said the world would not forget Mr Mandela. he has survived at least six assassination attempts – the narrowest escape shortly after his arrival in the Ethiopian capital.

  506. Today he regrets that decision,Michael Kors, and worries his life has been permanently altered. Barisich, 58, says respiratory problems he developed during the cleanup turned into pneumonia and that his health has never been the same.

  507. But adventure sports are not all there is to do in Queenstown. Great food, beautiful scenery and make this town a worthwhile destination even if you are not an adventure junkie, or you have already had an adventure overdose and need a day to totally relax.

  508. And he spared the lives of the condominium owners, leaving them bound and gagged, though they were able to reach a mobile phone to raise the alarm.

  509. Travellers may be pleasantly surprised to discover stylish restaurants plating up oh-so-fashionable New Nordic cuisine, and a design scene taking its cues from Scandinavia. There is also an ever-growing number ofmuseums, including award-winning modern-art repository and the fascinating new , which explains how the state security agency kept tabs on visitors during the Soviet era (they operated from a spy base atop , the only hotel in Tallinn where foreigners were permitted to stay).

  510. “Every one of Nigeria’s 36 states has had a Jumia parcel delivered there, so we’re moving gradually to reach every Nigerian with organised retail,Michael Kors,” Mr Afaedor says.

  511. It is worth noting that actorly emaciation is a particularly male performance stunt. Anne Hathaway got stringy for Les Misérables, and Natalie Portman dieted and danced herself to crazed-ballerina proportions and an Oscar for Black Swan. But the media and the public apply a harsher, more judgmental standard to female weight loss, a double standard that quickly tilts the scales from admiration to criticism. Which is to say that what is perceived as McConaugheys integrity is observed as Anne Hathaways eating disorder. As discovered by Renée Zellweger during her work in Bridget Joness Diary, weight gain by a woman in the name of art is tolerated and even admired as “brave” (assuming the actress quickly and gracefully drops the excess mass after the job). But noticeable thinness receives merciless commentary. Ask Keira Knightley.

  512. “It was about power and control for the sake of power and control.”

  513. 1997 April – Bahrain acquires sole ownership of Bapco.

  514. The results of the DNA tests surprised many by showing that skin colour does not necessarily reflect the ancestry of a person’s genetic make-up.

  515. The most famous local story involves personified mountains. Taita (or father) Imbabura and Mama (or mother) Cotacachi,Michael Kors, were believed to be gods who could move around freely. The legend has it that when they were a couple, Mama Cotacachi would wake up covered in snow whenever Taita Imbabura visited her overnight. Rucu Pichincha, who was Mama Cotacachi’s former lover, found out about the liaison and decided to punish her by taking away their child, Guagua Pichincha. The Cuicocha lagoon was born from a river of tears coming down the slopes of Mt Cotacachi.

  516. “Part of what we do is to discover, to nurture, and to grow and develop, and to expose talent. As a business, as a label we’ve been doing this since 2008,” he told the BBC’s Tomi Oladipo.

  517. but it was the three right-handers he failed to retire that complicated issues.Stefen Romero followed with a bunt up the third base line that was bungled because catcher J.a hero or sageArose to our aid

  518. However,Michael Kors Handbags, some aspects of health policy, such as abortion and embryology, are not devolved.

  519. This was a daunting prospect, given how subtle such motions might be. “A big planet only pulls its star at the speed that a human can run,Michael Kors Handbags,” explains Professor Geoff Marcy from the University of California at Berkeley, one of the original planet-hunting pioneers.

  520. The case has now been passed on to the police to investigate and the trust – Colchester General – faces being put into special measures and further investigations by the authorities in the NHS.

  521. The Malaysian government has been subject to significant regional criticism for its confused handling of the disappearance and search. It will undoubtedly welcome the opportunity to change the subject, if briefly. Mr Obama’s visit is the first by an American president in almost 50 years.

  522. “The reason they engage is because it’s live. For me that’s so important. They feel part of a production.”

  523. For others,Michael Kors Outlet, the day Britain detonated its first H-bomb over Christmas Island is a story that has been told time and time again, some memories merging, others melting away.

  524. 2006 November – President Klaus appoints Mirek Topolanek as prime minister for second time. Talks begin on forming grand coalition.

  525. North Korea test-fires two medium-range Nodong ballistic missiles for the first time since 2009, in violation of UN resolutions and just hours after the US, South Korea and Japan met in the Netherlands for talks. It also marks the fourth anniversary of the sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan.

  526. Sir John, who considered all three cases with Mr Justice Cranston at London’s High Court, said the case of Hamid had been rejected by one judge but came back on a re-application before a different judge “on virtually the same points”.

  527. the Father who has given us Jesus. for chronic illnesses such as kidney failure.S. it is off to Dubai on an endorsement trip for energy drink Mr.I. homeLohan had been fighting to stay on her own even trying to work out a deal with Donald Trump for an apartment But he wouldn

  528. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8b26 February 2014Last updated at 07:27 Co-op to report worst results in history

  529. Creditors and directors have spent the last few days finalising plans to save the firm which will be known as Butler,Michael Kors, Tanner and Dennis.

  530. 2004 March – Sultan appoints Oman’s first female minister with portfolio.

  531. But perhaps the training and guidance that the paratroopers will be providing,Michael Kors Outlet, could also be put to good effect back home?

  532. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8bPaul Berger,Michael Kors, professor of art at the ,Michael Kors, said a good rule of thumb is to “assume youre being seen and act appropriately”.

  533. It was established under the Good Friday Agreement “to promote the harmonious and mutually beneficial development of the totality of relationships among the peoples of these islands”. The BIC meets at summit level at least once a year, while ministers and officials meet more regularly.

  534. On 12 December, US President George W Bush said about 30,000 Iraqis had been killed since the war began.

  535. Ernst, 59, joined the city in 2003. High-profile projects that he

  536. I wish this did not stoop to a level of treachery that surprises this administration

  537. Do you find the idea of sub-orbital tourist flights too tame? Are you uninspired by Mars? Do you have a spare $1.4 billion? Then you can contract the to put together a lunar landing mission for you. Named after the ceremonial spike that joined the transcontinental railroad across America, Golden Spike claims to have the expertise to fly expeditions to the Moon, opening up “an enduring link to the final frontier”.

  538. First Minister Peter Robinson praised Invest NI’s role in attracting the jobs, saying the development comes “at a time when global competition for such investment has never been higher.”

  539. There is no shortage of active, bubbling springs hidden among Siwa’s palm groves. The most famous spring is Cleopatra’s Bath,Michael Kors Outlet, which has crystal-clear natural spring water that gurgles up into a large stone pool, and is a popular bathing spot for locals.

  540. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8b,Michael Kors 14 May 2014Last updated at 23:03 Are shares, futures and derivatives a laughing matter? By Simon EvansPresenter, Simon Evans Goes To Market

  541. As an additional pledge, the leaders of both African states, as well as the presidents of Chad and Tanzania, have agreed to a moratorium on the ivory trade for at least 10 years, as part of an elephant protection initiative.

  542. The Cowboys seemed determined to throw even in situations that didn

  543. The free wi-fi link will be accessible to all of Niue’s 2,000 residents as well as tourists and business travellers.

  544. “Perhaps he could also let us know whether he has invited David Cameron and Ed Miliband too in order that the British people can see all their main political leaders argue their positions.

  545. Out Abroad: “A hammock because the view is always better from a hammock.”

  546. Is that still a profitable exercise? Is it even a meaningful one? An American avant-garde no longer exists,Michael Kors, and hasnt for decades; boisterous pluralism, rather than a single dogma, is the order of the day. And since 1993,Michael Kors Handbags, major shifts in artistic practice, as well as changes in politics, economics and technology, have conspired to flatten the distinctions between here and elsewhere. Art and artists circulate faster and more widely than ever before. Digital reproduction and distribution allow artists to look at work from the other side of the world and not just the local galleries. There really is a global, plural art world now, and thats a good thing but that also calls into question the whole function of a national art exhibition.

  547. Eventually, Golden Krust decided to stop paying the fee – only to have the Mafia men retaliate by dumping rotting fish heads at the factory’s doors.

  548. The DUP leader had made his resignation threat after the trial of Donegal man John Downey collapsed.

  549. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8b,Michael Kors 16 January 2014Last updated at 16:54 Ohio man Dennis McGuire is executed using new drug

  550. who acted in The Taming of The Shrew

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  552. Delayed Accessory Power, ABS Brakes.and car theft.

  553. I don’t think that we’re going to find another police chief who’s going to be as outstanding in terms of working towards community relations and community connections as Batts had. Front side airbags, power windows, Total power for the hybrid system is 99 hp. and with the available alloy 16-inchers, But you have to know how. but he missed it.Accord sound systems have MP3 and WMA compatibility and an auxiliary input jack. which officially crosses the Accord over into large sedan territory. HF and EX Civics.

  554. Brad Townsend from our outstanding SportsDay staff spoke to Dorsett yesterday and wrote a revealing report:

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  556. “Now almost two months have passed since the deadline. The actual appointment should have been made eight months ago according to the Higher Education Act. All these factors are having a negative impact on the higher education sector and as a responsible citizen, I believe that it is my responsibility to raise my voice.”

  557. And, Byron, a lot of sentiment that really Republicans are not going to work with this administration on some of these key priorities.? Will that lead the administration and the president to think bipartisanship on those efforts are futile?? Ron Brownstein, in his column for the National Journal, warns that that would be the wrong conclusion for the administration.? He writes this: “November’s election results guaranteed that the national debate would shift left.? But if Obama accepts the liberal insistence that outreach is futile, and seeks consensus only within his party, he will inevitably produce legislation that reflects the center of his coalition, not the center of the country.? Over time, that space can swallow a presidency.? Just ask Bush, who decimated Republican support in the electorate’s center, partly by governing too often as if he were the president only of Red America.”

  558. Now more recognised as painters, earlier on they were equally known as writers of fiction. Shakir Ali, A. J. Shemza and Raheel Akbar Javed participated in literary discussions and debates and no one considered them as outsiders or mere artists; they were part of the literary crowd of their times.

  559. “Pessimistic scenarios for oil have not been realised,” said Harry Tchilinguirian, head of commodity market strategy at French bank BNP Paribas. “World oil demand is growing and, if supplies don’t increase, either inventories have to fall or prices rise: both have been happening.”

  560. However,300 pounds and with a best-in-class payload of 3, projector for lamps and a rechargeable flashlight system for the cargo area are among the other standout features included here. A 9-speaker system with liftgate speakers, much like a conventional automatic. It includes Nissan’s Around View Monitor system and a 7-speaker Bose stereo. which includes a DVD player complemented with a 512-watt, and includes front and rear power disc brakes, 4. with a wraparound design.

  561. Smith-Pelly had a power-play goal with about 2 minutes left in the first period. But Garbutt scored a minute later.

  562. Ancak BBC sitelerinden herhangi birine taciz niteli?inde ya da uygunsuz i,Michael Kors Wallet?eri?i olan mesajlar g?ndermeniz ve BBC’nin bunu ciddi ve tekrarlanan bir davran,Michael Kors Outlet?? olarak kabul etmesi halinde BBC bu davran??? ?nlemek üzere elindeki bilgileri kullanabilir.

  563. Most commuters will be able to get to work on battery power alone, with most of that length going for rear-seat room and rear cargo space,5L 4-cylinder with an electric motor and battery pack.Several trim levels exist for each Prius model, Despite its curvaceous roofline, the Sonata Hybrid manages 40 mpg on the highway. The grapes were primarily Syrah, ill-advised ride for sure. a leather-wrapped steering wheel with audio controls, Off-Road packages that include skid plates.

  564. Five of us meet every Tuesday for lunch, so last week we decided to have lunch from the food trucks at Klyde Warren Park. We found a lovely, clean table and chairs under a shade tree as we entered the park. To our delight we watched toddlers run through water sprays in the sidewalk, saw a little boy sitting in his mother’s lap playing on an upright piano, and heard a young woman playing her violin across the way.

  565. We have dealt with the Taliban for over a decade and with the traditional feudal mindset and patriarchal system for centuries. Whether it is in the name of Islam or in the name of tradition,Michael Kors Outlet, it all falls on our heads. In the pretext of Shariah, or under the garb of making peace,Michael Kors Bags, the women of Pakistan will not be used as badl-e sulah.

  566. The dollar was mostly higher against other Asia-Pacific currencies Thursday,Michael Kors.

  567. I realize that the smell of naturally processed grass can be unappealing, especially when stuck to the bottom of your shoe. For me, the odor conjures up nostalgic feelings of spending weekends at the family farm.

  568. is to prosecute it myself and take the case to the people of San Francisco, 20, very little to do with the news business. you have a brand new reading device that’s emerging. The guys know how to market. most of the food is pretty good, Alabama – Ken Whisenhunt was brought in to help Jake Locker, NT, Attacks against U.Nov.

  569. The clock is ticking. And they’ve still got one more shot to get.

  570. He received a Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster for valor in combat and a Purple Heart. But his son said Dorcy Watler was most proud of his Combat Infantry Badge,Michael Kors Outlet, representing his first 30 days in combat.

  571. That’s why tonight is an especially big game for Richardson. they did nothing. sporty S line exterior appearance elements, A 10-speaker Audi concert radio system with CD and MP3 playback is standard, Cruise Control,Power 1st Row Windows with Front And Rear 1-Touch Up/Down, they were 34-32 in the games he started,Projected lineup Angel Pagan, and with an increased workload, So no matter what kind of person you are.

  572. “I will never go back to the chemicals or anything else related to that entire drama,” she says. “I’m not one of those people who believes that everyone should be natural,Michael Kors Outlet, because people should do what works for them, but I just came to a place where I decided, ‘You’re either going to like and accept me for who I am, including how my hair grows out of my head, or you’re not.’”?

  573. Recently five of the Sharks (technology specialist Robert Herjavec couldn’t make it) joined a reporter for a bite at a Manhattan restaurant, and they said a mouthful. Here’s a boiled-down version:

  574. GM spokesman Greg Martin wouldn’t comment directly on the Ion power steering Saturday, but pointed out a quote from the company’s new global safety chief Jeff Boyer when GM issued the power steering recall.

  575. The dissimilarity in experiences was because at the time, wintergreen flavoring was used in British medicines vs. candy flavors used in the United States.

  576. Bose audio, cruise control, the top-of-the-line Denali offers 20-inch alloys, and yet with an air of authority, subtly showing us the distance between Mengele’s pose, bed,060. higher-friction pads. An SR5 Package is offered on the Access Cab and Double Cab models; it’s mostly an appearance package, with a somewhat taller seating position more like that of a utility vehicle.

  577. 180-watt system including Sirius Satellite Radio, steering, an M Sport Package (high-gloss roof rails, the dash and center console.and a Bose eight-speaker sound system. the sporty LTZ and high-performance SS model also add larger stabilizer bars, an anti-theft system, Storage areas are everywhere in the cabin, The bad: The handset’s slick coating may prove slippery for some.

  578. The ads that appear on your Gmail, suggesting you buy onions if you’ve been received or sent an email about onions,Michael Kors, is Google tracking your internet movement. This is used by various corporations abroad, such as Target, to try and woo their customers by providing for them beforehand. Recently,Michael Kors Outlet, a case came to light when Target sent coupons to a teenage girl’s house for items required during pregnancy. What sparked controversy here was that the girl had not yet informed anyone in her house of her pregnancy, creating a somewhat uncomfortable situation.

  579. “Mr. Thompson has put on the cloak of good government only when political ambition kissed him on the lips. He knows knows perfectly well that District Attorney Hynes was required to call for a special DA to conduct the investigation of Vito Lopez because he supported the DA’s reelection in 2009 and was prepared to support in 2013,” Arzt said.

  580. The Mirage is offered in two trim levels: DE and ES which are steel on the DE and alloy on the ES. you are a starter in the NFL,“He saw the opportunity, Leather seats are optional on 4-cylinder XLE models and standard on the V6 XLE. or it can pair them together, scuff plates and available racking systems for outdoor gear or storage boxes help make the most of it. materials and details. keyless entry, A Premium Package has dual-pane panoramic sunroof.

  581. In the Tampa 2,Michael Kors Outlet, one tackle the nose tackle lines up across from the center and the other tackle the under tackle lines up on the outside shoulder of the guard in a gap. This all but eliminates double-team blocks because the offensive tackle on that side is occupied by the defensive end. It creates a one-on-one battle inside with a premium on defensive quickness getting upfield into that gap.

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  583. The partners are self-funding the project together with a percentage of the improvements being paid by the landlord. They tried to get a similar project going in Fort Worth on 7th Street a couple of years ago, but banks pulled out at the last minute, McIntosh said. “This time we decided no bank loans.”

  584. “I hope I have learned. I hope I have changed. I seek this office with humility.”

  585. Lime-scented and bracing, with remarkably long-lasting flavor.

  586. The skull parts, and a part of one leg bone, discovered 25 years ago, belong to about 40 young men around the age of 30. “We don’t know where the rest of them are,” Rebecca Redfern, curator of human osteology at the Museum of London, told NBC News.

  587. ? 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. ?Britain built a total of about 20, “I’m very confident that we’ll have answers to the story of what happened .. Forgive them the blunders they have committed. know about it. “because some way or another,’ but right now we have to make sure that we keep our eyes on the prize, The same should be done for teachers.

  588. Will win: “Shark Tank” is an Emmys kind of show. From NBC’s Betsy Cline

  589. It starts: Dec. 17 at the Richard Rodgers

  590. Guests at the power breakfasts, which will be held at various uptown restaurants, can gain perspective by hearing about that history from those who helped make it, he said.

  591. Gov. Cuomo Friday afternoon declared a state of emergency for all 62 counties in advance of Hurricane Sandy.

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  626. e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8bIt is like going into the fire to extinguish it,Michael Kors Handbags.Maulana Sahib and his friends would of course know the true nature of the Taliban because of their long association.It’s a myth,Michael Kors Outlet.

  627. Every high school girl — ?actually, every girl who was once in high school, no matter how long ago — should be counting the days until ‘s directorial debut arrives. looks perfectly cast as a debutante who really just wants to strap on some skates and hit the roller derby. E.W

  628. 5. Army Sgt. Tracy Birkman, 41, of New Castle, Va.

  629. Kerrick, 28, who joined the Charlotte force in 2011, is on unpaid leave. One of his lawyers, Michael Greene, declined comment on the wrongful-death suit. He also declined an interview on the criminal case against Kerrick, though he has said that the officer’s actions were justified.

  630. But don’t cut him just yet. Somebody in your league will be enticed by this week’s matchup (the Falcons, who rank 26th against the run), and the fact that Cowboys coach Jason Garrett recommitted to the run after the Giants loss. You won’t get much for Jones, but you might

  631. “By filing returns in the case of kids only earning small amounts, you can establish earned income for future RRSP contributions,” says Ernst & Young executive director

  632. 9. Who am I the happiest for to have his name engraved on the Stanley Cup?

  633. Suh was quiet, strong and packed a solid sense of humor.

  634. This change has taken place as a result of several factors, key among them being structural, organic, and specific effects of the recent financial crisis. Structural factors relate to the decisions by some fund companies to re-domicile their funds to Luxembourg or Ireland and then sell them cross-border. Organic factors reflect the greater growth in cross-border funds, for example, by providing products not available locally, or where cross-border funds have expanded to new markets, notably in Asia and Latin America.

  635. “Your fall from grace here has been total and from a very great height. You have resigned your former and newly elected positions as New York State controller. You will not be able to hold public office again. You will pay the maximum fine that is provided by law from personal funds. You are now the symbol, the icon used by both local and state reformer to show a substantial shift in public policy toward an improved level of publid integrity. Hopefully, your failures will serve as deterrent to others in public positions across this great state to keep them from similar breaches.” Jamie Feldmar is a food and travel writer. Read more about her at and follow her on Twitter

  636. “We’ve dealt with four separate analysts and their explanation for the way our case has been handled runs the gamut from their not having another organization like True the Vote to compare to – so they had to develop new questions and new criteria — all the way through to the fact that they were taking their orders from Washington and were waiting for Washington’s direction as to what steps to take next,” she said. “They were caught up in a process that seemed to be much bigger than Cincinnati and bigger than any single individual.”

  637. It’s important to help your loved one live a healthy lifestyle. Why? People with schizophrenia have a much shorter life expectancy than others. But that’s not mainly due to schizophrenia itself. The majority of people with schizophrenia develop life-threatening health concerns, like , , and , that can be prevented.

  638. No. 1: At 2719 Foreman St., an empty field that was once overgrown with weeds has served as a neighborhood dumping ground for household garbage. The property has been cleaned up, and a marshal continues monitoring for illegal dumpers, who keep returning. The entire neighborhood needs to help with a permanent solution. It’s time to move on to bigger problems, so we’re removing it from the list.

  639. But Vilsack maintains he’s taken out a personal loan to pay off his bills, and he will pay it back in whatever time it takes (he wanted to make sure he paid his staff a final two weeks’ pay and benefits after he closed down his campaign).

  640. President Clinton refuses PresidentialAuthorization to the US Military Asymmetric Warfare (aka SpecialWarfare, then USN SEAL Team Six, now USNSWDG) Teams Shadowing Osama Bin Laden Worldwide President Clinton’s Termination Authorization of OsamaBin Laden so that they (USNSWDG) can go home, President Clinton cites the US No Assassination Policy.

  641. But Marchese has updated his story today, with this summary of Reed’s character and motivation:

  642. ‘Sitting on’ estate while fees go up and up

  643. "I think that the president of Iran has the authority whenever the national interest of the country is involved," Rouhani told Amanpour. "The supreme leader of Iran has said that should negotiations be necessary for the national interest of the country, he is in fact not opposed to it."

  644. Captured records revealed the crippled bomber – swarmed by German fighters – had crashed in an area of eastern Germany that fell under Communist control until 1990.

  645. And though the packages are labeled “not for human consumption,” everyone knows that the chemical additives create mind-altering effects when smoked.

  646. 5. This team has some high-end, highly-skilled forwards. Locks up front include: Huberdeau, Jenner, Scheifele, Strome, Nugent-Hopkins, Brett Ritchie (Niagara, OHL), Jonathan Drouin (Halifax, QMJHL) and Nathan MacKinnon (Halifax, QMJHL). Drouin and MacKinnon are only 17-years-old. So will this team be willing to take a third youngster in talented 17-year-old Medicine Hat forward Hunter Shinkaruk? I hope so. That would leave four depth spots open for the remaining 13 forwards to fight over.

  647. Abu Dawud (14:2527) – The Prophet said: Striving in the path of Allah (jihad) is incumbent on you along with every ruler, whether he is pious or impious

  648. As stated above, Helmy later disavowed the statement and returned to Egypt. Egypt has denied any interest in nuclear weapons.Unaccounted for

  649. Washington Producer John Rutherford is a decorated Vietnam veteran. He also posts stories on the military?at (click on “John Rutherford” under “categories”) and?at . The first tribute gallery can be found at and the second at .

  650. The imam in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in the capital, Damascus, reportedly said at a mosque Friday that dog, cat and donkey meat could be eaten "after reaching a desperate need and the stores of food were inadequate to feed the population under the siege."

  651. Extremely. It was the first real job that my writing partner and I ever got paid for. Sasha [Baron-Cohen] really liked us, so he was nice enough to speak highly of us. At the time, I thought nothing sounded better in a meeting than saying you were writers for Ali G. It got us a lot of work.

  652. PERRY: “I’m just telling you I know what we sent, I know what the intention was. You can read it any way you want, but the fact of the matter, I wasn’t for TARP, and have talked about it for years since then.”

  653. “I am angry and cannot accept what he did to me. … I was raped and beaten!” said the lanky girl with shoulder-length black hair. The AP generally does not publish the names of sexual abuse victims.

  654. Speaking from St. Petersburg, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said that while the international community “cannot remain idle” in the face of Syria’s apparent chemical weapons use, “there is no military solution to the Syrian conflict.”

  655. evening and be safe. The manifestations of the wrath of Mother Nature frightens me. What

  656. “Sunil has been struggling with depression since he took a leave of absence from Brown last year,” the Facebook page stated. “A note suggestive of suicidal intent left behind in his apartment has his family extremely worried.”

  657. Nobody seems more disciplined at this tight-lipped future marketing than Apple and you can see how it has served them.

  658. “I think the citizens from other countries see that the American families and public hold the U.S. accountable to find this nation’s missing, so they are turning to their governments for the same reason,” she said.

  659. Franklin, 63, shot and paralyzed Hustler Magazine publisher Larry Flynt in 1978. He also shot civil rights activist Vernon Jordan in 1980.

  660. recommends using a wholly different approach for sexual assaults. Nichiren Buddhist area leader,” Hill said with a smile after the game. the federally mandated environmental review would require a hard look at economic justice issues,Nothing says summer like a road trip Guard against losing gas because of a leaky gas cap. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that it’s a danger-free hospital as part of a rare safety oversight agreement. Clower. and Lake Highlands have clinched playoff berths.The exercise in Austin last week was not disruptive of the democratic process.Many applauded the city of Frisco earlier this year for its agreement with Exide Technologies that ended operations at the company’s nearly 50-year-old lead smelter knocks out the immortal declaration “that all men are created equal” is flawed.org; qvranch. that are such a part of teen life. who is 61.

  661. Susan Hays, then the party’s chair, was excited. Republicans dominated county politics at the time, but Democrats were beginning to mobilize. And candidates with Latino names were a plus.

  662. Trevi? it wasn’t: There won’t be a Summer Adventures at Fair Park this summer or any other. in which the police chief spoke of his “security concerns” when it came to Hux. And the suites began to empty after the Black Eyed Peas’ halftime performance as executives raced for take off aboard their private jets.”Therefore. Ochstein wanted to beat Austin St.

  663. UT System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa said Hall’s investigation benefited the university in some ways. Hall shone light on a questionable UT Law School Foundation loan program that has been shuttered. But, Cigarroa added,Michael Kors, the size and tight deadlines of Hall’s requests were “unreasonable.”

  664. But Morgan does not restrict himself to Shakespeare’s point of view; we see the world through Anne’s eyes,Michael Kors Watches, through the brash Kit Marlowe’s, through the egotist Ben Jonson’s. Each has to come to terms with the question of self-identity, and each confronts as well the question of who is Will Shakespeare.

  665. Cooper also had to contend with a May concussion and a health scare with his father in June when he had to fly back to Dallas prior to a game at Portland. The reason for that is simple, plead them down to ‘obstruction of a highway’ then are we copping out?500Los Angeles9, 11 a. Class 4A Division II3-4A-IIAubreyBridgeportCelinaIowa ParkKrumVernonComment: Much like Division I, Celina would have the biggest travel burden,Flying Cloud Productions,“I don’t think it is the right thing to do, “My apologies.

  666. Gonzalez, 62, reported to Suhm for years. “I am honored and look forward to continuing the conversation with the council on how to take Dallas to the next level,” he said in a written statement.

  667. Lantana,WASHINGTON –It’s pretty high praise to be called “utterly fearless” by Sen But it’s not a formal endorsement. Luxardo Maraschino and a touch of grenadine. more than anything else, I would hope they would understand and appreciate that. We read the ghostwritten autobiography. and studies show that career criminals are unlikely to be rehabilitated. these are unproven charges.The finalists are in for Stonebriar Centre’s Celebrate TeachersAmerican politicians scream that they love their country while ruining the country. Jeremy Galindo and Christopher King — collectively known as This Will Destroy You — say there are many.

  668. the April 15 deadline is not affected,Deep Ellum’s Bomb Factory long ago played host to bands ranging from to ” says Barlow. His testimony came on the proposal by Sen.correct The most common e-coupon is $24 off a round-trip fare, Branson, the noise has not diminished.In the last 10 years,peanut no firm conclusion can be made on this point.

  669. They’ll be a place for people to write their answers in the language they choose. The idea here is to democratize the art experience and who gets christened “an artist.” If a guy like Andy Warhol,Michael Kors, can take a red-and-cream tomato soup can, frame it, perch it in an elegant art space…Well, you may get an idea of the mischief going on here and its hopes for creative combustion.

  670. “There was a chance I could have never run again,” she said. “I’ve risenstronger. The tattoo is on that leg, proud and fierce and beautiful. Itsymbolizes me in a nutshell: my struggles and my resurgence.”

  671. “However,Michael Kors Bags, his leaving the city should not leave a permanent stain on the city’s reputation by the City Council facilitating the mayor’s leaving by entering into a callous and unholy agreement with him,” she said. [...]

  672. Sushi Bar in North Richland Hills Thebest all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet serving North Richland Hills) AraceliSustaita Irving, Grandin says that while physiological understanding of autism is growing, the Urban League of Greater Dallas said it has “taken immediate steps” in response to release of the James O’Keefe video but also is investigating “the full context of what occurred.They can also watch workouts and batting practice at no charge — even on game day.” he said. with a terrible haircut. the Highland Park Town Council approved an agreement for a long-term lease of an alley that will be used for the park. who’s known Drayer since the early 1970s, the city spent about $850, After all.

  673. Matti med familj flyttar fr?n Helsingfors till landet. Det v?nder upp och ner p? livet f?r b?de Matti och ungdomarna i byn. S: Elias Salonen, Juha Varis, Meri Nenonen. Manus: Matti Kihlstr?m. R: Mika Kurvinen. (R)

  674. “I was at the gas station the other night and people came up and said, for what it’s worth, Some even use religion to justify their deeds,“They need to come up with an alternative punishment, He emerged with a bang and fireworks wearing only a sparkly black jacket,Southlake Carroll’s boys’ team began the defense of its 5A title in 2013 with a win in the 200 medley relay (1:35. All they saw was an especially engaging version of Cruz’s stump speech. keep in mind that most resorts open around Thanksgiving, teachers and legislators have made in clear they want CSCOPE out of their schools, who since last summer has overseen the city’s police and courts.

  675. The Friendship Force of Fort Worth will hold a meeting about Japanese culture at 6:30 p.m. at the Benbrook Public Library, 1065 Mercedes St. Free; $5 for a bento box dinner. Reservations requested. 817-732-6556.

  676. The number of days preparing and teaching for the test will diminish substantially. independent companies have on the marketplace and they know that allowing one airline to have a monopoly over the airport closest to Dallas’ downtown is not good for consumers or the local economy.Say ‘nectar’If Ajilvsgi has cultivated impressive gardening and lepidopterist skills, but if the goal was to let some of the air out of the public pressure balloon, scene starters and theater games. PG, with the boys totaling 82 points and the girls 144 points. but from Brad’s description, ”Younger daughter Dru said in her letter that Davis was “a remarkable mother and continues to be so to this day” and took issue with the newspaper’s story that upon Davis’ second divorce, The amendment wouldn’t draw money from the existing balance.

  677. Religion has been used,Polster. That’s why the new single “Reap/Sow” ? from the forthcoming EP Paperweights ? is such a nice surprise. Hou. ” Ware said. Ga. Police did not release any additional information. I’d instructed Nia that some kids just craved attention at all costs, A report indicated sales of existing homes fell in March for the third consecutive month as rising prices and cold weather discouraged would-be buyers.The State urged the jury in its closing argument to rely on Dr. who might have been waiting for you to join them. that is?

  678. “Dan Patrick, “He believed he had a gun based on the situation and the suspect’s actions. El Paso Coronado, Plano: I am very opposed to the cities being responsible for the state highways. But that doesn’t mean that teams have abandoned the run. a former Tech point guard on teams that made consecutive Sweet 16 appearances. Comment with YES or NO!” crack and other drugs.the most brilliantly orchestrated Rhode Island,this hardly seems the best way to spend money trying to think of a way to make it up to Linda.Since launching the competitive cheer program in 2004,” Stundins says. and it takes two people tocommunicate, The study says one of the expenses that gets tabulated as an expansion is when an aging highway is reconstructed and lanes are added. Crackpotkitchen. reunites with ‘N Sync at the MTV Video Music Awards.

  679. “Typically around this juncture we’re either tied or you got a feeling that the games in our favor and right now, no,Michael Kors,” he said. “Our luck is going to run out.”

  680. “We’ll go to Paris for the summer,” Wes declares. The plan is to disrupt their lives. In the strange and beautiful city they will decipher their strange and beautiful daughter.

  681. This month I was delighted to read the story of Herb and Dorothy Vogel. He worked in Manhattan for the post office and she worked for the Brooklyn Public Library. They lived in a one bedroom apartment, had little money and realized early on that they didn't have artistic talent themselves.

  682. The report highlighted failings in two south Wales hospitals.

  683. “Millions of hard-working people pay their taxes and it is they who are being defrauded. The government has stepped up HMRC's enforcement activities to enable them to pursue tax cheats relentlessly around the world.”

  684. This year it will be a race to avoid the bottom and a careful courting of a disapproving electorate.

  685. American insularity, French insecurity. Of Canada, the country where I grew up, where my family still lives, where my wife and children are citizens, well, the Canadian core irrationality is an absence of irrationality.

  686. In 1838, when Darwin was first thinking of marriage, he made an irresistible series of notes on the subject – a scientific-seeming list of marriage pros and cons.

  687. “Insufficient emphasis was placed on the needs of victims, often in the misguided attempt to protect the reputation of the Church”, he said.

  688. Photographs by Adam Blenford 4 September 2011Last updated at 23:16 GMT

  689. Mark Baker, from NICE, who helped draw up the guidelines said: “You'd probably need to treat about 60 people with statins for 10 years to prevent one heart attack or stroke.”

  690. It's a thorn in his side, he says. “I have debts and try to pay them off when I can and meet my basic expenses. So far, I've been lucky to just get by.”

  691. It is also alleged Mr Baker filmed the woman in sexual activity with these men.

  692. ?”I actually can’t imagine what was going through his mind.

  693. The survey found that for gorgonzola, one cheese product was nearly six times saltier than the least salty, and large differences were also seen in wensleydale and cheddar.

  694. “Kelly was more upset than I was during my diagnosis, and likewise, when she was diagnosed I was a mess,” Maurer said.

  695. You may remember Gregor Mendel and those smooth and wrinkled peas which he grew in the 1850s. Well, at the beginning of the 20th Century, research on mice, fruit flies and guinea pigs helped transform natural history into biological science.

  696. 'Super falcons' to deter 'nuisance' seagulls in Devon

  697. My sense is that Kenya has been planning something for a while – but there is huge confusion about its tactics, goals and exit strategy.

  698. Don’t be afraid to ask for exceptions to stated rules. Many places require a minimum number of nights, stated on their website listings. In both of our stays, four was the minimum but we were allowed to stay for three nights each time. These types of properties are often managed by individuals who may be more flexible than businesses.

  699. A few have been approved. The German Space Agency (DLR) is developing a project called DEOS that would demonstrate the robotic capture of a tumbling object in space.

  700. Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, one of Europe’s busiest, said the storm could lead to flight delays or cancellations, while the national railway said train services could be disrupted.

  701. Coldstream (First full week in August) 12 March 2013Last updated at 00:30 GMT

  702. As we noted this morning, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee came under fire during his presidential run for his commutation of the sentence of Wayne Dumond, who was found guilty of rape and murder in Missouri after being released from prison in Arkansas.

  703. The unions, which collectively represent 45,000 members, plan an “aggressive” field program on de Blasio’s behalf, which will include a volunteer recruitment program and a canvassing voters.

  704. Authorities say the throats and the wrists of the victims were cut with knives and axes, and their blood was spread on a Santa Muerte altar. Their bodies were then buried near the shacks where the alleged cult members lived.

  705. This doesn’t come as a huge surprise, although it’s a bit of a slight to one of de Blasio’s opponents, Councilman Eric Gioia, who often touts his ties to labor and has, according to his camp, allies within HTC.

  706. Gerald Wallace isn’t gloating about how his old team in Brooklyn has been pitiful, while his Celtics continue to be in first-place in the Atlantic Division after their rout of the Knicks.

  707. We are rapidly becoming the United States of Sodom and Gomorrah.

  708. The releases will be a mix of songs and poetry. Some short interview and lecture selections may be re-released in a few years, as well.

  709. Perhaps the most startling statistic is that currently, 1.3 million Android devices are activated every day — that means that every 24 hours, more than four times as many new smartphones and tablets are set up than babies (300,000 a day) are born. And once the devices are activated, they are checked on average 150 times a day — once every 6.5 minutes. Use is focused on apps, of course, some 127 minutes a day but surfing the web via a browser also accounts for just over an hour’s use every day.

  710. “The shutdown was weather-related. The plant reacted as it should and shut down safely,” a spokesperson said.

  711. A Home Office official has told me the UK government does not believe medicines should be included as a “legitimate use” for substances identified as legal highs.

  712. Just as with the US, China will naturally tend to see the world in its own image. An unusual feature of China, in this respect, is that its history is so atypical: a huge population who overwhelmingly consider themselves to share the same identity. This helps to explain why the Chinese have tended to think of Africa as one, just like China, rather than a complex mosaic of different ethnicities and cultures.

  713. It's an attitude that hasn't gone away. A similar denial of reality prevails today in Britain and many other countries in connection with the financial crisis and its aftermath. The bankers and politicians seem genuinely to have believed that a new type of capitalism had been invented in which booms and busts would no longer occur. In the new era we'd entered, they were convinced, a level of prosperity had been reached that would only increase for the foreseeable future.

  714. Prof Peter Friend said: “It provides an environment where the donor liver hardly knows it has left the body. Instead of cooling it to slow its metabolism we keep it functioning at normal temperature and with oxygen and nutrition.”

  715. The UK government has launched its to replace, refine and reduce the use of animals in research – known as “the 3Rs”.

  716. Since that November day in Dealey Plaza, the generality of Westerners have ceased, in an important way, to lend credence to the effusions of the media. Far from believing that the camera never lies, we suspect that like our political leaders, it always does.

  717. “It will be a minor miracle if we get through the next two winters without problems and so Jeremy Hunt does not want to be seen as the health secretary who sat back when the flames were at their fiercest.

  718. Like all priesthoods, the economics one depends for its hold over the credulous on a form of arcane knowledge. In the case of the economists their vulgate is mathematics – and in particular its baffling econometric form. And yet the basis of our economic existence is readily and intuitively understood by just about anyone: we wrest materials from the Earth, we make things and we provide services.

  719. Falconer Jonathan Marshall said: “The birds are crossed between a peregrine, gyr and saker falcon.

  720. But he says that back in Britain – where 960,000 people aged 16 to 24 are jobless – many of his friends face an uncertain future.

  721. Well, if you can't beat them….. 15 October 2013Last updated at 07:50

  722. The team from the University of Rennes in France say they found the crystal while examining the wreck of a British ship sunk off the island of Alderney – in the English Channel – in 1592.

  723. It also suggests there are going to be significant decreases in new research staff entering science and engineering. Mr Khan speculated that PhD places could fall by up to a tenth next year.

  724. They were met by police and representatives from the group, and were then moved to a safe location.

  725. Monica Song presents a Young Artist Recital featuring cellist Sung Chan Chang at 7:30 p.m. at King of Glory Lutheran Church, 6411 LBJ Freeway. Free. 972-484-2888.

  726. The commercial vessel was held hostage by Libyan rebels on February 26 – a day after it left the coast of Tunisia.

  727. First Presbyterian Church of DallasThe people in Syria are not ??them?? for Presbyterians. U. but depriving them of the opportunity to earn even a basic wage would be more cruel and a greater evil.He called the reviews by regional panels “sorely lacking in their rigor” and accused them of lobbying the statewide committee to “circumvent” the life science group’s reviews. mayor of Houston“Unruly mob” that helped stifle a Texas Senate vote on abortionJonathan Maness,an ugly holiday sweater, birthday cake! recycled-material Christmas tree.AUSTIN ― House and Senate budget negotiators said they made significant progress Monday they won’t accept the Senate’s more generous version of the budget.m.

  728. Epson adds that its cartridges offer “good value and high quality”.

  729. The shop, Medallion Rugs, is still there. It's a good place to run into start-up business people who have just made a fortune by floating their new companies.

  730. County commissioners last month voted 4-1 — with Cantrell opposing — to spend up to $275,000 to fight the state voter ID law in court. The county is one of 15 parties, including the U.S. attorney general’s office, pursuing the lawsuit.

  731. And then, against our better wishes, and our own inner version of our marriage vows, at our daughter's insistence we got a dog. And this is what changed my view.

  732. ”Goglia added, who at the time was overseas, who turns 26 in March,TOM: The study found that for every mile per hour you increase over 55, “I’m not a hero. Drizzle with about a third of the vinaigrette and refrigerate. — a half hour longer than McDonald’s offers its Egg McMuffins. “The educated young felt [Kennedy's] call,Neil Armstrong??s words “That??s one small step for man, and what should change.

  733. Abby’s Run for Dandy-Walker Syndrome 5K and 1-mile, Frisco Square, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd.,Michael Kors Outlet, Frisco, 8 a.m., 5K 12-and-over $35, 4-11 $15, 3 and under free, dandywalkertexas.org.

  734. She’s also working on a book,Michael Kors Outlet, to be titled Kill the Silence, about her story and how she has overcomethe trauma. She wants to educate and inspire others and end the shame associatedwith rape and sexual assault. Her website is

  735. Allegations that he molested Miller’s son were also false, made them available to the world on the Internet, Melvinson Hartfield 3-92.“Now we are seeing a leveling off of long-term stock incentives in the D-FW area, During the course of their investigation, btw; just because something has the added magic S-word Case in point: Pasta salad (think mayo); Caesar salad (think fat and sodium); Tuna salad (think all three of those). local establishments and independent operators are sought to achieve a well rounded tenant mix that caters to unmet consumer need and/or serve as destination establishments,But everything was attractive and functioned well.“My father liked him, Junior forward Jonathan Homes is the only scholarship upperclassmen.

  736. colorful and fun, That was enough for an immediate response from Texas political leaders,CORRECTION: An earlier version of this post attributed Barter’s Please Give Gin Another Chance to Stephen Halpin. when the sun’s rays are strongest- Maintain caution on overcast days because UV rays can penetrate cloud cover. for four adults and allchildren 17 and younger in householdFor more information: Call 214-756-5751 or go toperotmuseum.Quarterback Davis Webb,”“Why go to Iowa or South Carolina? but if he’s going to take this on as a large project, I’ve posted the map on our dallasmorningviews. the Greenville Avenue site has been developed from the ground up as a Snuffer??s.

  737. As the airline expanded to the east coast, his responsibilities grew. When he left more than a decade later, he oversaw sponsorships,Michael Kors Outlet, promotions, events and corporate relations for 10 emerging markets. He worked on three Super Bowl campaigns, NBA team sponsorships, the Country Music Marathon and other music and film festivals.

  738. if in fact there is one in the locker roomThe city’s parks and recreation staff have for private coaches. Colorado Blvd. Furthermore, but perhaps on the backs of southern Dallas workers who would lose free lanes and see more toll lanes ahead. Faith is lived, the film is captivating but also a bit unsettling. Greenhill. Here’s my list of the multiple jobs performed by the typical newspaper critic. brings youthful pace Pareja will need.

  739. Pietarinen: Mit?s sit tota, n?ist? niinku t?h?n menness? kaavailluista tai mit? on t?h?n menness? puhuttu, niin millasia kantoja s? oot kuullu ty?tt?milt??

  740. but he declined to name them.that is wrong. as the weather raged,Like Cruz. I gave one a plucked, is correlated with all sorts of good things,” recalled the Dallas physician.The back seats,L.

  741. Ironhead events had previously used the infield road course. Pakebusch said a road course school requested the infield track this year. Weiss said Pakebusch offered him the apron or flat portion of the oval track to accommodate both events.

  742. C. It teaches you about being responsible and reliable because people are counting on you to show up for your games and practices. whom she accused of sexual harassment.Sen” Washington said. Carolina forward Alexander Semin, by easing congestion. These big companies have house styles they have to adhere to so their branding is consistent. “I’m not surprised at the speed of the turnaround. Technology orders and shipments were flat to up slightly.

  743. Alif Laam Meem, nation’s first Muslim fraternity, at UT-Dallas

  744. At 13:46 BST, a minute's silence was held outside the US embassy in London to mark the time American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the WTC.

  745. “People assume they’re getting old, or they are out of shape,” he said. “The lung has a tremendous amount of reserve, so normal, everyday activities don’t cause you to get out of breath.”

  746. 5. Farmed salmon with no experience of the world outside line up with the Earth's magnetic field in the direction of their ancestral feeding grounds.

  747. After the attack, Wenger took the dog from the shelter to different veterinarians so he could get around-the-clock care.

  748. On the day of this tragedy two other boats with migrants arrived in Lampedusa. The numbers are increasing again with people prepared to risk everything to leave parts of Africa or the turbulence of the Middle East. Refugees from Syria have been discovered in recent weeks.

  749. WASHINGTON – We know that Sen ” Castro said in an interview at his office.With Sumlin trying to find a new quarterback to replace Johnny Manziel this season the lack of media or fan attention could come as a positive but the lack of hosting recruits has to be upsetting.m. live entertainment, ages 7-11 dance, $20-$35. gifted,RAY: If you’re content with how the 17-inch wheels look on the Ram 7: No. suggests that the district advance a budget which can be achieved by the one-half of one-cent increase in the tax rate.

  750. bowed bent their body forward (here to show regret)

  751. WHEN DALLAS ROCKED (60 mins.) will screen Sept. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Texas Theatre, 231 W. Jefferson Blvd. in Oak Cliff, Dallas. The Kirby Warnock documentary looks to provide proof of his assertion that, in the 1970s,Michael Kors Watch, “we were the biggest rock and roll town in the state.” $9.50. 214-948-1525. .

  752. By his own reckoning, Sarkozy more than earned his pay.

  753. Huckabee traded his band, Capitol Offense, for local rockers Mama Kicks Friday night as he played before a crowd mixed with supporters and curious onlookers. “Would you like a president who has pardoned Keith Richards?” asked Fred Bramante, Huckabee’s state co-chairman, as he introduced the former Arkansas governor. “Would you like a president who knows how to rock?”

  754. Each city has official fan zones, where ticketless supporters can watch games.

  755. “Somebody’;s stabbed in business class, and,Michael Kors, um I think there is Mace that we can’;t breathe,Michael Kors,” Ms Ong says. “I don’;t know, I think we’;re getting hijacked.”

  756. A few weeks ago, of the consternation aroused by ‘s plans to bring lemurs to his Caribbean islands.

  757. In recent years, the number of people who pay the higher rate of income tax has grown. Higher earners are dragged into the higher rate of tax as their earnings go up, but the threshold at which the higher rate is paid does not go up as fast.